CC Resolution No. 1174e..f
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RESOI,U'i70~T 2A). 117~d
~3:LIJ0 A T3E.g03.~~IUld OF '!~3E L:cT'Y 0~` CTJPETtS:'INIU
SAS, QBRATtD Blxl-ATtD and D~1TiY L. BSY.S,AT~D, hin wifR, gr&ntor
taavsr enc~cut~1 a Grant oS Easetuedst tkhich is in good and sufficsient form,
conq+t~~yin~g tcs CI'T'Y OF CUP~ERTII~O, g~rantce, an easement Por drainage pur-
pns~ crv~ the property situated in thra City of Cupetr~tino, County of
Sang ~:3~+sy~, State of ralifornia, described ga follows s
sat port~.on of the property described in Book 3035 of Official
Fiecoraiss Fit page 425, San*,•a C?~ara Caunty Records, which is b+etNeen the
nortl~wenterly property line S:hereo:C and a line which has a bearing of
N. ~'D FL, and passes through the angle point on said northwesterly line
bet~cz! the cour~ces N. f~+a 20 ~ E. 133.98 ~ and N. 85o E. ?T. $a = •
a?~,ra.ntor hereby further grants to Qrantge the right and privilege
to ~-ter upon their lands contiguous to and along the nine of said
here.4riab~ave d~jacribed property for the purpose of locating, conntr;:c-
ting, repairing, tnsintainirxg, or rep? said warm drain ar appur-
terser~eee thereto, .and for the pu:rpase of doing an;~ necessary or lawful
act t~ can~nection u+ith the construction or maintenance of said public
utl.a.t~i~e>:; there is also granted the right of ttte use of sufficient
luxe csnntig~ious to aa:id strip on either or bott, Fides thereof Tor the
pubes oP excavation of and deposit of earth tend necessary building
mt~terial during th~a time of constructing said storm drain, and any
repai..~ theref.,f .
'The raregoing 13 sub,~ect to the following express conditions:
the grantee aE;rees to restore the ground surface and any improve-
ments th+erQOn to it;s original grade or ~ondit.ion insofar ss it : n
practiicab~.e and reasonable to do so.
tom, ~TtEI'OTtE, IT IS ~REHY RP.SOLdSD, that the City of Cupertino
acc~'1: $ald Qrant of Easement so tendered; and
3? IS FURTIi6R TIESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he i3 hereby
atsthos°ix€*d to reeorii sa±d Qrant of Easement.
F1~.'SSED AND ADOf'TEU this 18th day of „~ OctoL•er ~
19b5, by the foll~~Ning votes
AYxS: CoLneilmer, •- ,~tnch, Fitzge~l3;, Noel Stoke 3, Dempster
NOES: Councilmen - r~O•`'~•
AII Councilrtten - No:ie
A• J^'~':
L~acr+ence K. Mt:rt,n
~~Y~".~~ -____._..._...
/s/ J. RoUert Dempster
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