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CC Resolution No. 1100
P.ESO~~T'I"~J~~ I;~J,. 1740 BxZ2-s .~ RESOI.U'rl0~i 4P ':`h'L ".i'1`a' OF CUf'ERTIN4 tic•~.~^;i~aa t~na~~~ox o~ REa~ PRJPiaRTY r~o~t ra ROADbii':~' Pi1ftPOSL~S w~~~+~ j ALY~ ~. aTS,r,:cnMS ~.na GBH EL' I2ABEl'Ii w1~r.l:A~s, Co-- e.•sr~~.~~~ee oP L-he Lust Gill r_.xt Testau-gns; ot~ SI.I^ABETH is+l. wIL,LYAI~, ~, tam .ruti~ a dt~.i~cation which ~.a in ,~ooa urui suffiaiont forte, gra~~;, ~ the ~^1t~r of C•~pertincy, Count~- of Sanfia C14.re, Stets Q~" Ce~.f~a.n, the f~.~ t1L'lts to aart8ln ~-dal property for roadway pterpt~ses, sites in the City cf Cuporfi>l.no, de®cribcd ae follows s f~ 9t tb,« SouthxesterXy~ corner o+' Parcel "N", sri said ~'~~1 "A" iss st~cvrn on the Ka~~ entitled, "Record of Survey e~f' 8 Portion ~; tha Harthweet •~~ of tt~e Southwest ~ of 3Qati.or- 3?t} ZYiunsllip 7 5aath, Range 2 weot, City of Cupertino, Cali- - fu~°n.9.e, " Mhis'• 2tap was filed !or record in the offioR nt the order of ~.z Caunty of 3an:a Clara, State of California, r„cc 7Jecetnber 3, 15f2, in Book 154 of Naps, pa.gs 55; thence f' said pet.....t cz' beginning along said Westerly line as said ~-s~rcel "A", ~+. ~~ ~J3' 40" W., 127.032 feet; thence le~iving geld ~i~ier].y lies ; : said Parcel "A" along the ax~c of a tant;ant ~~e to the °±~t having a radius of ~l.OU feet through a tetra? angle ,; f ggo 5? ~ 1G'' an arc length of 47.10 i'eet to a p~1.nt on the `~c,Lherly lin© oi' said Parcel "A" • thence Easterly along said 2:.,.-t~erly line at Parcel "A", v. $9~ 53s 30" E., x~~.02 Sheet; :~znce leaving last avid line an.~i parallel with '.. Nflrtheri; rr~i•~ngation off' the Easterly lane of said Parcel '~'', N. 0° C= ~ ~" H., 15.00 Peet to a point yin the So~stherly aS.ae of Sters:~;.:~reek Road as shown on said Record of Survey lip; thence al~rg the Southerly line of said Stevens Cr~:ek E.,r~d, v. 89= .~' 30" W., 195.OC1 feet to a paint on the L'ae~terl3- 3+..•~e of ~~te'.:=.:Q Aaad as shown un 8a3d Recar3 of Survey l~1mp; 4~ce a?lard :: a ~asterly 31re of said Stall! ng Road, S . A b3' " 8., 172.~:~ *eet to a point on the Westerly prolongat.lon o>~' t.t.,~ Southerl; :.~;e of etzid Rarw^el "A"; thence along the last s~:.d pr~olor~~; '_Sne, N. $90 53~ 30" E., 25.130 feet to the pol.nt ^t beginning. >i+i, 7°IiEREFCF_, i YT R1^SSOLVED, that the City of Cupertino accept aei.~ ~~nt so ter,_~: ~,,3; and I.S FURTf~"i 3a'CLV~, thot the City Clerk be and he is h+e~~'eby putt-wed to rez.: r3 salcY dedioation and this Resolution. i~`'ItA AND k"~:"T5D this _,_'-7~ sy of ,~ MaY ~._..~,,,.,.,,.' ]. '~ tho S;'ol l ~sr •_re voto A]C'~:5: Caunail - b`inoh, ~'itzgerjtld, Noel, Stokes, Dr;srap3t~er 1~ ''~":: Counoil - None _ ~nuno il.me ; - None ~t~ AFPROVTD: ~`~' ~ ~s;~: K. 1".~rt±n /s~ J. ~'aber~L Dem r~tcr ..~p~ r~~ ~,..........o... ~~' .~..~.....~...~.....,.,,...... .......~..~..~... ,. ~w3it yor . •l ~ "' `~ W P~ ~, y: