CC Resolution No. 1053t~ 1 rr~or~r~otr tro, xc~~; RES1'L'IGii OF Tim czTr covrrrxL o? T:rE CIT'~ QF CUPERTINO aZ1oNing certain o1,~laes dema~~s in the evm o~ x'7,585.50. D~:u~b~aci Nos, 2 thru 322. . Flue 'i4~.ter Department alt~imf~ s.axi d$mar~cle in the sum of X71 ,78. Demand txc,sK 2~8~ thru 2133. The City Council at the City of Cugerti.no does hereby r~esbl.ve, dete~rme9fixre and order as t'oZlowa: Sc~ct3an 1. That in accordance w•Ith section 3'r'20~ of the (~vaxx~ent~'~' e~~ie City Clerb or t~.a 3esigrated rep:~ser~tat;ive hereby cer~i~`lea to the accuracy oP Lbe aolluwing de~~lndc~ and to the availability of i~3~s Pot patent thereat'. ~xrence K. Martin C1Cy Cler 3ecti~r. 2. That the following claims and demands have been att~dlt~3 as req::~~ by :law and +~hat the sate are r~ereby a? lowed in Lire amo~uxt hexr~ina`.?r set ;:Qrth, Clairt~.rit Phil.ig w. Storms Ilaze:I A. Rile Carol I?. ~~ylie Iavrr~ric a K. A"~3 r I,. J~:e Ma Qui s t .:: Flor~~ce Reid h'illi m J. Bm~::= Ftan~32 Fitzgera~~~ Antes ~ . Lahi Adele ' z.urin St~33rs Martin Haxbt~. YxtivPnce Robe~^t shr'~k Itenneth !i. Stra=per b~ii1L'~..a:n n. Ren~.•.-ich J~tihn h. Buato Fdtrax-~ L. I4ur~i~ic'.; Hideaca Murs~Ic~.n.a. Thrna.~, li. :Iht~nr.::: Frgn~ I~i.~tiz Jeer BoPrilo Thutaas £tephens Lois ~sxarct~~ tl3.oris- Nertl.ea Jahn ~.rhecm Bob l6sxire~ws Nees d6.~unis-sen C,a.ro]: ~v rtun~sl~ She 'sass :~.arz~ant :tiro . T8 2`7309 281, 232 ?83 ~g~ 285 2876 288 289 ego 297. 292 299-'~~ 2~G 29 3~0 301 302 333 3~ 305 'J1"'7F3t3 ~`11~i1+~r ~:.;a;in t _._ ~.._.. ~ 6d'~ .16 ~ 21.15 229. GO 19.i£` ;16.80{Vac, ) 95.E 3.-7 =~ 34.50 1~ , =7 19rJ.99 6.92 218.00 7, ~~ 32~r. 00 11. v7 306.56 11.1I 5x6.50 15.~~ 355. co 12. ~7 197.50 7.'-6 3Oo.5Q 11.11 372.50 12.51 21.8.00 0 ~ 7,ao ~s ~ ;l0.5 1 . 355.00 la., 8; 33s. ra4 12.2~- 197.50 7.16 218.00 7.90 218,40 ?.90 322, 40 11. ~; 240.50 8.72 BJ. ~ 2.92 =8.44 r.'~~ 380.00 13.?8 10.20 2x.50 .3r .,a 1~:,00 .Sl L C7Vw~~ 2.1'1 i~'ed. 7YLX x76.78 76, 4 ]. 9.'x 0 4 ~~ , 60 14.90 30.10 ~t 6.20 31.70 52.91 ~ 5.3.0 27.70 2~~ . UO 4~x,oo 3ow~o 49.60 3'r . 30 20'80 1 .40 11.50 3~}» 50 22.60 13..30 6. g0 35.20 1.43 NOS -0~ 9, 4.0 A«,ouxzt FE::=.d $5'06.23 =:'x9.61 - a. „ .,, d~~ 82.'7 356.68 3.69.53 x80.00 2~a4.13 266.12 448.21 354.57 162.64 271.3 3 o.u~ l~o.oo 34 6. o? 3~ • 83 295.1 166.5 191.70 195.60 275.43 209.18 66.42 39.36 333. ~, 02 8.40 20.82 13s49 54.69 + m1Q. + m7g. + mlg. +rertu~d + mlg. 4 e ~1arr~.nt Gross 0!!SDI Fed. Amount C1 n..~nr Ito , t~mount: ~ ._..Y._...J '7'.~_x Pad d gang Billings 306 4• ;9~ g~) ~ 1,45 M? , 60 X36.85 JoI„~ci ~t-~,llt t 30~ 03 -'*3.7~i 0 2 1.58 :l 6, U4 36,1:? . 24 2 ~ourn as ool 3 5 0 2 , g -- . 9 Pester C'~~ouee 30~i '35 ~ 70 1.2q 4 . ~ 29e 51 PaW. Dallua 317 ~7,fi0 1.72 2~~0 4 .C$ Ju~- f~r®.~rea 311 17.60 ,6!t 2,~6 14.50 R~ata~~ Htu~ter 31~ ~ 75. oa 2.72 6,60 65, 6a PcI3.c~1.~a1 Kuhn 31;x' S2,oo 2.07 4.10 45.83 Jud3.~h I~cGonnell 31'~ 5~., 3o a..86 3, 30 4 6,14 M~.7L~. p~.ek7:ass 31~; 3'x,20 1.2; 1.t?0 31.96 Ede~,.rd Fuacinelli 31F.~ 27.or~ .98 3,78 22.%'4 LE:s~3.ie Reid 3:t'~` 141, 60 1, 1 5.'T0 34.39 Allyr~rl SaxQ 37.8 66, 50 2.41 5.50 58, 59 I'~arra Unswortr. 319 x`34.00 3.05 .20 8o.'r5 Ru-tda Lytton ?2U 232.29 8.4 2 32.90 190.97 Lftt~a. 1~archese i2:L 59.fi5 2.17 4.40 53.28 William Niorrox 322 27f~ , SO 9.95 34.60 229.95 Water Department i~yx~ll Clamant Warrant Grose Or1Sll?' Fed . Amount No, Amount ~'~ `.I'a:~: Paid Batty 4. Dock3ns 2x85 ~322.UC ~ 1x.6; ~26r8o $283,53 L~ul A, Pagc.~ 2186 252.50 9, U5 24 . r?4 219.35 Aud^ey L. Weston 21°7 228,00 8,30 31.50 189.20 Anr. Lielleaoe 21$8 32,1-0 1.16 4.54 26,70 Acia red the day of Ja~rn--~-a-r~~';6-5 -2~