CC Resolution No. 1110~~ P is?SCLUTIOIJ N0. 1110 HBIN(} A RESOLU2`tON OF '~'FiE CYTY ON CUPERTxNO .~~ ACCEPTINd I7EDICA'i'lON OF REAL E'ROPERTY FOR . ROADWAY PURL OSES WHERBRS, Cfi.4RLE5 M. BAER and ETtt~'I.L D. DAER, hl.s wife, have executed a dedication •ahich is in gcod and aur"'~"icient form, granting ti to the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, the fee tits.-: to certain rt~al property for roadwAy Purposes, sltuatu in the City ref Cupertinfl, described as follows: COi~NCIN(} aL• tt-e point of intersee Lion of the Northerly 11ne of the Steven$ Creek Road x4.th the keaterly line of the 3djratoga and A~ounteAn Vie~a Road; ther-c~~ Horthgrly and along Haid testerly line 153.08 Peet; thence a~: right angles 1esterly 30.00 feet to the TRUE FOIY~'T OF BE4INNxNfl, t-a&d ;.point also lying 60,00 feet ti'esterly of the . centerline of sai~3 :~aratoge and Fountain View Road, n-easured at right angles thereto; tnenoe 3out-~ Oo q4~ 15" West and paru.ilel with said eenter:l.ine 66.98 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; thence . around said curw~ to the right, concave Westerly, with a radius of 110.00 feet and through a central angle of 230 15' 22" for an arc length of 44.65 teat to the begAru~ing of a compound curve; thence around maid curve to the right, concave Northwesterly, with a radius of 30.00 feat and through a central angle of 51° 14' 13" for an arc lenp,th of 26.33 feet to the b~ginnicig of a compound curv8; thence around Said curve to the rigtat, concave Northerly, oath a radius of 290.00 feet ar~d through a central angle of 15° 32' 10" for an arc length of 78.64 feet to the enc3 of uaid curve, said point also lying 15.00 feet tt~rtherly of said Northerly line of Stevens Creek Road, treasured et right :angles thereto; thence tJurth Sg° 54' Went and parallel with said 2ortherly line 15. Z~, feet; *.hence South Oo Ot4' 15'' West and parallel tifith said Westerl, line of S~-ratoga and Mountain View Road 15.OG feet to said ?7orthe^1;; 11ne; thence South 89Q 54' East and along said Nor~therl,; line 65.96 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; thence aro:;n- said curve tr, the left, concave Northwesterly y:ith a radius of 6l?.00 feet and tr.^vugh a central angle of 90o Ol' 45" for an arc length oi' 125.70 .+~et to the enu of Weis curve, seat point also lying X0.00 feet 6~ester~l;* of saki centerline of Saratoga and Mountain Vier•~ P.oad, meas~.~re3 at rigt.t en61eQ thereto; thence Northerly and parallel with said can*_erline of Saratoga and t•Svuntair~~ View Road 73.03 feet; thence at right ca~;lea testerly 20.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF IIEGINh'INQ, and being, z i~ortioc; of the tJprthwesterly One/ Gcuarter of Section 13, T:kr.shi,~ 7 South, Range 2 test, I~i.D.D. do td. and containing, 0.107 acres of lai-ci, more or less. 2JGW, Tt~;iF.FORE, I3E IT R SOL~VF.D, that the City of Cal~ertino accept said gr. tint so tendered; ana ZT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that, the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to record said dedic~i+~.ion anu this Resolution. ;PASSED AND AI)UPTED this 7th day oC ~ e , 1965, by the fvllat~~ing vote: AYES: Counei.lmen - Finch, Fitzgerald, Noel, Dempster NOES: Councilmen - Norse AP3ENT: Cattncilmett - Stol%sa ATTEST: APPROVED: cis I~.wx•ence K. Mart~.n s J. RoUert l~eanps ter ~'47i.~r~ .~___.._ ._.....~....Fl._..y...._ ayar . ,. e ,, . *w ,