CC Resolution No. 1060i .'~ ~~ oar .. e.t .. . . 1J' i:~sc~u~rlox ' tlo, ~ooo ItE,°>t?I~t~(JN ClF 7`fi£ ~I~Y' COUNCIL 0~' THE CXTk ::' :1;~R':IhO t~llosil.ng aartain clmi~ ee~! dQmattd~ in i;he sum of ~7,1(io. y7. DE~rr3rid Nos 2 tYuu 364. Ylucs ~;meter Department c:laima and demaxide in the sum ui' ~~4~, 60. Demand Nan. 2'~j thru 22~. F Thp CJ't'J` Catr:.nci~! aY the City of CuFertina doet~ hereby resolve, rlt!t~~5~9f..T3e and Order 88 fOllvlrle Seatian 1. That in accdrdanae with section 37202 0! the (]o~-e~:•s,ua~nt o e, ~e City Clerk or his designated repreeentative hei'~by eet~if~.+ea to the accuracy of the lolloxing demaiidg and t, the availability or f~ux~Iaa !or payer.^. thereof. /s 6x,.16 207.50 4?0^50 17x.26 218.00 322.00 306.50 516,50 355, 00 1-r9.25 3o6.5Q 372.50 2~.8.oj0~ Pay 2 Ol r ~/t/ 41t~.5o 355.00 333. Cn'a 161.02 380..0 41.40 36.Qo 43.70 Sectie:: ~. That the fclloxing claims and demands have been audited as o aw= ~s required by lfaw and that the name are hereby allowed in tr,:e amount her~e~nafter set forth. CIa.3,~..*-t _____._. '~? z•rant Gror~s tic. Amount P1~ilip i~'. Storm 323 Carol ~. Wylie X211 LaHre*..~~ K, Idart+_:: ~2j ' L. Jt~ 1~cQuistor. =c6 Flore*.: ~e £. Reid ~?7 Willlaa J. Brock: =28 + Randal; Fitzgera'_~ ;r~~ Ant$ ~'. Lahi jv Adde ?.a-.trin ?33 ' Sumikti 3~.rtin ;32 Harold ?rovence X33 Rober. S. Snook ;3~ Kennet W, Strass~-33j Z'~ :..ion Wi1L~.ar.,. D, Benevi:::33~ John ~., Basto 5.;7 Fvdxs.r~3 ,,. Murphy 338 HSdp1~ 1!,urakami 3?9 Jol~z 2a.•rham 3~0 ° Wee Aas~saBSen 3;:, Becky :cartunek 3%a2 Sherri ~.8s 343 .~ (3r~ry Bf..131ngs 3~4 John c~ra111 3=~5 Jack s:~l'bourn ;»6 ~~ PenmJr C'rr~use ?4 Faul (plus .4 j Judy f.~r~wes ~ 349 ~ Harriet dill Robert ~untQr 350 ?51 -, ;4lchlal guhn 3j2 ~. ~3.s: 9,40 48.3E 44.20 41.8Q 43.20 62.50 45. Cfi 3E,, o0 Lawrence K. IkSarti*~ 0A5DI 21.15 15.59 6.50 7.90 11.6; 11.11 15.38 12.87 6,50 11.11 .12.87 Fed. I'ax 7b.78 24.80 44.60 13.30 30.10 4b.20 31.?0 52.91 45.10 24.90 211, 00 44,00 CPS Ar~oun Paid 12 ,. 91 568 « 32-MSlge 17 .18 16.24 334.97+M1ge 159.73+Mige 180.72+Mige 324.1 +I~1lge 1.00UP 26F{.5~ 16.4 481.97+M1gE 2 7.03 1 7.86 331.39+Mlge 16,24 306.05+Mige 15.21 14.88 12.87 12.25 5.84 13.78 ] . 5'a 1.31 1.58 1.93 1.79 1.75 1.6U 1.57 2.27 1.63 1.31 49.50 37.30 30.50 18.80 35.20 1.9n .1.30 6, 00 3.50 6.90 3«00 6.30 1.90 6.00 8.80 2.40 1.30 u~6.9 +Mige 1h.24 389.7 16,24 3~s8.59+Mlge 16.24 338.~1+Mlge 6 1.36.38 1 .24 364.78 38.00 33.39 36,12 ~+?. 77 Q~ 43 55 6 0 3 .3 38.38 35. .~ X1.43 ~SO.9't 33.3y Cla~ M.~ t y.~ .~ ~. .ass Gro~~ CASDI • CPS amount ~ • __.~ ~JII,ALJ~L~y _.,..~ .~~.~. ~`a ~c Pa i d Jt~~i.l.th ~.~:~crnne l l : ; ~ 22. ~J . $3 ' -'a- 21, 97 rtll~ ~Lc~.~s ~ ~=• 28.8': 0 ! :.. , 20 27~ 56 Ed~x~ ~ cirnel I l ~ ;, 3 :'1. . 7$ 3 . a2. 77 U .~ L+e~c3..3.e ~ e~.c3 AlfSev:ri ass ==.o :: ~ F j8.4Q 51 ~ 1.39 1 $6 5.5.0 0 31:)1 1 G 4 • B®r~s.~~ ~:~~rorth . ?~ . 81.E . 2.9? 3.:3 ..~1_ ~• , l~ 78.93 Ger3-yr~ ss.:.f~tYlo ~r7 322.C~~ 11,67 ?4.5~~ 63,84CWP 211.99 Fra_r.~c ~~~z ! ~{~ 218., Q-~ 7.90 1~1. ~j0 x95. b0 - 'Ptic~~s =r~~~on =sl. 2'~ 8 , rs~ 7.90 1E3.~io 16.2: 3.75.46 ~r Thoat~~s ~..~phens ? ~2 2~+C1. y0 8.72 22.60 209,18 Lois :i:~:rds :~3 8~{.1~ 3.0~ I1.fi0 6F„5,5 Gloria ~~:~les _ ~ dJ.Gt3 L.1$ 8.50 49.32; ' Hate: Depart:t Psyroll z3ot~-y- ~_ .:rockins ~ ~~3 322.C~~ 11.6'T 2~i.84 16.24 267.29 -~~, Pau_i .~ . ~~e ~ ~_~ 252.5'x° 9.15 2~ . QO 219.35 A~.tdre~• L.. ~-'eston _~~,5 22?, G~' 8, 30 31, 50 195 50 " Be*_~ ~el.i.~sce __~a 2vO.C~`s 7 24 , ~ 0 .-~.3 ? h 51-.46 Acic~• Led the ~ st . day of Feb: uar^f 1865 zoo ena •- L ~• anulr;~ _ ~- ~t~'~ ',~_ ~ ..... .,~ ~. - :~ .t 4 1 + -~1 ~• ~ i . t: ' .~' ,,a ~~ ., ~tN '7.: 1'.ti.f _ ~-, t~,~. .~;~r . .~,~f%,. ~ ~ r 'tl. ,.~ ~ :i ;~