CC Resolution No. 1116nY .k,. Rh'SOLTJT ION NO . 1116 A Tir'~QLUTI4N d'~ TIiT OYTY CQTp19CIL OF '1'iT$ CI'x'Y` 4~' QUPSi~i'INQ AQQ~`TIli(3 G'~R~~' Lam? FF20IK JQIiI~' F. TQARA;riNll dYKO' TOk~a JR. .,...,.,... ~ ~.....~..,... MHB~RAS, Jahn ~'. Torro and Yinoent Ta-rra, Jr. have exea~ated a grc,nt dc~ec~ w~iiah grant dot:d is in good and auftiaion~C Perm granting al'1 right, tiY.lo and in4arest in that o©rtvin real property more particularly doeari.b- dd a s f'ol3aws t "All that certain real property situated in the Oounty of Santcx Clara, Staro of Qglitornia, desoribc~d ens £ollow~': "LOTS 1{.7 a~ 1~8 of` Map entitled"Monte Vista", as shown on a Map raao.-dod in Book "Lr, page !~3 o. Msips, Reeorcla oP Santa Clnra County, Ce.lifornit~'. t~fiBRCA,S, ~.t e~ppears to be to the bust int©restr~ of the City of CuportY.no to aouept said grant deed; 2lCl~f, TI~EREFORS, HE IT RFsS~JLVDD: 'Phat they City ~f Cupc x~tino horeby a.ecepts said granfi dyed so tendered; ?E ST .T~'JRTHLR ABSOLVED: That t.:.o Cit;,* Clerk ba anti hereby is nuthorizeri and directed to deliver a eer.tifieci oopq of this resolu- tio~: into e~sux~ow with th© l~irht American Title CompgY~y, 1290 Nardi First Street, San Jose, Ca7.ifornia, Attention: i~ir. Robert Jchnsonn to be reaordc~d with aforesaid grant ae4a. - l - PA~3FA AEI? .~-UI'~- at a. regular zrioet3ng of the City Unwic3.l o~ the Aity u3' Cupertino, this 21st dey of v~ttnA , IQf:~r ~~y that fUl~.v4r~.n$ Dote 2 A7~ffiis C~oun~ilme~.s P`1noh, Fitx~erald~ Noel, Etokes, vempster 2TaT~S = Counellmen: None AH9h'~T a Couna 1. ltrrers : h"one /sf J, Robert Aemput~±x~ `" '"~IQyor~'"` ATTEST: s! I.~ai~nce K. N.~rtin "t; i'c'y er 2 .~