CC Resolution No. 1194 r~~~oxtrr~o~' rzv. l7_y4 Q.~~I.".CIAN OF ;~HI3 ~.; QTY COU~CIi. OF TH.~; CITY' OF CUPEfiT1?Jn (}AAN~INQ AxC1~i'I'- ©T+-Yi'.~,Y T4 P4CIFZC OR3 & LrT,~Bf'°!.'RIC. COMPA~'3t AId7 PACIF]:(: TBI~PHON,3 A:VD 1ti?~~- O~yli "~Q~fiPAHX.__.. __...._...~~_ ____._ - - - ..~.._.. NaH~Ft2~11S, ~Lha Paai; is (~E:s & E: eatt"l.a ~'.ompany and Pr~G~.fia Teleptlosie axat T+~l,~agtc°aph tauu:pra~ny ~~.ve r.~quee fed the ,;~Ght a.t~..d l~x'ivS.leg~: of the a!.~ caP C4pax~t~xc+ in ereatl.~~~,, r~~,intainit~, and ue~.ng a ~+it~,gl.o 3.ine a~f p+~+l.es w~.th vix~r~ at~~t taable~s Fu:d al? neao~~saxy guys, r~naht+ra, arose?-• ~,~,r,,e~, 9ta. for trgr,sstlt~;~xr~ ~ P.fi. ~ L~. of +~]~eatr3.a energy and for ^~arl.ng by 1'acitla T®leg~.nne rri' aon~n~unta$tion aoxviatye w2i:hln the 1~rrl~nai'ter denoMbed strip af' those ae;~t.aln pi~:nises xhSah are situate ix~ thts pounty of Santa C1~,rFS, cYeoaribeti e.s folXo~os: "3't~e paz'ael of land ao»veyed by the ~tt~te of Callforr~.a to the City +oP Cu-p~er'tina by doed dated Sure ~U, 1g~4 and ~•eaorded to the office of t County Rrcorder oP aa1,d County o£ Santa Claxa in Book 6593 os' Of- lic~.al Records at page 13~. Sa.91,d Y.ine of poles ahaAl b+e lneta].led within the strip o£ land deaar~.b- ~aa i"allores: A strip of land of the uni~°o~-m wl.dth oP 5.0 feel; lying rontiguyua to ~t,nd southerly of the nartberl~r boundary line of said premiaos and exstau~dlrt;~; fxnn the easterly boundary lino of said premises westerly x+454 foot, more or less j to the eHSterly boundary 1i»e o£ the state ~SY' knawri as Route 280„ Fa.xst party shall not erect or aonstruat any building or' other ~truGture tditr~,n the 5.4 foot strip o;f land hereinbePore deaarlbed and, L"us`thttr, agrees not to erect or aon~-truct any building or other sLrua- t~ts~ ~acCCedit~g 15.0 feet in height within 5.0 feet a£ the 5.0 foot atrA.p of land here3.nbefare deaax~ibed. Wt~S, the Cit~r Caunail derstnts it to be in the beat int~areet o€ t~ Ciity a~' C~~Fertina to grant acid right»af-wayD and ~l'}~S~A3, said right-fJf-xay is subject to trio agreement exQCUted and stta.ahet~ her~et o; ':DW, TI~,FiR, AR IT Fi~t7LVBD: Tha- ~; ~:,he City of Cwpe;c'CinC .hereby grants to the P.A.~ 8. ~ P. T. 8~ 'i'. xh~ wave dez&cribal Bight»OfwWay. PJl89RU Add AD4F°~'8D this ~ t ~- day or ~~L~ 1965, try thA City Ccv~ro;ll o£ the City of Cuper'~ ana key the i o ~,aWi`ng vote: A'iC: CbunaiXmen: i~r k•--~.~-« ~ ~.~jfW w Cauz~ci ltAen: ~ ~tl'~It`~+1'r: Cor~tncilmcn: ~'~~-~ =' r ~~ hPPHOVRD: lo~ S« Robert Dempster Q~T: .~~.,~,,, na~r g t~iarti.n „~,,,,. o y~~-'..