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CC Resolution No. 1101
r~scrLU~rzrTr Na~ a1o:t ~a N(i ~i ~S~LI'~'~~(1N Utz i'Y~l UI'!",/, OFD' CU'PI~.gZ'INO fuG(1RPT3",~{3 ~I~Ii ATXCa~I OIP RRAr, t'RU~3R~'~C' !~(:R ROAL~I~IAY f'U3POfi%S WI~RB~AS, 3:[t~ii.A LhHBS, I~Tb, has executed a dt;dicatl.on which is i.n goatt£ an/.t eut'a-''1a1enL• ~'ox•m, granting to the City ref Cupertino, Caunty ref Srz~ta Clt~ra, Stara oP Callt'or.~rila, ttj~~s fee tit].o to certain rc~a:1 prop- ert~r fir roadway purtK~rrers, s;~t;t~ate :tc~ the City of Cupartirio, ~tescribvd e~ 9.o~.].das ~ Beginning at a)a+~~.nt opt the c~enterlirae of Hornvs,teadl Road (60 f®ei; rride~ at the int~ra©atlun of th$ aonterllne~ of SteveclA Creek rr$tli ttie ~ ae~C'i.i~~e1 line running efir3t and resat through the center ctP Souti~an 10, '.Ct~wnshi.p 7 Routh, Rat~t+ 2 t~!est, 14.Ti. 1'1.&FS.; said ae4tior.~ l.'da'l~t also being tl~t~ aenterlan~s oi' aaid ~.ome~-tead Road] aC+d ruru~.ing thence frasr aaid Poini: of. Se inning along, aaid csntc~rl3nu and eaction line N. t39o 50' «. li)5~.02 4'eet No the norYt,r+eat coiner of that pertain parce]'. of land dal3.ne~atecl on tine Fie:cord of survey cfA a portion of lands of li. Aronsen tend Hsrm.9,la fixxrnses~ being part of Seatiaz 10, Township 7 South, Range 2 tJast, l~,.U.m.~M., recordrrd an June 12, 1~5Ei, in Ha~u~s 70 of l+~eps at peke 2'T; and thtxnee 1~laving said +renter:t ine along the westerly 'h;sundary of said parc~al S. O° 51' 4U" W, ~s5.0a r"~vt; :.nenca S. $~~° 5G' $. par. allel, to aaid aonteriir~a n.;~d section 1'r.:ne and dl.t3tant s~authrrrly me~aaured at riKl~tt angla:; 45.00 fsefc 1036.82 feQt to a p~aitat on the Westerly ling of the I~omesteal VilJla, 'Tract No. E301, as sa;,d tract is shoi~rn on that certa3,n map filed for record in Valurr~e 33 oT Mape at pages 1S arv: 1~,, in 'che office of said l"tECar•~Zer; and thence along larit t3tiid ]in:. K. 21° 05' E. Z18.1'~ fees: t:o the Point of BeginninP;. EX,GBFTINi} THf3RBP'R01~1 that port.Lnn of tPte rtbovQ described property l~~ing within the bounds of that: cp:~.•",atn parcel cif land desci•ibeo in 'che deed granted by H. ~.ron~:-n a.nd Herm~.la Aronsen, his wife, to the Caunty of Santa C].az•&, t~;~ Deed dot®d Noveml~ei~ 15,, 1954, rind r~9aorcte.~i Decembvrr 23, 1954, in Beak 3041 of Official Reuorda at prgd~ 2!~9, records Gf sai_d Caunty. 1llQ~~l, TH~EFGRF, HE T_'r RE50LVED, lltittt the City of Cupertino accept rtai~i grant so tanderr;d; and ZT IS FtTFZ'NF:~t RESC~LVBD, that the Cir;• Clerk be ar.d he is hereby autrsori~ ed to rocord aaid dedtcatidn and this Reso:.ution. PdISS.~:il AND ADOPTED thi:r ~-7,~ day of ,,May , 1965, by the fo~.lotrirLg vote s h'X1vS: Councilmen - Fi.ricll, I~3tzgerald, ~•loel, Stokes, Dempc:ter 1•IUF..S: Councilmen - pone A.DS': Coutreiln;an - None ATT~t..~"'T: /a r I~tincenne K. Mar. tin A Pf ROVED t /(~s~/~~~+J. RobQrt I~r~~s~ r~ 11-I.J~Vr ~W~!-~~w .