CC Resolution No. 1084-t Lei le Pdo •..,.~,: ~...~' ._.. • DSiTXII~Q CI'!~ draVNCIL RESOLUTION ,v0, 2An4 I~~ A 'VARXAHCB ' 'T~ i~•e ldc Ira. Elms " 1AEA3, the City Gounc.l of thc3 City of "Cuperti:~o race:iverd the app, ].~P,.~.tlon of KI'. ~ ~''a• lJl.mtt Q 4 ~ ~ F ~'iol"~BtiPt1CQi~.o11 ~°i~o~~~ ~dow 7f+Zl 'S~"i oHe3,~ . fora 'Ye-Ma-nce for raoy~S.ng~a~tence tp tit~a ~nww~pe~7~ine • ._.__._.._~,. ~_..__._r_ f and YHEREA3, ~.he applicant tuna not, rnet the burden oP proof required <ro auprort his eaid ~epp ast~on, -and ~~' ' , tt--~: :'':.arming C.:.xniaaion, after duly rsoticed pub.lio hear- - ink, t,a~°~ct.:caaet«d~.+9 in favor of maid Variance ~,. HON, TNEREF~?RE, i~ IT Ft£3'JLYED: " ~hst aCwar~ carei'ul cora~idexation ai' tr~pa, facts, exhibits and other evidence submitte-1 in this: matterr the application for thc~ ,,,,_ knot bcr, gnd thR same to no "`-' en apprave , au coo a t ne tcs~s a~T condi tiona~ shish ate at aahe~~ hereto aril made a part herea~' as Exhit~it "A". AE TT' PIIRTHER RE. ~?LVF..~J: not :'tsa-t the rtport oi' xinSir:gs~ a!;tache3 hereto are/ap~p~'ove.~i and adopted, and thac the City f:l+~rk ba, and io >".ereby„ dix*e:crcecl to notify thee =.artiea at'fccted bS- thi:s .:~cialon. PA3SSD AND A130PTi:D by .r.e C.ty Cou:uil Uf the: City oi' G`sipsrtino, sta-ce of California, ~thia~~ day or _ Apri~~,, 1g 65 , by the 1'olla+ring roll ca ~,1 Vote AYPS: Counc! lr;e,n: Dinah, Fitxgoxald, Noe1~ Stokeu, AempatQr NAYS: Councilmen: None A~I~P: Gaunei.'-m~en: None A PPR~iVEn /n/ J~ Robert D~m~etes~ • yor, y o ,, Ipex na ..~~ tinwanac~ K. Martin 1 ,. ~_ . ~ ... t. `~y The ~.ppli ration fora Va~:ance j o;t beha? i' of Mr. & HJscg..Eltng r........r.....,~..__._.. ` does not ehot~c 3. That theca are s~~c:~•S.al con~'~.i tion:~ n : ex~.eption~.~.l aharaateriatias in t;he nature Qf the pro~rty to ba ai'Pect.:a ~~t~ that it' g location, or it'.3 surraurtdings are such as t~yll pbrmit the Council to n~-ke a deter- tAirc~tion that a 2tteral enfo-~* ~: i~~c.~t of the O~~l.tnance r~ould reattlt in practical di.sficultiea or. u;.-eoce3sa~~~ ha~is~~i,.s; and 2. Thut cE~e granting of ti.e apt~2ication itt. n~eeasar,~ for thw prey ser.ation and eri~ioyment of su:.stant:{al pi~op~~~ty .rights; and 3. That tnr granting oi' t:~ze application H111, not materially affect adversely the Health or sat'et f of persons rc.nidinU o.' workina~ in the neighborhood of the iaropert:y ::hick iu the sub~eat of the applioation, and that the use of said pYV~::ty in the manner which it is proposed to be used w111 nat be mat@rS.ally detrimental to the public welfare or in,~ti-rioua to the value of pro~rty or improvhs~-en~e located in said eur- rour,~li ng a . ' -~ 2 :~ ,, .~ ~ .