CC Resolution No. 1077ti %. bile No. 2-V-~~i ~ C~dT~tCIL AE50LUTION N0, 1o7"'f GFtAt:",':*.0 A VARIANCE 1~L1 , +C'~i DEVELOPERS SAS, the Ci,ty~ vow~cfl of the City of Cupertino received the a~~+eation of - CPM D s~LOPERS lAm~ ~. 'Variance & Tentatly single family cluster devalapmant 3.ti an 12-1 Zone ..._. ._._._r__..,~ • and ~HEAEAS, the applicant hSB ~, met the burden of'proof ac~ra~.irEd to support his said app~:~n ion, and ~FiE?REAS, the Planning Comm3.s$ion, after duly noticed putilia. hear itrg~, fast: recommended in favor of said V~Pi~r, e & T~ntat~.ve Map N(}~t, Th'ERfiF4f~E, HE IT RESOLVED: That after careful eonslderation o£ rr,apn, facts, exhibits and ath:~r evidence s bmittet] in this matter, the app].iaa~tion for the Vari~t"ce •,'s it~:ltative Map ~ 1-TM- 5) be c~cx~, and L•he same i~ ~0 ~ approved, su feat to the ~"erms an~-~ditlons Hnich are a~h~ tc~sletp and made a part Y~ereof as Exhibit "A". ST ~tTR'1"NEH :tE50LVEU: That the relcort of findir~ga attached hereto are approved and adapted, and that the City Clerk Uc~, and i s 1;ereby, dirt aced to notif,t t~mt paPties affeutad by this decision. PA3SBD AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of_Cupertind, State o~ California, this 15th day of 1+1~~rch , 19,x, by the f'nlaoHing tall call. vote: Il'I'E.S: Cow.cilmen: Dempster, ritzP:Ax~ld, Noel, Stokes, Fineh H'14.I~S: Coune_• linen: None Al~:fl;'~i'T: Councilman: None A PPR'JVED /o/ Paul H. r3ncfi yor; City o1.`-~.xa:~no "~ ~,~: ~~'' w.~rn~nae K. Alartin ~M•w111•Y ~7M~ ~~~~~.V~~w uw~~~ {WW~ r- 1 P' 1~.1a tJO. 2"V-b~ -r~,~o~~~ cry ~,~,•~::...~:~ T7xo application fora Variance on beh3? f oP CJ?M Jlevelopers _ shows: 1, That there are s~aecial coalitions u~ :exceptional characteristics in the nature of the property to be affected or tluxl; it's locatiat~, or it's sur2•oundings are such as wig Z psrmit th~+ 'Council to make a deter- mination that a litersl enPorce~~u:nt of the Ordinar~ae would result in practical difficulties ur unneces~'ary hsrdaliipo; and 2. Thtet the granting of the application is laeCe88ary fox• the prc:- sereatlon and en~o),ment of substa:~t; al property rights; and 3. `i'htxt the ranting of the application will not materially affFat adversely the: hcal~h or safety of persons ret~irYing or working ;[n the ne3.ghborhood of the property Nhich is the aub~ec~ of the application, andl thttt.the usr~ of said property in the manner which it is proposed to tie used rr~.ll not be materially detrimental to the t~ublia welfare or in,~urious to the value of p^oper~y or improvements 'lrca-:.ed ir. $a2d sur- roundSnga. EX3I>:BS!~' A . --- 1 - 12 Standard Conditions (Exhibit J3) 1? Dediestian oi' public streets r~hown on Tentativ® Map (`l'Id-1_65) . .l4 Thut suitable easements be provided, sub~eat to the aatisfaati.on of the Director of Public Works and the City Pla.nncsx~, f'ox' all water and sewer installations and other public utili.ti~~si and that a 15 i't. wide easement be provided fox• access to "'Landau of Western Title (}uaranty Co.," as shoxri un the ~'antatlvo Map, to be mr~iiytained a:t long as needed. 15 That the Development Plan, as presented lzy the City plahr.rr (ratJii.bits C and J)) during the meeting oS the Planning Commisai~:n on Marsh. 8, 1965, be followed. 16a The loop street shall be one•-way. 1.6b Any additional park3tlg necessary in the future to be provided within the Development Area by the Iiomenwn3x•s~ Association. 16c Curb parking will not Ue allowed on the Inner side oi' l:he lap stx•eet. 16d No parking in other driveways tlw.n tho:~c of the car owner or the hu©t of a vir~i~:or. lie Vit~itors oni.y, not residents, in 2~? curb barking spaces. - 2 .. ~ , P E~3:s31['I.' A (contd.) Resolution No. ' 1077 16f OxdE WAY signs, NO PARifiQdQ aignr~, PARK?Nti Signs, r~.nd poesi.bly 15 I+iP.Ii stgr~s to be e:,~atect by the develope~~, as directed by the C`.~.ty .and Tn~fflc Flani~er, after coneultat:taris with the Director oY P+a'blic b~orka. S ~ o~.S 1'E 1Fo trees, eaoept tYloae ~ri+:hin areas al~io~oel as ded:Lcated street, b~.il~~:ing envelopes, or driveways on the Development Plan, to be rem~~ved without pexmisaion oP the City Planner. ~.~ Buildings shall not exceed two (2) sto~~ies in height. 19 All unlit{ es shall be undergror:,nd. 20 That Cover~nts, Con.dit~.ions and Restrir.tions Ue formulated and adopted to the aattsY'aatiori of the City Attorney and the L`ity Pla~:ner. 2? That two corrected and accurate sets of the Development Plan (Exhibits C and D), the Tentative Map (1--1fi:-65) and a map showi~~ th~ location oY.' existing trees, the latter map in the same tscale a.s the Development Plan, Ue given to the City Planner as soon as passible. ~2 Procecllires for clia.nges in the Development Plan after this Variance hws Veen g~~nted: ?ri thE~ e~*e:Yt that tha applicant shall desire to make any change, a'lters.tion ur amendment ii1 t;he approved Development Plan ar G,:vanr~nts w~ to they have Ueeil approved by the City Council as a oandition Lo r3, Variance, a written request and a :rev.lsed U~•~ elopment Plan sha13. be submitted to the C~.ty Planner. ~f the nu...ber of dwalling units i,3 i~ot increased, and the Cii.y Planner rsi:zs a finding that the c:liat~,es arc miner and do not affeot tl:~ general appearance of the area or the interests oC oNr-ers of ; zvperty within or adJoitlinb the Development Area, the City Plan:.t~r r,~ay oQrtif`y the alu~.ng~~ on the revised plan. If such approval ± s witY~held, the applicant. n•~y appeal to the PJ.uiining Wmmissi~::. If ehsnt;e: sz~e matQrial, bu.t; ttre re~tuirements in the Zonin6 Orctina.ue .~na previously ';:,pooed conditions a,re still adhered to, ~s,rnl the number of dxelling units is not increased, the Git;y P:tatlnt~r shall submit the clu~nRc to the Planning Commission. xf the cha,~e is denied by the Conurrission, t;lie applicant tn3y appeal to tho City (;auncil, ars providf~d in Ordinance 002(3; of the City :~s' Cuperti.ra. A cYian~;e in the Development Plan inol•~ading ohanga of requ:lre- ment tiX~ conditions,, or an increase of the rnunber of dwelliazg units, shs.2l be proe~:ssect as a Salle arrange or as a new Variance. 2~ That particular care should bG taken tlw.t tha dratna.ge and neh~age sy:stcros are conr~tructed to the rsatiefaation of the t;~.ty ~gi.iieer, the Sanitary Iri.stx~ict, and the T~'lood Control. D~.sr.~riot.