CC Resolution No. 1078~, R~sULUT~ax xo, 1078 BTII+~ :t ~ESQLUTI~~N' u~ fi`HE CiQ"t Oi~ C'~TPERTINO ~CGfiPTI1:Q ~ Cf~A~1'i' CF EASP~r1~+':.' F ~, DA~F APE DSl'E~v,_'..~'T CO,,, grantor, ht+a e~cecated a .r. Qr~.At ~$ Eacenient ~ch3ch is in go;--d Ei3d sufficient faru~, con~`epir~ to CITY G+~' L'~Pl~'1`L'~4,t grgntee, en ec~~ment far public ut111t4eg c~ve~~ the propt~~y ei.tuated 3rs the City oP Cuportino, County cif Sentt~ ~31~~ara, State ' of G'g$if'~t'~l.a, deasribed t~s f ~llv~r$ ; ~ strip of larxi 6 i'eet in ai~th, which striQ is the manC ~rti~erly 6 feet of J..ot 43, R`ract No. 33~P, Dcc~p C1if:L'e Sat~t$s, Unit ba. 2, which c~c~ eras T13.ed f'or record in L~,~ Office of tl:e Cou,c~ty Recorder of the Co-inty of Santa C3ara on OctoL~er 5, 1;~U2, in Bork l53 of i?~ps of page 4. Grantor here5; ;urther grants to Qrantee 'the right and p.ivilege to eater ctpan the.l: .ands cantig~soua 'to and as arg the line of said herei~bove descr3tc~ strip for the purpose o`' .seating, canstruc:tit~g, .r ropai..-~~g, a~aintai:±r.~, ar replacing laird public -atiitties or appurte-~ natices thereto, a :~ 'ar 'the purpose of dn:ing ans necensr~r~ ar lgr+ful act ~ rr~nneetiar. yi:tt the conatr".:ctian o1~ maintenance of said public utili.tica; there 34 alsc, granted the ri.ahi: of the usa of sufficient land contiguous t; s=id strap on either or bptn sides thereof far the purpa:xer~ of exca~•atS:.c- ar and deposit of.` earth Ord necessary buSlding matt~rS.a"l during ti•.t :ime oi' cvnatructing said F~.:Wlic utilities, and any ~~ repair t:~erenf. T'~•~e foregoir,~ f. subaect t. .he fallowing express conditionu: 'T~e aruntee a.~,^;es to restore the ground s~: t'ece and any larnrove- ments tt~erean to i ~ * crihinal grade or Condit;.. * insofar as it is pr~ecztcable and reasc:,:ble to do a^,. pAOi~, T~tEREFCri:,, I~ XS NEf3£B'f :'. SC3LVED, the : the City of Cupertino accept said Qrant : ` asement so tztld~~red; sn~ i'.i' ZS FURT}1Z..i ~.~^L'VED, that tha City C.e: r. t$ acid he is hereby authcrtae~ to rec.^~ :yid Qrant cf Easement. PJ~-SSE.U AND ~.~-.:: J this i L ~'~ d a •~ oT ~~. `~ ~' i ~` .r+.ww.w..~..w rr J 19d5, by the follcxi:a vat~~: AYES: Council.r.,e~ - ~ls..w.~~ ~_~_. ~ ~ ~~•:, Lam, ~..~. ~~. ~ .. ~ ~._'~a 1~ ~:.,t 1~ .--«...~..1., ' NC}FS: Cauncilme:: - ~~-*_r A85J11~': Councilre:. - alt r-~ -, A .r-- Gity C3~ .; -~~ - ~ F, ,+~., APPAOVnD: ~"yo r ....._._.~.._..._.