CC Resolution No. 1189fir ~~ . :~ I~soLVrcxox 1~0, 1189 RLTSOI~3'TIO:~ OF THE CxTY COUNCIL OF THE CITX OF CUI'FRT'C2J0 allowing oert;ai.n axRir and domands in the sts~ of $8,277.2$. Demand Nos 1090 thru 1131. Plus uteri S~epartm+~nt alairna rind dentande in rho a:zni of $1,118.32. Lend h'os 25'x`8 thru 2562. The City Caunail o! rho City o.f Cupertino does hereby x~Qtso2ve, detex~].ne and order ae follows: Sact.1o11 1. 'T'hat i.n aaaordanae frith aeation 37 202 oi' the dovernmen'£"`~oct~;'~Fin Cit~r Clark or his desiEnat~ed r~epre ~sehtative hsroh3~ aer. tifies to the aaa ur+~ay cg the fal low:nQ de mands rind to the avai,lila3.lJ.tf of funds far ps~ent thereof, /s/ Ls,K.rence K. r'artin "'"'~"~i.~y"C~I c rTs ` ~. Section 2 ?h8t tlyo follati ing olair~ s and demands have beQn auciiteci Diu r~ t II'ec by law an d that the same aro her~:by allowed in the amount har+~inafter sat forth. Claimant Warrant arose OASDI Iced. Tra:c CI'S `~"~ ItmowiC Paid ____~_____ "~" Na. Amount ~"~""' Philip t~. Storm 1090 f54.1'r o- 83.7£ ]'.3.25. 557.1.11 Flarenoe i:, fieid 1091 229.00 8.30 31.50 1x9.20 Le.wrenae K. i~lartin 1092 431.00 -0- 111.60 16.88 373.21+M1E June X., IIenevich 109 24 .5U 7,52 17.44 183.70+1~I1~ cladye MoHuRh loy~ 218.00 7.90 30.10 1t3o.oo ~~laliam J. i':3r~~~~~:s l03 _~~8,qo _o- 16.20 351.(30=r~t~ Frank D. Finney 10y~ 542.50 -0- 75.95 13.25 512.30}P~;lg OF 1.00 Rartckall J. Fitzgoraldlo9? 322.00 »o_ 30.b0 1,00 30G.87 SunY.ka I~4artin 1098 2U7.50 7.52 2x.74 1't:?.'T2~'-tdlg Robert S. Shu~~k 1099 4j1.04 -0- 52.40 16.8a 3714 ~~~+AS1Q OF 1.00 Jospeh N. Sim~ona 1104 228.00 8.30 31.0 24~.20-t•A11E Willi+~m L'. I:-enevich 1141 431.00 -0~ ~2.~:r, ~ 421.72•-•r11a John A. I3usto 11~~2 372.50 •.0- ©.10 16.88 3 7 , 52 Ecix2s~l L. t~lurFh;~ 1103 ;155.04 -o- 33.40 16,88 .. 3.4.12•+~~~1 q H1.dekr.. Muraknmi 1104 20 .50 7.52 28.70 171.25 Jerry i3offi.lo 1106 }3.00 -o.- 31.50 Ti• 84.614 ?_22.~i6 am'~rose Bx•1.eco 110Ci 207.50 7.52 24.80 1.'15.1$ k'ra.nl~ Ortiz 1.107 240.50 8.72 1©.70 213.08 Anthony Pennucci 1109 207.50 7.52 13.10 ~ P ~~86.88 1 18 17erciinand Santoni 1149 207.50 7.52 I. o 2 75. . Tt;amaa StQphens 1110 252. ~0 5.31 211, 0~~ 16.88 200.31 Lo: a I~~warda 11x1. 55.111 2.01 7.70 45.7:3 Acids Laurin 1112 u10.50 -0- 53.50 417,oo.~.M-lQ • S;/lvl.a Hinrichs 111'3 20; .50 7.52 2r1.8o 17J.J.8 Jtu~eB Nu~um 1111+ 3U6.5o 6 11.11 3:~ .?4 UIr 10.00 2'i3 . E9 X1 2 Leta Kee Eton 1115 0.00 2.18 8.50 9.3 Caro]. R. Bartunek 1116 152.50 S.$9 18.80 13"~.f3:1 Jchn Parham 1117 399.00 »o» 35.20 1.6.©8 40 .92 ' Donna ~lke 1118 'j'1. no 1.86 'l. ZO 42. ~:• 1 I~ ~~ ~ • Cl i~aunt ~,iarr•aan~ cst•o:~8 ao.~~ ~+mount 0113DI Fed. Tax ~PS Amount Fa~.d Lvrc~fitt Brewer 1119 44.80 1.62 6.30 36,aB Kith CenQpe 1120 6720 2.41 5.50 x'9.26 1'~ GrorJ-ee 112x, 60 517. 2.69 6.00 ~7.6~. R~,ci~+.x•d DaT~lQxven 1122 6 ?2. 0 2, 3 , 3 3. 7 ~x'€~r. rr~ Fundort-~a~rke 1123 47.60 1.7y 6. Eo 39.?7 I~Sat Hi11 112 25.©0 .91 3.So 20.5 Jodi. .Lynn Jawett 1125 r7.60 ~~ 2.0g 5 8.00 4 47. h.f. ~ 8 ~;~r+e1a L. Laxares 1126 l.80 2 1. 2. 0 f•0.7 (3a~org~ I,yerla 1127 5?. 60 2.Og 4 , 7.0 tit. , 41 Ma~f.colm Perry 1128 6o.$c~ 2.20 1.70 53.90 M~chea'1 J. 5allxood 1~ 29 Cy4.oCa 2.32 9.10 r2.5t3 '~~i1.3ism Tyson 1130 g 1.2'0 86 1. 3.30 ~G.OtE l~r~ C. Yargin 1131 44.80 1.62 fi.30 ~C.~S3 Lesl..~e Reid 1132 57.00 2,09 7.10 ~d. it Robert N. Hunter 113 22.50 .82 4 -0- 21.68 66 Peter 0. Kir~ze~• 113 ~ 20. 0 .7 -0- 19. WATER OEPARTNIEAIT PAYROLL Bobby Q. Dor.lcins n A 2578 3 9.00 00 ~ ~ -0- 6 GO 26.80 1G.88 10 24.32 22x 30 Pai . . Page 25 9 2 ~ . . 37. . Au~y L. Weston 2580 265.00 9.u0 37.10 225.05+M1g Acg~r Fiaxza 2581 218.00 77.a0 30.10 180.00 Het~z Helleaoe 2582 239.63 $.EiB 33.30 197.65 Ado ted thel et. day of tJovember 1505 afro en~rg~Fc~o~er~'I; 7~ti3 ~ .,, ry