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CC Resolution No. 1052(a)
. ~ ./ ~~ R>~:soY.~TYOt; r7a. i~ ~ ~ e AMENDING RJ~'..~OLO'I"70N N0. 1052 2:?iTITLBJ "RESOLUTION F'ROt~'IDINQ FOR TEiE ISSUANCE U° =1,k50~0O® PRINCIPAL, AMOUt~' t~F 'CITq OF CUPERTINO 196 14UNICIPAL IMPi{OV~32~NT BONDS'; PRESCRIBIlIt3 TEiE DATE ANA hf?Ri~ OF SAID BONDS AND ON ZNE COUPONS TO aE ,ITTACi'ED THERETO; FIXIftCi Ti{g CIAXIMEJfd Rt;TE OF INTEREST ON SAID BONDS lINL: P!(E- SCitIHING THE f~iATURITIES T}iEREOF; AUTNOR~ IZINC7 TEiE EXECUTION OF SAID f30f7DS AND COUPONS; PROYZDINCi FOR THf. LEVY OF A TAX TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST TilEREOF; AND DIRECTING !NOTICE OF SALE OF SAID 80l.DS TO 13E LIVEN" ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUfICIL OF TILE CITY OF CUPERZINO 017 JA?IUARY 1$, 19b5, TO PROVIDE FOR_C0~ PA`_'It7(3 AGENTS OP__T'tiF CIT1~ FOR-SAID., bONt75 y ~ ___.... ._~._ __ I!7 t713W XORI{, ?JEW YORK, AND CHICARO, ILLINOIS. ~HE;REAS, the City Council of tho City of Cupertino itiex~atofore, to wit, on January 18, 1865, duly paused and adopted Resolution fto. 105; entitled "RE50LUTxON PROYIDINt~ FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ~1,~+5O,OOa PRINCIPAL AMOUNT of 'CITY OF CUPE;RTIfJO 11b~J (MUNICIPAL IitiPR01-'El~IENT AONDS' j PRESCRIBINp THC DATE 3lND NORM CAP 3AID BONDS AND OF THE COUPONS TO HE ATTACHEA Ti{F.RETO; FIXINq T'NE Mh.XIl4UM RATE OF INTEREST Ofd SAID E~ONDS AND PftESCRIf3IN0 THE f~2ATURITItS TtiEf{EOF; AUTHOkLZI!!Ci riif: CXECU- '~'ION aF SAID DONDS Ai1~D ~t~UUPONS; PROVIpINQ FO1t Tfi$ LEVY OF A 1 'f~I T4 PAY TfiE PRINCIPAL ARD Sli`TEREST TiI~REOF; ANU riIRECTZ2Td 1'ICE OF SALE dF SA%I? At1~`S ?f.- At: dI•~EN"; and W~ifiFtFAS ~ aeid ~cso3.c:tior. dealgnated Bank of limarida ~ti.ono7l Trvtat and S.avi.t~s A.s,aaoiatian in San FrancirdcQ, Ca7.ii'ornis, as paying a~ge~at t~f the City for said bonds; and HHEREAS ~ the a{it~set~~t xith said Bank provides that t.bere xill also be cso-f~Ta~ agents of the City for maLd bonds lun Nero York, Nex York, and Chicago, T111nois; NO'i~i~ THEREFORE, ~E I? RESOLVED by the City Council ta.3' the C1tY of Cupssrtitrtoa a.e folloxa: Section 1. Said Resolution No. ].052 adoptM by the City Council on January 18, 1965, is Hereby amended as follows: (i) By deleting the period at the end of the :1xst sentence of the last paragraph of Section 3 on page 4 of said Resolution and adding to said sentence, after the cords the paying ag~:nt of the City", the xordt; "in said City of San :'p^anciseo~ or at the principal ceffice of the co-paying agent of the Cit~• in 11ew York, leek Yark, ar in Chicago, Illinois." (ii) ray inserting after the words "paying agent L*r the Citti of San Pranci>';co" in next to the last line in said t..aat mentinred paragraph oT said Resolution, the words "and 2n said Cities of 11ew York and Chicnga." (ii!) ny deleting the period at the end of the i'aa•et paragrap-.~ of the foam of tyre bond on page 5 of said esc~lutinn and adding the Garda "or at the principt~l office ©f the eo-paying urgent of the City in ,~1eW York, New York, or to Chioagu, Illinois." (iv) By inserting In the thirteenth lint of the tr~,ay of the forth of coupon on page 6 of said Resolution, after i:fire rrardu "San Franoiaaa, California" the xorda "or at the trrinaipal aftlce of the co-Aa3-:ltrcg agent: of the City Sn llew Y~oii•k, . . or in Chi.cago~ Iitinoi~rs" . SQ~atlan 2. Esc~gt ae herc~5y amemied, ea1~1 Re,aolu- tlon Nc-. 1p5~ is h~rebg ratSfied~ con~'irmgd anfl approved. ' PASSED AI~iD A,UOl'"r'EP1 this S, ~~,,, de-yr of Irla~~ rch „~,~ 19E5 e by the follo:oi:Zg voter: AXES: Councia~ttc Aempstierf Fitzgex~.lr1, Noel, Stokes, finch NOES: Counei3men: None ABSEN'~: Councilrr~en: None fnf Paul Fi. F~.nch PCayor vT"'~ie y o uper no btest - [ SEALS l~ ~u-, 3. ~` = 1 "' 1~..~ ~.t..,L.... y ark o e y o uper nu 3 ' ~. :-, CL15RK'S CER'xlrr lT~ I, LRWREN~CE Ko !vi!-AfiIN, City Clerk S-f the City of Cr~p+srtino, Calixorniaf do hereby a~erCiry that; the roregoir~g ie a luYl, tiros and carreet copy of a revolution duly assopted b~ tli® City Council c-f saaid City, At a z~egular a~eet;ing , o!' said' City Counc~.l duly anal regularly and leghlly held at tl:e regular >meeting pl$ce thereof on the 1~.. rtay oi' F'~~•~, 1~9b5, of which mameting all o! the m~abers of said City Coun- c9.1 had due notice and at erhic;h a cam~ority thereof er~nm preseento t;hat at said meeting said res©lution was introduced by Counail- scan Stokes ..~ ate read in foil, and eras thereupon, u~~~,=n motion of Councilman q, Stokes , seconded by Councilman Noel , adopted by e:he folloeeing vote: AYES: C:auncilmen= I3em~n9ter, ~itzgexald, Noel, Stoke 3, Finch 1°1aES : Councilmen : None !~8-STrNT: Councilmen: 2ione That Y have carefully compared the same ~-fith tha original minutes or said meeting on file and of record in cny ofY'iae and th~.t said revolution i6 a full, true and correct copy of the original resolution adopted at said meeting and entared in said minutes. That said resolution has not been aa:e:tded, modified ar rescinded ei-.~ae tt:e date of its adoption z-nd the same is note in f~il~, force and effect. WITNESS my hand and the sQal of the City of Cupertino thin 4,,,, t„ h day of ~,~, 1965, ;SEAL] ~ __ 1 `-~ . t~-e.~ C~ "'"'"~['~`y fie' r"'k"' p"""~~"e~t*~'y o.~"~.`"° Cupertino, Ca :ifornia ~~