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CC Resolution No. 1180
;~ .," t G r - - a~~zo~r era. x.180 ~~- Q,Cat9TIGX Q! 4.~ (1~LY' t1Q~[4lL C! 7'HR CIT'Y' OP OIIR]~ltCi, D~@ - ,~ '6GflL~'lt~~t CP TN'P'I~.,,ti-~i- tg,t'L'Y TO l.Cq.Ur~ (?~.~d¢i 1t1f~1L '~~, the parka prra~sr~r or t)se City includes, a~aon~ .~ a~rra, tshr<t certain reel jvs•apre~rty o~xnad by Louis t. Frr~aa3ni. and Bred Brtroni raganinir hire xii'r-, as point tenanto, Eitnated ir., Qity oi' Cupertino, Oounty oi' IIanta 01erA, State of Ualitorni®, sad nYore particularly des~aribed as faliouat U$Q-Il~1lYIA(~ at a 3/'I~ lnah iran pipA set at the Southea~a~:erl~- corner aP that ao~~tain 0..995 sate parobl of lend as HhoNn ,.~ on the Renard of survey made far the Cupertino IInicrn Bahool District and riled rot record in Hoot i00 of 1Kaps, p,t page 23 Santa Clara Qoutnfiy R©aordert a C1i'fiae j thenarr '~ trcxa said Point o1' Eteginning along the Westerly line of said gchaol property Borth J° 12t 3j" Kest 531.08 - teat f thence leaving maid Br~eterly line North 8~° L~7 t 23" $ast 488.:tl~. feat; theme South 17° !}l~.r !~." Neat b10.0l~ .' rest j thence ftorth 80° 53 t 23" Neot 301 .J9 Yedt to the = Point oP Beginning and eoritaining 5.06 aas:~ee of land more or lase. k'HBRgAS, in aQaordsnae with said plan, th4 City Qaunail did- e~eact Crdinence Ao. 261 raxoning said property to R-HsH-~ District, aid KH7~RBA8, t5e City Caunail has advised said ok•nera that the ~~:.~y wou?.d acquire the aforesaid property under itu parer of s~nent domai-. anlesa an agreed sum would be determined upon. BiON l4iPRSF1?RB, AS !T RBSOLY~D s 1. '~~h.at tt~o City Council, herebq declares its intantiotiz :s~ acqutro the aforesaid property whether bq puraho~rro or by eminent ~~in and #'iuda that the take is noaessarq for the general s~tlfare of the Citgj 2. That it appears that aforesaid aanu~rrr erQ xilling ..x~ accept a aura obviating the neaesaity of eminent domain, and :~.~a't 4:he Cityy ther~f'ore, in pl~a,ae nP emEndnt domain agrees to az~squire~ said property Yap pua~oTwaae or it ut~1'aaoible, then by ,,.1,,. ~_.. .. ... a . ,,..~. . ,~. ,... ,. .~~..~ r ~~ "~ ~~:, ;~~ ~~ v~~ ,r ~~~ ,~a ~; ~' ~K ~' ~a f.~ ai I a~.~~rnt dame{~ pwcoa+,,al~ir~. ' ~'188~ ~4fD ApO~C~ arfi ~ r~,~Cat1~r nteait~~ ax" tha Oitr ~e~~~il of tha c~itq nt ~a~grrt~iacs, ~lrtitr l.,~th. dey at er~4rr~~tr, 24~~o by tho !."al.'La~vi,r-~ vole t ~t Cos:~~2a~tn: Fixlal.~, P3tzgera~.d, Noel., rie~i}~ater ~~ : Ca-,:-::. I.~:en: Hare '~ fr~Ts C~.~• -: s I~en: 3~CO;~ea r ~~~ r 1 .,: