CC Resolution No. 1125i ftFTYON N0. 1125 YG A t3BS4LD9~Qtf+T OH Tt~6 CYTY C.~ CUPBRTIMO ACG'I~PTtr~ A Q~FtANT 0P' h~1ShNElY'i• NHBABAS, C~Sl~t AA1~IG~ and t~tAUEF~7[NB DAlQCO, his xife, grantor [tee executed ~ Grant of Rer~~nt ~vhiah is in good and au~°ficienv form, ~'~e~l.s~,g to : 0~ CUP8f11Z'T~TO, grantee, an easement for drainage pur•- pc~es over the rroperty situata:~d in th@ City o! Cupertino, County of eta Olara, Ste.-ate of Californisr described as follovrs: A strip oZ' 2and 10.00 i'eet x'.de, the Westerly line of xhiat- ig descrit~. ae fo:a.utne: A~GIt at the paitat at :Lnte~rReotion of ichs ~lestarly lino of Lot l7, vith tha Nc~rthsrester].y line of McClallar~ Road, ao acid Lot and ?c~~ are ehoxa u~son ttiet certaii? leap entitXed, "Flap of Co~.ony 'S~~•:L Monts Viutn , ~-hiah Map rras fi19d for record in the QfTiae of tae Reoox*der at' the ~Sounty of Santa Qlara~, State of CaAiforxais, on ApriY 11, 1917, An Book P of Reps, of page ~1T thenoe frc+$ said point t-f binning Forth 70 1 ' Neot along the W'egterly Iiae o~'. Lotd 17, 16 and 7, as said lots are shoxn upon the Map r..~ve rai erred to for a distance of 417.9 i'e+et to the g~GrthHeere:If garner of said! Lot 7 and the tercuinue of paid ease- ment. Said ea~~e~t is gra,nte~i ~xpon the following expreaeed conditions, that alz ~.'_raa shall have a n~inimuna coverage oS three ~3) feet and that ::Are shaX ~. be rro structures strove the surface of the ground. Grantor :}~Dy further ,gc•a.nta to Grantee the right and privilege to cnte: ~.:; n th~3r laud c©ntiguous~ to and along the line of said herain~i~ ra deeoa~ibed r~trip tar the purp~flae~ Of loaAting, aon- struati :~, : epai~~~ing, raratntaining, or replacing said public uti- lities c: ~~gurl.ensnaes thereto, end for the purpose of doinlg any neces=~:y ar lnwtea'1 act in connection vith the conntruotion or main.sr.~_;~~e of said public utilities; thnra is also granted the rigs ~ :: the u~oe of sulficiant land contiguo~~a to said strip on eitrie: ~: both sid~aa tt•.ereof for the purposes of excavation of and ~e_:sit of Qarth as~d. necessary t+uilding material during the tirua :: ~onstruatirg said public utilities, and any repair thereof. Th® form: ~:~, is subject td the follo~•ir~ express conc?itionss The Qra:.,efi agrees to restare the ground surfaa© and any 3cgpro~•e~e... ~ thereon t~a Ate original wade or condition insoi'ar =t :t is practicable and reaaonahle to do so. !iOW, :'~-,~~"~lE, :[T ?g ~'R$BY RS.RQLV'SIJ~ that the City of Cupertino ~•:,.cept saa.fl ~•: ~.:: of Eaneraiat go tendared; and I'f IS F~'~•3R ttRSOLVI~D, Ch$t the City Clex•tt be arn~ he is horaby 3>:athori~ed t. :~.ard said Grant of $tiaerent. PASSfSD ~~ dDOP'fF;l? thin ~~ day of ~~ ~, 755, by t'.he f:iloari~Zg vote: A~tr S: Cou.~.a3 ner~ - 1~~ ~~~ Rpolr Stu, r Cour..i.I~,en - Ada,': Cour.~xl~en - De.npa':es• ~ 'r'-. .a. ,,. M , .., . ~;,~ . APPt~OVTD t `da'y ar._..,.._.....