CC Resolution No. 1191 ~1~OirJ2`I.Olit i!U , 1131 A ©LUfixOA OF TSB ~JCRY COIi~GQ1L 03i' TEi~ OITY' 0~+ CtIP~#tI'z~li0 o~~RZxc~ Y.~O.~TxAN o~ QN~z~t ~~o~rxo~B ~~ ~ c:zT~ gT~- i~l~idi& 'ice O~CTY. N9~Nl~At~, &®ax-iag on ~ar-lution ai' Intention ~o. 1166 "• ~rnaa ~iald ot~ ltiv~-+ua~asr 1, l~fi~, at a regular ~aeatinN u~t the City Oounoi.l Rt 10,0© 'Visa ,1~i~~, Oupartinv, Oalitoxnia, o~ NN~9, it appwara t'1~at t:vt3t~e thoraor xaa +ic~ly Niren ma "rmquirad br l~swr end ~'~"B, Frata the +aridancae preavntad, both oral and " cYotsum~antary, it eppe~tra t~~ hw to the beet inteiwsta of th+e City to vmaat-e sai3 pubgio a.as~paoer~tr-= AOW, T~3R~'ORg, DN X~ OL9SD t 1. That aS.l or any proi:eet;e agNinot the vaaetioi~ of said aaaamenta by and herebar are ovorrulvd and det~ ' ,,~d~ ?. That aertain ports©ne ~f a aitq r~tre~st, aommon]y knoxn ae "V.- ict.:ra AYVnue", being that aertain portion ~QU fevt .Bast or B'oothill Roulovard, more pertis~ularl.q deKaribed i"~•~ map and plan which is attaohed hervta end xo~de part; hereof ao Fa~hibit "A"- be end ~ivreby are vacated. H~ XT PiJRTHt3R RRS(1LYED t TkiQt t'no City O1erk ba ~~nd hereby is iratruated and direoted to oauae a aert,il~.nn aoFy of this reealution, atteatod to and sealed with the e!liaial seal of the Oit;y, L-o be rooorded xith the Or•urty Tieaorder of the Oountl oP &anta ~:lera, California ldrthwith. ?A83RD AND ADUPTSD, ate rogsalar ~noeting ~tii' the Oitr Caunoil oi' the Oity o! Oupc~rtrino, this le} day o3` November l~fi~, by thc~ t'olloxing voto t -1- ~~ i, ~ _ .~i s t t Gbunciimen ~• Flnch, Fitzgerald, N~~el, Stake ~i'Q s Counci l.men ~ None i,T s Counci 3.mon ... Dempa~or ~~~ST s + r r f 1 r }~ !, }. }' rr.~ w 7F ~r t .. .. ~, ~ ~„ ~ ` '' I y.. ~~ ,. ~., „! n+ ~v' .G WtY "S1 ~~~iN I wM~ /, 0 4z* ~ em Li Py ~ J~ ~' , , 'P ..I R.~~. ', n !( i, ~~ , ;. ~~11 oi' '~'en~:ue~u Ae~~ ~"~ ~aea ~a dth x~utu~x~ r,- ,~nr~~tin ~~r 3t-~a°a-+~ ~; ~ #:~c~d ~tuaa Icau~~n spa ~~.~.~. .~~rl. } e~fiara~~y ~Cr 'tea Orly ;~i~ctte or ~~-t~a 161 a~rx~ 17a c~ d ~, nand ,,,: ~,~ Cairo ah~tt~.~- on the Dip a~ ~ix~~~.l~ P~a~.ut, ~iaw~~r '~~...~~,a, wtil.ob rip xen Pi1e~ ~n ~:~ 'I~o~.u~ P ctaX Fiapaa nt p~ Y,~', ~atatia ~:trura ~Cvunty Rouo~-. ~" ~' .~ ,~ i :; ~, ~`t ~ , ,t ~. 1 , 1 ' ~^ , u ~, _ -_ ~'~ A'dC~'i1 ~,~R ...e...........~,,..,,. ,Q:d ,, v ~, ~ ~~ ~-~4~~vr ~-o~t~ ,~~rv v 0 ~. r f `~1 i•t~• +. ' ~r ~ f .~ p~un~r s~'sgr~,~ ~~~ ~"~~sa' ,mot x'17' S'Hc~e'~//.~r'~ ,~et9~4~Y00/il,~,~~'6r'1' tom" .r4 V~ ~.'~/~` ` 6