CC Resolution No. 1065RP:SOLU!'ZON ?i0, 10u5 RES(7IwUTION OF I`HE CITY COiR:CIL OP THE CI i'Y 4F CUPER ~It~O• allot~ing certain cls#nr~a and demands in the sum of ~ X955 . Ci , Demand Nos 3GG thru <<04. Plus ",~.Cer Department claims and demands _n the su^~ of $oy2.08. Dc.-mt~nd Huss x'21 thru 2223. The City CUUncil of Lhe City' oi' Cupertino does hereby revolve, determine and order as follax~: Section 1. ~rhat in accordance with section 37202 of the i~avenrmen o e, f;~e City Clerk or hie designated repress~ntative hereby cer'tif'ies to the accuracy of the following demands and to the availability or funds for pa3-ment thereo:'. /s/ Lawrence K, Martin £y er Section 2. That the following claims and derrancls have bee-~ audited as o oxs as required by law and that the name are hereby ~~llos~ed in Ghe amount hereinafter r•;e: forth. Cla£+mnt Warrant (3ros~s OASDI Fedr ~ Pax Amount Paid No. Amount - '~ Phf~s~ x, stor;:, 366 6o4.1G 21.15 75.78 506.23 Carc•3 6~'ylie ;367 207.50 7.52 2~.$G 175.18 La~-rrnce K. Mar*in 3Gb 410.50 14.88 44.oC 357.O~+Mlge. L. ,.~'•une McQuisian 3h9 197.50 '_'x.16 1u. 10 174.2 Flarrer~ce E. Reid 370 21~3.OQ 7.90 3U. 10 180.00 N1Il.Z2.m .7. Broeks 371 322.00 11.57 45.20 ' . 12.93 CPS 251.22 Rarx=311 Fit~gera?d 372 305.50 11.11 31.70 259.Og+lylge. Anti V. Lahi 373 515.50 15,39 52.:x1 448.21 Adele iaurin 374 355.00 12.87 45.10 297.03 Su~lro Martin 375 197.50 7.16 27.70 102.64 Hax°c3d Provence 370 ~0~~.50 11.11 2.00 271,3 2 Rotert S. Shock 377 372.50 12.8? 44.UG +Hlge. 318. Joseph 6-'. Simmons 3?b 218.0:; 7.90 30.10 180.00 William D. Berevich 3'lj 410.50 14.88 49. ~a~• 346.02 Jor~r_ A. Eu3to 380 355.00 12.87 37.30 304.83 Ed•rarrt3 L. Murph`' 381 333.00 12.25 30. ~50 295.15 Htde~a :~4urakami 38:2 19 T. 50 7.15 23. $v 160.54 John Parham 383 38u.0o 13.78 35.20 331.02 Nos kamussen 384 2,5.20 .yl -0- 21.29 Lied 8artunek 385 42,00 1.52 2.10 38.38 Sheri-i Eris 380 00.130 2.20 8.50 0.10 Gang Billings 387 45.50 1,55 2.40 1,55 Paul callus 388 38.00 1.3F3 1.b0 3S. U2 Judith Graves 389 19.20 ,6y 2. n9 1 .82 Robe-z-t Hunter 390 37.50 1.36 1.30 3.84 Micl~..ial Kuhn 391 58.00 2.10 4.40 51.50 Jud.it3i McConnell 39? 100,70 3.65 10.34 86.75 Ecior~rd Putccinelli 393 21.50 .78 (0.80) 27.62 Y,eaLle Reid 39u 48,00 1,74 b.90 39.31; A1Pr~ .3a~ce 395 60.80 2.20 4.70 53.90 Barra Unsworth 39S 60. go 2.21 -o- 58.6y ;, Cl~mant _ ' Warrant Oraea Y~E , No, ~ __. A~naunt OASDI Fed. Par: Amount . ~tid Rt~tr, Lytton ~ 397 329.40 11:94 G 42, 2''S.1b x S.aura M~rch~ae '398 103,2T 3,74 ~ 14, 0 5.13 Jerry aofL~ilo 399 322.0C 11.6 ~ 34.50 '75.83 . drank t)rti~ ~ 4ofl .218.00 .. 7, 9 ~ • '14, o ~ 95.60 ,. 'cttor~a t3tiannat~ ~ ' 401 . ~ ?18 , oo 1 ,..77.90 ' 18', ~0 191.70 . I 1~omaR Steyone 402 #0, 50 2 £3.72 14.50 217.28. . Lois Inwards 403 100,80 3,0 14.14 . .05 .83 4~loria ltett~lea 401+ 48.00 .1.~4 b.90 , 39.3b' . ' WAI'L~R DEPARrMEN•P PAYROLL Bobby (}, Dack.tns 2221 ~ ~ 3?.2.00 11. u7 26.80 ~ 28.53 ~ ~~" Paul A. Page 2222 252.50 9,15 24.00 29.35 Audrey L, Weatitin 2223 189.20 8.30 31.50 189.20 Adopted the 1 s th ' . dayy ~~o__f____F__e__ bruary 196a i Fayroll~ enrTing Fe ~'ruary~ S< <;7 ,. ~ • .. ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ „,~ r