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CC Resolution No. 1055
~• r~~.soLV~'zola r.o. 1055 I~L$UL1,PT:ItIN Ok' rcx>/ CI'I°Y s70ur1cxra o1a 2'Nr~. Cl.'I<Y OF CtIPRRTIttQ 131VINft r!n'X'~C'3 0"l+" Tt~ PItOrO:iF'D AYJtt~C,~'finAT C`F CER`I'A?:'j ti?.'INIIABYTL:D •' a::fTOR'.y '.t'G~ 9AIb -~11"T`Y, nF.SCRYHJI'3C} SAII1 T'~ftItlx'v^y ANU DF'S:I:QWATTNO IT' ~Y TFIE NA~38' OF "y!l~fiCFll-ES 64w~j Itsvfs~~d", M~Jt It~t3 C'~'ttrr'..~ ~ FrND"srlttS 1tFSPi:Cx'IN(I SA]:ll P~ld?)E~AI~.,g AID 41VII+3l1 NOTICR OF "i'7ME !-ti~ PFAG'E S/SID CCCiNCIY. {~J~T.iG H$!R '~''~tOTEST51 T~Fi~rO. ~31E~ IT R7330x,V1,~ BY TIiB C4tJNC:~L OF T;'~F C,1'PY C1F r[1PEYtT1?I0: ' _~ tiliE~R.n..,A.QI, on the lf3th ii~:y of ~~'an-~~x~y, l~IF7i tt2el'e wits f:~.led Hith this Lpunai'1, a pet.it"ioz~ recrie~st:i*~~ t:~e anrF~~..ftt:l.on to 4;hs Cit~t of Cupertino qP all the terr~.tar;,• hereinaftez• de,auriberl; and i1HERFJ-.S, thin Cotvlal.l has rE,ceiverl a vi;dencn ~sho~ring th~ct, and 1"irtdt~ tlZat' a ~~•ltten dera+cMpti.on oi' the progoaal to rznr~ex staid terri- tory to the G`Lt~V of Cupertino ~rra~s fY led ti+•~~th the Lora} Agen~iy Annexa- tion Cc~mmissic~n oi' Santa. Clara G~unty anal •,~~th the Secretary of the Aoundary C~o-nmi~1ainn of San~:a Clara County,i California, and that said Yioundary Comtnise~ic~n has prepared, or eausrsd to be prepared a report: to L•he proponents of :said annex4ti.on upon said annexation prop+7sa1, all as required by law, and that said Local AQ~enay Annexation Camtniasion and sa:td 1~oundary ~:~~mrYi.~sion have approved the boundaries o1" said proposed annexe"t.io.~; aryl this Council h~s received evidence s!u-xing, and finds that t'he above mentioned petition e~aa not ctrculttt<-d, signed or fi1Qd Frith the Cour~ril until aftar said >r'burdary r~on~,-issl;~m had mid`, or ~cause3 to be uvidEt said repox•i: xnd had s~pproved saki 2~nundaz•ies and until after Bald Local Agency Ann~:~;tion ^otroiisuion lia.d approve~g said anne~cati.on proposal; and WliER~'AS, tYtis G'ouneil tx~s received evidence ahoking, nt~•i further finds: 1.. Tr,~~tt t:he said territ:r~ry is t~Lt:aate icrxrediately ad~accnt to and touches and is Cont:iQuous ;.u the bow-d~Y•.ies of the City of "Cupertino; and 2,. That lean than twelve ~~e6istered voters residc~i within said territory at the time the above rre;-t,:lc~ried petition was tiled ri-i.th this Council., and that Maid tex•:.•itory S:~ l:hereforL tu~tthabit~•.'t, and 3. That said petition in signed by oo~ners of not lens than one fourth of the land i.n said territory by area and by aaseus~d value as at~FOwn ors the :fast equrxlized assessment x•all of the Cc~tLZty of Santa Clara, t~,-lifornia, in which said County ouch territory tie eittutt;ec2; N01~1, Tf~Bfil;l~'ORI;: 1. NdTT.Cl. 'Y3 NE~,t1Y IIIVEN that, purAUant to thQ provisions of the Anne:Eatic-n of tYrx;Lnhabited Territory Aet o2' Y~?Ig, a pet~.taotti siE;ned b'.9 anrrtarit of not ~.~tss them one-fourth oP the ].and in the hc~r~lna4'toi~ Are,ao;t•ibtad teixd.tury bq artita ar~d by aeaessed va.lti~,+e as shutnt oft Ghct Znrtt equal.:>lge~f aortaaw~crnt roll of the County of Santa C~.~tTGy L'a]'.:l..t"ornla, requaeting aiusexat;foh a! the hereinafter tloao;t~it-ed terrt,t;a;cy ~ Ho n~tiid Gl.ty of G1tp~i~rl;i.no~ as t~riinhabitQd territoz~r ptiulra~nt Ga V:~.a pprcwf~4-iQne oS t.ha Anraa:r8-t;Yrsn ol` 3,TnianYiabite~ TerJritoryr Aa?;' rid 1~~ i;,p i:ha ~lt~tt+? of G'~ili.lcrrlla, wao fi'da9 faith the Council of the ~C'J.tlr of ~.U~xatatfna on ~-~tr~u~,r. ~' 18, 1~5. ~ .. .~ 2. Na~tf- xs t~ra~ssr ~I'Jargf 1~tca.t N~:wh x, 15~.,, at: the how ~:f t~; t7+t) P'.>-S., of aai,~ a,ay, 9ln the L-'~.~.•~rd Itt+om of the Rup~i°t~.no un9.on sc!-.oUl Ar~astt~,ot at 10;00 V~.eta ?).c~v~e,, Cc~~peFi~;irn9, Call:ifc+:c~tylla, is °y.lsrt~ tame tlncl }t:l,>irce this CouA~cil oY t:nrt C`t~ty` of ~r,~e~rt9.na xi,1S. ht~r prvtc-ists t~d.e by r~r-~ p~-Y~;on cncn~ta xeRl pr~~3:ox~y ttrl.ttt9.n. t~t~rz tc~r~ty.t;ox~-, h~:r<a:~,~~l.'`t~s-r des- iiL+sdt !,~~! !leBOMbc~t., pt-ppr.,QO.d i;o ~ lie !G*;~nct~Yrdtl tG t:F.~ G`iL'y o,'' C~~~rt3a~v« ~~ t~;ttru t-etore #~ho~ l.~~ur aQr~, t'+.e~- rciHZ~ting ~tiM3~:.tionr, ar~,* ua~rit~r o'f ta~-ape"rtgr 1~i.th~ln the t+e~itax~.~ ~1ti!i1~M143E~+t3! k~D be anne3ce<t to the Ci.ty~ of C;~zper4:~l~~r:- tamp rile wrly.tto~n ~~~+t,t~t~-~t i~~;r~itns4., the t'JtulEUCaZaot~. 3au! ~oritton }~o~>ict t~h~.ll $tatte the T~aIPAe ta,t' t:dze cwmer nP ther property at'teotad and 4lfm: t~F~~z~tti,ption and area of Y"ltaa Gs:t~3. l~ropo~H.-y in gene7c~7. Lerttte« At thr3 t;itae atit~ i'ofi` twa-x*i~ 1pi.raL•~ttta~, u,r to t+rhioh the heetr~ng tsny ~ eontine~a:d, ®aild 4df~7A:i:l rthall haftr anefl pas:e~ upnn a1J. 1aroteata so t~.o~ ai« `~''he CYtq G1e:~+c of tb,+e City off' Cu}:ertino As hereby directed tt- c~~~ae a otEy~Y of thin 13eaolutl.en to t~~e puLl~l.ahed ~t the ()etpelttino Couk~etr, iE s~~rr,~pe;,~c~r oP gene:~~e-1 oi>.°c1~.a~`.inn in tits l:.tt:y of t:upar'Gino t~~d in tho S>~ale Standard, a ne~raa)~ mid o$' ga~>!u?. citrru7.at~3on published c,~utside tt~ ~-'Aty of Cupertino °,~txt ~Kl;~i~in t-!:e C.at,:nty of Santo Ceara, (~litorrzts., ~ the ~unrzer aced date as re~;lui,red by lm.er, anti Co a~ttuoe ~rMtt:.en rzot~lce of t?~e p:~~~posed annsxaticn to 1;-e raAlt:d to al.k 3x:rzt+~ns ur bodies to wtxt~ aucY- noCice 3.s rc:qu',ered fio be saal.l~.{! by l~tcw, ire the rranrzer and aY.thixz the ticce required, by law. 4. The territory pxropa~aed to ba knneA~ed to t?tie C,tty or Cupczrt~.~no xa heretay~ d~.~scribed as all 4;1~t ters~itory n].+tvate in tits County or Santa Clara, State of Califc-rnia,, L~oundted and zuox~e Puil'ly ~2~e.acribed r3.s fclloa+a w.;~;INI+'214'lD a~ t1:t aou'thw®ot ~.urner of Sec~;ion 15, T.~7,i, 4-s ib`, H.D«~9.ac1A., tl~oe northt~rly slang the +wee-terl~,r line or Lot 5 oi' above dascrilbQd Section 15 to the a~~st northerly corner cif said Lt~t 5, said corner a7.uo teing a point on t!'rs preaen.t city 1`imits~ line of the C:lty of Cupertino ss described ici dQ~~criptior~ a•f Stevens Creek Kp. 9~ anne!ace~t:ion to said City; thence south.easterly~ along said city YimJ is Lina to tin angle point. thrrean, said angle point iceing the ,southwesterly ~:ornQ.r off' lands won- ~eye$ to Valle} Title Co. ~c~f Santa C1AY~a by det:d rt:aordttd in Bonk 11471, 4tficial Records, at pegs Ei3F3, .rant, Clara County xwcord+s; thence From said paint eontic1uing alorpj safd city l.imite 11tte and southerly line aS" said lands conveyed to ~/alley Tittle Co. aouthea.gterly to the north- easterly corner of I,ot 4k•~a as said lot ~.s ahoton on caap er~tYCled "1Qap of I:^..epir+ation Heights l3onta 'dtsta f2leci in t3oc•bc P oP papa a-t page 15, Santa Clara CAUnty Records; thencr3 leaving etiid cityy litni'~t;s line r6tnd s~snning aoutherlq along the eaater]y° 1~inc:s o~~ .Lots ~a~45 e,nti 4~4 and the ac.utherly p~~olangat: on o!' a~r~id s~aterly lithe ~ ~r hot lt44~ to Alta inter- aeuction with the cenrcrZl~tzra az• Irfet"cedes 1Rottd; thence We,~te~rly along amid ceazterline to its intsra~sctLon w~.Cta the eenterlirte of ~de~t+a Roa~'1 as said roado are showty on at~cve ~leaox~ii~~r~d Reeor3 maps thence southt,a~l}r ahong the aen-cerline of s~-id D~do~ra ~Raad to its 1nte~r~sc~~atiot1 arith the esa.oterly prolongation of I;he soot hr~rly line oP xot ~5lif thence er~~dtex~ly alora~; said Qa.aterly prcrlot~ation and aocc`t,erYy ~.inc: o~l' Lot ~k56 to th.e sauthKastorly corner thet*~aot, HaAd oArner being s poin4: an felts Haat.ex~lq• lAnda o3' ''I+1ap of Inspiration Fk~ hta Monts Viat'.a" ttrtri a point on the: eeza4erly line oi' the notrtheaot:~ of Section 21 T-"~S-, R••2W M,,,U.E~. ~ xt.; tRaer~ce southerly a1~or~ tht3 easterly line oP .o&itd trorthe~a,a~ ~ cif [toot:lor. 2`.1, to tt point •:he;~c said point being ?CO c nor~herAy oi' the t,,t~uth~„ east coi-n+~r ~ or said ~, ~ati.An3 thenoo frauz said po~.nt ~t+eatt~r~l~r .ttaona n .. ~ .. r !. ~ ~, ~~~ X00' nor~hei•1;~ i'xorn. er.r~ pe~ralle7. wit' 1 aection to a ~.oint on the ~r~eterly line ~~rtt~,erly along the treaterly $idp QP naid ~corx~r thereof; thence ea©: ~:r•1~t a3G+_i; the l~e'cti~on to the Point of Beg:Lr7n3.rzg. h the tyautherl:q, llc~e of saict oi' aaid ZL nec:t•LdrY;, thence e~F^~:tion to tt~t: riorthkex;v t•,~x*ttierly .Z..i.nr. o:t' aaid ~ fian~:a?e..nirig approximately 15'6 ~ aere~;, PAS3EU A4"D ADOP'I'EI3 at ~. i~e~,ular mc•~z~!.n~ oi• the c~.t:y Council oP the City oP Ct:pertino on the ~,h day o•f ~L~~,~,tyr _ ,~ :Cg65, by the fol- :lo~.r.,3 vote: A3'P.3: C:~t:r:cilmen: Det~pal~er, EitL~erald, Nocl, ,~3tokes, Pinch IkAYS: Caur:cilmen: 2tor,.t 1~£iS~JT: ~:c•:r:cilmen: No:s~ A Fi~;t1)VED: s/ Paul H. Finch --t., ~-- ! :a S o r, ~.'.~ t;~ o f'~G ,c r~ rt ina fs~•'~ ~rrrenec~ •:. iartin -• 3 ~,~. ..,