CC Resolution No. 1182,.~.; •h`'~`~j`. r. ~u,a; ~.., .,,w~d r k"~ " ~'~1~Pr. ~,~ ~~. ~..,~ ,..~~,t,~H~a ~e .a lw, F,;" .. tq!~1 ,k Z 1 1 ' R1~80LVTION 1q0. 1182 A RE30X~i1TIAi!' ~Q~'' 'Q'Mg RI~'Y CGfJgCIL OF THE C11'Y OP (IC~PI~RTTD7U AQTHORIZi~a ~HHA~R1~ OF ~dARRA~iT F`OFt T1iIt yIIRC~lSS OP' Ri~Y, . PKOP~Rfii'. 1di~Btl~i1H,, X.~auia ~A. i'~ganini and Milttrod Buroni Paget~ii~~.. i hid trii'e, ae faint ~~inants, tare the oti~nere of r©oard of M aertain rm*1 gro,pert~r situate in than ~Jity of lhipertino, ', is P,anta Olax-a Qo~untCy, California, more partiau.I.e~r1y deMA ~~ cribed ss foY7,c~, vs ~ i3Et~Il~~a at a 3/4 inch iron pips act at tb.c~ aouth» easterly oorner of that aertain 0.995 aura parcel of .and as shostn on the Reoard of Harvey nu~tle Sar the O'up~rtir-~o Union Sohool DiLtrit~t; and filed for r©oor~d ~S%a Hook 100 of Maps, at psp~e ?3 Banta Clare ' County =-~?ooordersa Oi'fioe; thence froici ea1.d Point •~ a:C Beginning{ along th® Sastarlq line o~f n~.id eohool property 'Month 0° 12~ 3?" Most 531.08 feed:; thence leaving said Westerly line North 89a X71 :?3" Tact 4$8,11. Scot:;, thence 9auth 1'j° 1}t{.s 1~." Meat, 61G.01~ Peet; thar~oe North 8p° 531 23" Kest 30[}.05+ feet to the Point of Beginning end oontaining 5.C~8 sores oP 1and, morn or lase. '. WIiSRSAB, it is one of the official park ttitea a©t forth in th~z genctral plan aP the City, and ' l+IHHRSAR, the oxnera of said real. property heave after- , eu to ae1:L the above described proporty for the scum of $110,250, and i~fH3ittlsAB. St is deemed to be to thn beat int~9mtts of the City; 14C~i, T~RSFORS, HH TT RSSOLVrsU t 1. Tba : tho City Clerk and the City' Treasurer lie and herA'by era nutho~-iaed to ierstee a warrant in t;~e au:n of $a10,2rU payahtle to Title znauranee and Trust Company and deliver eaaae into Soarox No. 2b30$7 for the goquiaition of ~, as td propert ~. PASgT~9 AA13 ADOP'1'Fll, at a regult~r meeting of the C1tMi »~, . :~ ~., ~.,,. , .,~ ~:;~~ a:' ~,u: ~"" ~ . , ,. ~ ~, t3ou»a l3 o~`c~is pier of Qup-rrtino, hie 1~iL~i~ ~q#~r o! U'a~d~l~er, 1~5, U~ thu tollcrntii~ yot-t s AY~t Ccuzxo:tlr,~tln: F1nar.," iritzgQxYt]:3, 1rae1, D~m~a~~rx ~a~ s ~ounci atnE!n: ~ZonQ 't,, AR81~'T s Coun~~i l,~~en: S4okeB `ti { t _~ AT'T~Si' ~ -.~ dtx.~'~ y v-R~cJ ~ 'r, ~,~~,.1~,,,,1..,.~ -2 -