CC Resolution No. 1114 ~ ~r 80T.-JTIGB OF Tiil~ G~ ~Jt33iC3T, 0~` THS CIxY' OP' av~.:._~ ~~0 A.GCKE'T7.lit~ CI~NT DEED !` ~"f~OMA#3 a. ROSS AAD SL3I~ K. NHBR~iS, Thomn.s tt. Saar, and Elsie tt. idoss, hie ui~`e, . 37+atve e~ecutad a grant deed vh.toh grant ¢eed is in gcsod snd sut'ticie~tat lotto pr an*.l~r gall right, title and interact in tb.at certain real gro°;perty~ a;ore p6z~t.iG~ilarl~ dee- cri.bad ir. F~chibit "A", s: Cached hereto anc', tnnde pert z hereof, ar.3 NHfi~ulS, it appae.z s to be to i.:~e best inter. eats at Lhe City c. Cupertino .~ accept said grant deed; Nuiw`, .;ifiRBFORS, ~~. I: RESOLVED: :`hat the Cit~r o.* Cupertino hereby accepts a~-id grant del ~ scr tendsre~; Bs ;: F'URTRBe''. P~~::~r m; :hat fihe Ci :~ G'lerk be and hFre?~y is autho«ized and di:fc:ed to ds3i:c-~ s certified copy a~° this resolu- ti on i::: ~ esaroW grit:. ~Le Transamerf ca Title Insurance Compar. i~l W. Se:rta Clara Street, San Jose, Ca2:tornia, to he r~~arded with s.'":.resaid grant dead. " ~~S r'~ ANi1 AI}~ :'r ~. Council c;t the Ci :y ~'' 1965, b; the tollc~xi.~; AYES : Caur~c i M~~ -:. NOB.; : Cot~nc i i.r.~,. ; ABSh~I : Counc i :.~ :: ~3 at a reguls.r maatirg of the City C~spartino, this 21~ ~ day of ,7une ~ 4Cite 2 Finch, Fit:~-era,ld, ~-oe~, StokeH, nempster Hone 21one s J , Robert I~mASL~~.. ayor ATTES ~. y ar '` ; ~,+; ~f;~` ~~/tf~ ~ „~~l~l~k~l~ i~ #b~t eel re~~. g~pu ~~'rr~trt~r rAt!~~ird in ~h,~ ~Qity a2 ~ra~tinv~ rta- ~t arctm t~lara ~ d'~Oekr' s a!C CfaYi.fa~nf,a, I17~3~~! ~t t r~+-th~o®t aa-rrsax o! Lhe rrntheaalc 1/~, of th~- rwrthe~ 1./~,. of Aeetian 14q T~d~ 18 ire t~16~e rentorliwe off' dta~e~ t~re~ok k~-lrwar~d tbt~.~13 gnat wide 1 thettae Barg ~' i~~° t ~al~ the e~tarilne et A~te~~~xi• dreek dreYxo~rt-~cd ~l3.»1€~r t+rat ~n~s ~r Xrrs to bhe interr~a~ tiexr a! raifl oer-terl.li~- at dtorer,:r dre®!c 3~+s»leva~d ~rih'ta tcha Keotra~~,y if,.tue e~1' t~tt rvrhalzt !tCs~ip a! lr~~! amn~r ~d b l~. J, Tarria~~, at aa, t® IALa:re d~tie~3-, ]lead e~utodrane 1~0;~~ rart+~rdad J~a ~1~ 1~~ i~u kook t~9'7 0!' DeaQr ~'s,~a eta t~lwra day ~•©rds= thant~e kortb 0" lit ~ t aloa~ thr rats rr®rt+a~ly lisxe o! e;riQ strA a~! Z~Crd ~.3d~~.1~- feet j Cora Ar 7ters tQ a point on thm k~ort~rr~~+~ lino ®!± the eonthaart 1/1~ dt the ae~rtha~-r+~ Z/4 at deetion: 14, T?8, k,2'~Tl the,oae North !4-Q° ~;~~ V®rt alarm o~-id northerly ~~~a of s~-id easathaprt l/~ of the nprtheaoti SlJ4 of said eee-tion 14, 491.56 lest ~xa or leer to the aartlxuast oux~ner a+t the aouthoaat 1/7~ a4' raorthea~rt ~./ oP a®id &eat,'Lam 1~~ thsx~oe SQtiTh almn~ t2uR ~resto~t°1T lliwb of t~-e raid ^out~~ae~et 1,/!~ of thr~ nc-rthe~t 1/~, o! 9 • at ion 24. 1 ~©X .19 to eft ecor e or ls~a to the point of I~adiz~aning. keA~ a part nt ties ~ca~ct 1/2 of the svaat-ert Y/d~ of the northeast 1/,4 of 11a.~tiaa i.4, X78, ~4t, iK.D.A, 8c K. and oontainit~ 1.1~,6~ ~80~'!!a, ~0~'8 OP leAr. ~xez$ nA~~