CC Resolution No. 1118. ~ File rho, 12~-y~65 a r~~xxa ' CI't''Y tirklVLlfL.IJ RESC~LUTI{~PI is/n 1118 a~~ ri YL9.iLLEl1'fIIL' ~TO P. , ~'. ~ 'V, T. ;~(?A~18RAFt ~"~..~4S, the City Council o% the City of ~~pert;inn recoiled thr: applicat2v:-• aP `~ Pierson T~Orrie~er .___--. ._._~ fc~r a ulnae to a11ow a 6~ fenCe~ 3~ fmm the aidewAlk;~ 21968 L?a.~D.ell Place and TriFTEAS, thu applicant hAe not, mGt tha hurler. oi' proo: rec~uir~, to support hire paid app cat3an, and WFD:a~~~ the darn; rF~ Cotrm:ta:~ion, after duly roti.ced pui,lia hoarw inks, ~~ ommended in favor u~ ::ai~t VarianeQ . PtG~, TIiEREFO~tE, 133 IT P,ESGiVED: Trat after cure!'ul cor.,~i.derat.an cf rn3ps, fgcts,~ exr.iUit~ a.^.~l other eride.nce sutr~itrc~d in r`.i :; r!:A± tt•r•, t2.r.• t~ i~r,l.tc 1:ion for the Variance re r,~at ~, ~in:i t ~:.~ ;~nr.~c• ~tx in not :c~"i~~Cxa pprovecT~ '_'~t'~~~:x _ ... ~~~._ xfa~txxiwrx BE IT .::'.:FAR RF:S4~Li'C0: :'t~.s. the i•er?ori oi' fi.ndings at:tau2ie:l l,Lret.o are uppi~v.c1 and adopter, and that t2ie C:.t:y C1F•t•l: b.', nn~ is Y.-~re:,y, d:ti•-.cted ~o no~~ify the ~aM.ie~ 2.!'f~.:etec, try th,! tt c,~ci~~icrn. P~.a.°aE~ AA`D AI3UF?:"D by tha C].ty ^4~a:,':1] ~~f the Ctt,y o~ ~`u~-r:rtino, State of California, 'Lt.is 7th dsy c•i.` June _ , ]~~~ , ry trle f O 1: v ari ~, ra 31 c a'.1 ~-.~ t ;~ : °~' .-" . AYES: NAYS: t;ouncilraen: CaunQilmen: Finch, Fit'~geralci, rJoel, Demp:;ter None ADSI~JT: Councilmen: Stokct~ A °PR"rVED /a/ J. Robert Dempster tfa.yus~, City oi' Capc:rtii~~~ ATTEST: ~.atwcr+e~:ce FC, Martin ~""'"~'~t~f'~r t .. ~ .- ~ F N ~ +~ Nile rJo. 12-Yr-6~~_ ~1~ponT o:~ F~rrc~ralcs:: T1.~P s:pplic~ttion fora VaY*1.au~ce_.~,~ a;; heha? f o!' ~ .__..____~__ • ,_ P. F. & V. I. Fbrde~' i~ ~_ does not _..._._._.show~e _l. That there are st~eci~t3 coad~. tion~ ~r, eh~c~eptiona2 chzruateristias in the r~ture of the propc:rl`,y Lo ba 3ffect;ad or L'i~at it's locatj.otl, or ~3.t's n~trroundingc~ and eiiah as `~ri? 1 p• rmit tho ~:'aunc:il to m,~k.e a deter- n~£nat3 on that a litex:~.l Enforcc~~nont; of the Ord.tnan~:e e~ould res:e3.t an pre.ctical difi'icultie3 or unnecessat~- harunlzips; and 2. That the granting of the application its nt:cesaary for thv pro- t3er:ztion and en,~oyment of subsLa.r~tial property righL•s; and 3. That the grF~rcting ofi' t,'iie application will not materially nffect adversely the health ot~ safel:y o!' per3ons rec.idln~r or wor~tinr itt the nci,ghttiori~ood of the propcrl:y which is the auU~c~,t of the applic:urion, and thzt the ut~e oi' said prop~:rty In the Wanner which it ins proposed to be u.~tett wi21 riot be mat~:rially detrimenl',al to tl-~e puUl:ic welfare or inJv.rio~us to the value oi' p„opc~rt;;~ or• irnprovem~ntt; located in sa~.td uiir- rourdi nt~s . - 2 - ,. ~ ~ .,, f ~ ~~