CC Resolution No. 1149,, , ~ file Nt~.~`V..~
C1~`?c' C~}U?1CTL' RFSOL[iTION NU.,~, 11~~„~ _ ~~rantir~v,,~,_A , ~'AFtYA~~
' ~tD CRD~MF DL ~ LOPMEh`~.', rtJC.
WTR~tEAS, the C~.t~~ ~C~+oun~sil of f~he Ci~tyy of L~~rtino rooetved. t;he
e~1p~.ll~tian ~ of WARD CI~UPIP DEVBLOFI46N2', :LNC.
o: f~ u ~ARIANCB 'I'U ALI,OW~ DUFS.HIQ~S ~ R-?4~-H ZCNIN(3;
~.,,~tt, '~~14ES~! _ AF EXxSTxNC t?l~D~~iA Dom.
_ ; an~~.
`t~iQAEAS, the applic :nt has ~~c met thG burden off' px~aoF
x,al~°ed to support his said ixpp~~~fv`n, and
fRFJIS, the Planning Cor+~rd,ssion, after duly ~publ3.c hear--
' ino-gs, tsas,~c recon~nended in Favor of saSd ,
That after cArei'u1 rotisideration of maps, facts, exhibits and
other evgdence submitted in this matter, the application far the
~VAR2ANCE be n~itx~c and the same is,
ere y approv , au ec o ~Iie erms and corditionc which are
a ed hereto and made a part hereof ag Exhibit "A".
That the report of findings attached hereto are approved and
adopted, and that the City Clerk be, rind is hereby, directed to rot'i.fy
the parties affected by this decision.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by f:he City Council of the Cit of Cupertino,
State of California, this 16thiay of August , ly ~ by the fol-
lowing roll ~a?.1 vote:
AYES: Couc~cilmen: Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes
N,4Y5: Cou.~cilmen: 21one
AASENT: Councilmen: Finer, Noel
/:~J 3. Robert Dempster
A.fTEST. ~ ayor, G~~ty per 1no
~3li~awrenoe K. 1~SArtin
^~y Clet~
1 -
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- !~ 1Q No . ____...~..~._ An
'Y'f,~ a~iarp3ict~tior. ~Cor a ~ ,,,,,~,,,,_, an b~hatf of _.~...~,~,,,,;~,,,,~~„~ ~,
3. Tlsat there are opeclta2 conditions ar excapttonal +~,ha~t'i6oteriatios
i~..#-mature 1rf th® pt~Op~a~-~~ bc~ a-Pfeated o~ that it~e lbc~tion; or
'~ it;~ ~urroundingA are euoh ae mrSll permit the Council tc~ malke~ a deter~-
t~a~timtr tt~iett a literal ent-`ar+cement of the Oreiinanoe vtould~ r~eault in
tical difficulties or unrc~cesaary haxdehipe; and
' 2. That the gx~nting a~f the appYlos,tion ip neceeearr fo+r the " pre-
~sex~a~a,tion and enjoyment of substantial property ri.ghte; end
3. That the granting aP the appliarxtion will a~ffeet
a~s~ars~-ly the health or eafet~- of peiRBOns residing or ~oorking in the
r~fg~ibc~rhood of the property which i.s the eub~~at o!' .the applieatio»,
s~ lchat the use of said property in the manner r+hipli it le propoeeci to
b~ ~`~ed 1111]. Rot be TneterisS3y detr1.mental to the public welfare, or
3~$-,x~~o~ao to the value of p~aperty or imni~o+~ements 'located in said gur-
- 2 -
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~:~anaos .~s Iowed ry th* fl ~ ~n:~ution:
1. Unea Pe~,i,ttad: Dup'icz 3.a~3?.ing stn'!*.3.
~. Mtt~.i.~mr ZAt area,, E34tY.s ~,slo ft. lots Y, oP Gardena, lrlrivc,
ather lc:s 35GC aq. Pt.
~ . M~xi,nraw J•iildinc; acv rage: ~~J;~
°~. 31de yz~ds: 20;~ cf tot acitlth; r~iu. ~ .~., Nno~pt *.t:~.~, dj.a•
tanee b.:Yeen Uui3.dings S,h<3Il t~P ut; j~^.3,: ~U ~'E; , ; t: drezg
where c~~ or both ad~a.c~-t bsllclih~s a~•e ~ ~;i:or:? ~s nigh,
~.ondit~.ans ::t.~.ehed to ~c~e ~.~-*. .-.*1ng of Fil:~~i; ,~~t:•-~~:n42:
3. Duplex ~*~.~ ding un~.t;~ v~.1v.
~. ntxilcit ;: '.:e.+.ght: no•t `~ exce~~~ ? si~~~t•i es ua~ 2~ ~ ~ ~ n hea.7ht.,
a^cessc• buildings ~:,ot ~ ex^eed 1E :; t . lti ~~:t~,i2f•.
=, Front ~.r'^~i: 2'0 fL. ~n?^?rt that 10 fc. 1>: ~.ilc•rre:i 4~. ~at'agc-:•
with ctw r_.:
=. NiinimtL~ _:: ;. width: -~ fi, N. of G~r-i~, ~ L,S:re; 6r `~~ ~f
~3arden: _,ive,
~. 1~wnbc~r -: lots: r-~,t t~ ~xcaed 1E1
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