CC Resolution No. 1108a RpSt1LlyTL4N 210. 1.1.08 A RSS4LV'.1'IOtd C~ Tlffi C~:'i'Y OF t,'UPBRTZNi; APPRUaINt3 F1t~AL Pi.Al~3 P'OR TIII3 1'rIPROVt~T OF TIIR tIORTHWBST (-(?ItNIIR AF SThVS.NS (`REE:i Bf3UT~VARD ~hHD SAhAT00A-SZ1ri!Vti!VAY.F. :LOAD A ~RRRBAS, there has by®n pxeeent~4d to the City CounQi.l for apg~z~rnval oP final plans Por the imp.rovamsnt of the Northwest corner oP ~t.~v®ns Greek Bo+il~~varcl and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Roadf atxl SAS, there hes been preseni;ed to the City Council apro- pos~d agreement for the con8truetion of inlpxrovea~enta; and said plans and agreement have bean approved by the City Attorney; now, Cher®-• ro 9."'e, }~E I.T RFSQLYED that said final improvement plane of the north- rrEat corner of Stevens Creek Boulevax~d and Saratoga-Sur,nyvele Road be approved and that the City Engineer be authorized to sign said pl~t- on behalf of the City of Cupertino. }'A3SSD ANA ADOPTED this ~?th day ~~i' ~ e ~, 19~'~, by file i'ollowing vote: Arl1r,*: Councilcen - Finer, F3.tzSerald, Noel, Dempster I~~: Councl.l~en -- 2Jone ABS~~1T: Councilmen - Stoke APPROVER: /a~ J. Rnbert DPmpste~~ yor - Attu: ~S.a»nce K. ~Sartin ~~ ~~r