CC Resolution No. 1093,. .~ .~ .; .; ~3'I'~i' CUiINCII, FiESOLtiT'ION riJO~~ ~_ t}~IAriSTIMi3 A "~'~~ ~_-.-_ . .i ,~ ti91'EI~RLAS, the City Catanci~. of the City of Cupertino ,received thQ ~~ ~~liea-tion of J, ...._,.~. • and .,~ ~~ 'IdHEREAS, the applicant has ~~~, met the burden of proof ~. z~quired to support his said ap~piTca~3.oi~, i~~~d ~~ WHEREAS, the Planning Cc,~amisaion, ai'ter duly no'. . ':d pulalie hear- .: frame, has reoommended in favor.• of said ~ !¢,~ ~. ?i0~1, THEREFORE, IIB IT RESdLVED: •° That after caret~l consideration of maps, Pacts, exhibits and a.her evidence aubmirtecl in this ma*.ter the application for the v be ~~Y~, :and the same is :ere y s~~roved, . 11 ~ w Yll i4ifAli.Of ~t Y~ ~( Lr"'. IT Fi1R7~i~R RESOLVT_D: ,,; That the report of findings attached hereto ax•e appro~~ed and . adapted, and that the City Clerk be, and is he~'ebw, directed to notify .~ the parties affected by this decision. PASSED I~ND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of, Cupertino, 5~Cate of California, this _~ clay of 19~, by the following tall call vote: w ,a4YFS: Councilmen: Finet,~, ~'~.tzgerald, tJcel, Make,>,. Dempster ~, 11il~YS: Councilmen: PJone ~i l,I~.SE2iT: Councilmen: ?tone i A 1-'PrOVED ,i /a/ J. Rabert Dempster ~; ~~ ~~. Mayor, City o c, ipert no ATTIST ,ls/ Lav~renae K, rifs3rt:in y .. ~, ~. ~~~ ~~ )`~;~3~icT 0 ~' NY2iD7NQ '~ appiication ~"or t~ .~ ~~~~.~~ on Uehalt of 1. ThAt th~:rw arc e+pec:.i~11 co~,ditiona or exceptional ohai~nt®rit~tics " .'d ~~. Llae ~I~~xture oY thc.~ p;t~c,~sex~tg f:o be atteoted or that i.t' a location, or _ ~ ~ ~ o $ux~x~o•indingrs axe I~u~:h ~.s ~rriii pen~it the 'Counoll to make a ueter- r,~.~~~tio1~ that a literal c~~nfi'orceir~cnt of l:he O.rdi.tlanoe '~rould resUit in ~~:tiarsl dit'ticulties u~~ LLA°~tTeceBaary hnrdehipl~; andl 2. That the gx~rlntir~ r~.* t:~~: application irs rlece~seary Por the pre- r~~vt~tion and en,~oyt, cnt of ;~~IbatanL•ii~l property xji,ghtt~~ and 3. Tht~t t:hA gx*ant3~~~~ v~' thr~ application wii'1 I~Ot matorilal.ly affect ~~.dtr~rsely thA hes~lth car n'~~te'~:y rzf persons resiclit~ ox* vrorkiltg in the n.~~,hborhuod of tl~e X;Y~opcr•t,y :ri.d4~ in the rrub~ect o?." the application, a~ d t;v~t tho use off' saAd ~~rng;~c:i~ty in the mrlnner ~ahl.eh it ir3 proposed to b~ ~e~ x111 not Le m~ateY`iaily cictr,imental to the pu'aiic welfare or S.n.~u~7lous to t2:e ys lue of pm~rty or impx•overcc~ntrs located ir1 paid our-- a~~ :rxu9lrlga . ~~~ 2 ..