CC Resolution No. 1195
.UfitC~'i 1~0. ~.19~
.. A 1OidLt~`~L1i1 OIL 'Jl~ CYR~' Op CuP~t'
~-~'F Pte. PLUS qOR ~.~ O~+iT
0~- ~{I~ Qd~ ~ C-'L~dii ROA~3
3~ ~ ~" ilk` 9:F.I~r~ ROAD
ii18, ther+~ hsa men presentdd to the Citq Counoii lair
arov~l. a! fimai plena P'or the i~oprove~ent of the south side of
b6asCleilsn Road. 350 f~qt sat of Stel7.irag Roads and
A3, there hea bin px~oeented to the C~.tq Counoil a pro-
poaed agceemant for the canetxuotion or 4~pr+ove~an4~e sttid good and
eialPioient boada have men proeented ror that faithi"ul p6rfos~nae
of a~aid Mor6c and the ce~rryi~ aut of said agre~aentj and said piatt®,
a~,re~nt, and bonds era~r~s been a~aproved by the City A¢tOrne~ts tZ6M,
~ xT R83U~.VSD that ®aid finas3. i~roWesnent plane of th+~ eouCh
side o! KoClellsn Road 354 t~ret east at' Melling Road be appraved
~ that the City Bs>git~eeer be authorized to efgn eaicl plane on
behalf of the City ox Cupertino.
pABSl~U AilCy AUIDP'l~tD thin ,,,,..~~ rdtty C1' -.....~.0-v-e..•,-~r~2.
ley bq the ~'oglowinog notes:
/lVit.9 s Counoileet~ • ~--u-~-~" .
liq~9 a Counoi3saen - ~'"'"~°
Ad's Counoilae~» - -~~"~-~~~~
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AP~OV$p t
I~ ~. ~~-~ ME's -~E.,