CC Resolution No. 1169~~~~ ,. \ `d ~~~ RESOLUTION N0. 1169 ~, .~ A~OL~TION OF THE CITY COU2iC~'L OF THE CxTY OFOiJI"ERTINO al3owing certain ~:Aa9a~ acid ~,~eaaanc~s in the awn t~f $7, 687.00. De~mend Iron 1054 thru 1087. ~lua mater Denartmer,t claims and demands in the swa of X1,107.36, . ,;. `` ~. Nos 251112 thru 2546. ThP City Counci~.~oP the City oP Cupertino dcea hereby resolve, datex~i.nv and order as foxlows Section 1. That :Ln accnrclsanee with section 37202 of the 4overn- ment Gai e, ;F e"~fty Clerk or his designated representative hereby cert~- ~•..: ifiea~ ~o the accuracy of the following demands and to the availibil:ity of for pa~rraent thereof'. ~Bj r.,a~tre nc:e K, t~iarts.n ~y Z er Section 2. That the: f ollowing claim$ and demands have b ean audite'~eq~ ui~red by law an d that the same are hereby allc;wed in the amount hereinafter set forth, Claimaa~t Warrant Bross OASD I Fed.Tax CFS . 1lmotttit No. ________ Amount ~ Paid Philip W. Storm 1050 654.17 .-0- 83.78 13.25 ~ 55'1.14 Florence E, Reid 1051 228.00 8.30 31.50 189.20 Lawreasce K. Martin 1052 431.00 -o.. 44.60 16.88 369.52 June L, Henevich 1053 207,50 7.52 17,00 183.25+rilg (#ladyrs McNa~rh 1054 218.00 7.50 30,10 180, 00 ~si111.,e.m J, snooks 1055 338. oo -o- ~-6, 20 351, BU+MI~ Frank ~. Fin cy 1056 542.50 -o- 75.95 13.25 513.3o~~M16 R. J. Fitzgerald 1057 322..00 -U- 30, 6o OF 1.00 298.68+M1g Sumiko Martin 1058 207.50 7.52 28.10 1'T1.28 Robez-t S. Shook 1059 431.00 -0- 52,40 16.88 373.2} Josef 1v. Simmons 1060 22y.U0 8.30 31. 0 189.20 iailli.~m D. Bene~ icYi 1061 431.00 --0_ 552, ~0 16.88 421.72+r11g John, ~a Rueto 1062 372.50 -c- 40,10 16.88 375.52-~-Mls Hdward Tom. Murphy 106' 355. oo _o- ;3 , 40 16.83 364 , .t2,~-Mlg Hideko Murakami 106 207.50 7.52 24,70 271.28 Adds Latzi~in 1065 410.50 -a- 53.50 417, oo~,nlg Sylvia Hinrichs 1064 207.50 '1.52 24.80 ~,?518 James Nuzum 1067 306.50 11.11 31.70 ~? 3.6y Lois Tnw~~rds 1068 35.28 1.28 4, g0 29.10 Leta d~.e Eaton 1069 66.00 2,39 ~.40 54.21 deny Bo~x'ilo 1070 338.00 ~o. 3 },50 TF 84.48 219.02 Thomas Stevens 1071 2 2,50 2 9,15 24,00 16,88 202,47 Frank L. OrL• i z 1072 0.50 8.72 lei . 70 213.08 Ambro$e Drisco 1.073 2o7.5U 7,52 2Y.8o 175.18 Fe~^dinand Santoni 1074 207, 50 7.52 24.90 175.13 Antho~r Pennucci 1075 207,50 7,52 13.10 186,88 Carol R. Bartunek: 1076 162.50 5,89 18,80 137,81 ~7ohn Parham 107'7' 399. UO -0- 35.20 406, 92-+•M1~ M ClR_ Warr~t o~~a dAJDT . - Fed. Tax ••!~PS Amount too:' :~ ~ ' Amount "" _- --~- Pai.d Doxula. ~;lk~ ~ 1078 25, 6a ,~3 3.58 21, ag Kenne~:~x Canepa log 46.20 1.6'7 2.70 1! 1.83 penny 'C~'auae 100 34:20 1:21;'1 4 . g0 28.06 Richard L. Dahlgren 1081. 39.60 1.4? ~ 26 6 ~exd. L~ttn Jc~wl.tt 10f32 32.40 l . l , ,6u . 3 7P.r~.ren L„ Lozares 1083 2 .20 .91 -0- 24.29 t~PUrge ]:,lrerla 1084 3~'. 20 ].. 24 l . o0 31, 96 Malocy:~m Perry 1085 22. $0 , 83 -0- ~'~- . 97 Michae]L J. .Bellwood 1086 44.00 1.6U 6.30 36.10 ~tilliam C. Tyson 1087 28.80 1.04 .20 27.56 Mary C„ Yergln 1088 30.80 1.12 11.30 25.38 ~1ATER DgPARTMENT PAYROT,L F~obby a,, Dockinr3 25!12 338.00 -o- 26.80 16.88 294.32 Paul ~. Page 2543 265,00 9.60 37.10 218.30 Roger P:Lazza 2544 218.00 7.90 30.10 1~i0.OU ~-udre;~ :G, We:~ton 2545 21;0.50 8.75 35.03 205.oo+Mlg Seth :ie:Lles ~e 2546 2;4.25 9.21 35:30 2Ug.71+ Adopted the c-1 th. day of October 1965 „a"~' jrol~ en ng ep 'em er , ,...