CC Resolution No. 1153u i .v+w k '~ ~ fl ~' 11.~ FMG K ~, W 1 '~'~y~ r ~f~A. q Rp~ .'T ,1~'~., ~.i.f~~j,, ci~~ ~ •f. '~i r• ~ ~ , ~Sr:~'U1'I4N h0. 11 y3 ;3ESOL'~,°~.~"~'~ OF ~Hls' CITY COUt~CI~ 0,~ .i -~.Ir CI'~Y QP ~tJP~.:FtTINO n7.1o~~.ng certain c:taima ~~~~ deter in the sw"n aT ~10,B$~r13. I~rnend tiofl 95~ thru 1G].~i. ~~lus ~~.t~ I~partt~ent r,lalraa anal do*arurtda ~.n the a~~.~u or ~p959,,9~. A~auand Moe ~:1E9? tb~x ~k97. Tho City CaunciZ or this City of Cuj)ertino does hereby resolve, c?e'ter.~3x~ and Dreier as i'ollowa Section 1, 'T=hat it± s~ccordnnce With section 3'x202 0l the o~vQrnr,lent ^,odc:, :.te Cl.~';I `, er.: or h.~.a dasitod rc~prea~ntativr~ hcroby certitiea to thQ ?~;ou~~:~ of the xallowin~ darnard~ and to the t~~.atlibilitf of 1"undr3 for payment /u/ .Ln~rQnce K. Martin v Merit ., +,•r ~~ , ~.f . ;i v ~~N ~~ :,~~ ., t ,7 ..~ k~;~ :~. u" :.~^~~ `°~1' ° iR~'~ Sectlar. ~. ThFtt the following cl=ime ahd c1crlands have been aucilCcc~ •.~:~ re~-s.::~d ~Gf ah :;3 that the same arc hereby alloared in the amount hercin•- ~fter set xorth, Clai~.a.~t Warrant srxc'aa jJAST~i ~'~cl, iry.x CPS Amotrnr rnZd Y~o. ;,.-.ia~sn~ + ~p t~ .~~~f r~Q r~ ry =~I'R~i.1 ~.'~ ~R r r :d t•C~~1t1 ~„r.'~) ~~j ~r'r;. / ..~.• ~~„3. IlC~? ~~. G~1 rl r)(7'~..1~ . l~~rj.: °". .~' !"»~.~. *~ :'~7 Ga: `.l. L`'`' $, ZL~ 31.5{7 ? B;J.'G'U w,3;'rr+~:::~ ~:. d+k~rtirc c~,'1 -.~1.4U ..c,~_ ~~u,fi0 16.8+ 3'r'o.5t1-~Ai].Cc~. ,ir.~ :.. »._•t.r:Vich ```ij c"7.5"~ 7.~~~ 17,04 1tt3,:i11+i~17I;c~. '. ~.ac~;-:~ ~~ .,~.~r~ f;ao ~~ ~.:>~~ ?.<.~~ 3+~.1u 1E3o,cU Z~'il?.:..~~ :. ?~rool:a -6! ?~G.GC; -~~.. ~~-;.24 351.8),01{i~Il~~,c. . ~'.~:...'~ Z. ~.,Sr,nh l'ii~'~'.l r ~G~~'J `Q•" 7~ ~y i..r.+. ~~ .~1~.~]'1'f~~I .~~:~ .1cr„ r:.:. :. ~ltzger :_ ~ ?63 ~~2. ~ ~ a-~7 ~7~~,HU Ur 1, ~~ 2E37.5;?~-~II~;c. ..,i.•rwi ~c :. ~4~ :: x rr ~;Ub '°7.5G '1.5~ ~d.70 171..'t~ ;~s~,~•~r'w 5. w~iooK y~5 «-,=? .'',G •.C- 5:?.4U 1~.t33 7~.72~+Mi~;c~ ,;o3"~~w: i~. S:.n~o:la ~~f3E~ 1.47'.,'.~y 5.3G 2i~,1;o 1~~).:'~~t'~:l~c :avor;.y t~. F'ltxgei•z:1 e~~7 ~~I-.BG :i.~,~ 11.b0 G°B.~Ci ~.~SI1Z~(~ ~.Benevic.". ;y~.,~~? ~I..u/" -/~' !~,(~"'y,1~nJ :i(F"."~~p3 142rT.i2+Pi7.~;e ~~"}.~.'C'i /'.. ."rw',.:E LO i'~`~ .~" ~^+~- .,~~'~+' -`)., '*v. ~1,~' 1`-+~. -AJ 37'-T.~)t~ ~ II1~;~ +..ulda:."~ L. 14urphy ~~ ~ 0 ' S5. ~~ ``~ -~~- :~ ~ .4d lo. ~~~ 36~+. ; : ~!"tl~ti ::blew c I~:.:.x.~3karti 9?'1 ~ ^7~ 5v 'T.52 ~;: , 70 171. ~?~ '•ddn %~.::rixi )'t2 "'~1~.5~ -~» 53.5(5 1}17.~z0+t~il~e `~yl'4'i~' ~;ira'int,~ 913 2=?,5 7.52 ~II,E30 1'(;.?.8 Jarx~f :.a~:i£3xo f7r a7jfir :, ,, .CO/0~ (•'~t~- ?~.SG TF &-'+.~c 219. U2 .•"t~CJr.«~g :Le~]ena~ J~rJ ~,tt.54 7.~.V1 t..~~~~~0 1J.~~ f~~.~'~ rtttthcr~ ~'ez~t»~cei 97U 247.5'.5 "f . 52 13.1 U ] F3C . °£~ '~rar...c Z. Gant:iz ~7r 2~~~.fi0 8.';.: 1.3.70 213.Gf3 ~~.n ~rc~~ Ba-taco y78 2~:'1.1a 7.52 24.!30 1'; 5.1~ :'erd,iz~'~xs3 5antunt 9'i ~ ?~7'.5r~ 7.5" 2a.8o 1'l5. a~ Lela ~r~x*1s ~8a 5o,~~Et 2.r~3 8. a0 ~;9.7y carol )t'..~B~a~rtuttak 98p1 r1~6/r^)..5~0~, 5-~y ?t[L~.Q/O~~ z37.F.;1 r•t"R~"'~~`.~1'l 4"~..LLLI ~~~L G~ C w ~V 7 . V~ c^'.C7-: ~V ~, j }/. f1~I. '.Tnhrl *~ 983 3=.~9• ~ _n.. 35. ~'~ 1.fi, g8 ~R05, ~~?+L~1 ~;c ~~r;cp~ ~.xr3er$on 49~ 1~9.2t7 6.13 23, Rio 139. ~, ~ '~ab~-rte J~:.~....s~c~w:t 98a ~~.40 3.13 12.20 'f1.r) j 'des A.~Rx~..3~en gt~36 1~s3.00 6,8g 2;?.70 1G0, ~1 '~her»~ u 9Fi7 1,x:.00 5.58 1',x.70 130.72 1'. v ~. ., ~~ls~irct,Zr~ W~t•rar~L Grcicz ^~^~.~ t*c~~, Tax ~!p_^. Amount; P31~1 Un~z Z~I.1~e n~3~'i 139, fi0 i, G6 1.9.3C- 1I,">.? 4 ~~~y l~ z~z~.*.~s ~?A9 ~'f~~ .30 x.32 2~~. 50 ~.47.4Ei ,'..eit;n ~3Z11n~-R 990 ]~#4,~)U V.G7 ~t2,20 1F,.~,13 !wry k~3t.~agvia% ±~91 Y'~6.30 5.`30 ?G,Go x24,10 ~ . Eo~~Y•.: 992 139. E~0 ~, C2 ? 9.3U 1 t4 , 2a ;i~:~,~!I,d T_.. B~•xltc o~3 12?.60 1.2G x5.40 gG,9t1 ~:ervie~~. L'~n~:Pa 99~+ 153.30 5.5G 17.70 130,At~ Richa~l i:7 re}~ 99.`i 56.00 2.:~~ 5.50 a~3..t1 t'~:21~J C`:`~:1 ~ ~~g6 x~o • v0 5.31 22.70 7.3"l . U9 :;~.~r.~~!~~ ,~. L'aytoi~ ~ 9q77 3 220,00 ' G 7.98 4 2•r.Fo 6 G 7.~tt,,.t~^ i w~.mca . X.alehz~rt 99 t5 . O 2.7 O . hf ,2h ;r Sri L~.rr_ Jer~eLt 599 151 .70 5, 61 21.. Eo 12'T ,1~9 ~s:anne !~, F:.a~ai1~A ?OUO 9F.9o 3.51 9.70 A3.6~ ~~iiariml ~wh~~ ioo t 201. fo ?, 31 X 2 ~ .80 1G9.4g .~L~~',x~n-;c lir t'iat~t:iti r ~ IooG 2G3~2o 4,4f 13,,20 109,~i3 r,, PicC.::~ 1003 4~3.00 3.55 13.90 X30, "5 '•,i.?.n I~' ~r..a^,3 1C0=1 172.00 G.?. 20.00 11~5,2C ~ari~ ~."..:.Z1~floks~ 1005 X16.80 11.23 16.0 gC.1`( '.1.arla ~", ~'owrii 1005 71.40 2,5y G,].o F2, 7? 1 x're~3 .:a~.are, .Tr. 10077 17f ,1}p 6.39 2]. , 00 149 , Ot ?~11y ~. ~cwwA~,er Io0f3 1;6.?.0 1.G7 G.60 37.93 ' ~ ~~x•bar ~ A.„ Spur~~le:• 1009 167.20 6,06 2 .20 7.3 t.~ i ~ f.grl:n ':eed ~t, lc?10 63.00 2, 2f3 ~,90 y^, ~3^ + la-se~~h : , Tu~rnr, lull 20,80 7, IG 2~.~30 17,,,~!t ;~:~.rol ~.. 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