CC Resolution No. 1209.. ~,.,. .{,,, ;~; °s' ~. ~,_ v r¢~ .~, a .; s r l~coT~t~o~ ~o, z.2t~q xt ~sor~rr~o~ c~ ~~ o:~~~ a~oc~~~~d ~.~ x.~ ors ors nm~~rzyaa ~.a°r.. I,;P6 +ca~A~4~ OP Trc.~~T A~A+ ~.~~lt~7~~ t"U'~IO~( of l~C~:~? TO ~.~5, Yaaii`ia 4ee ~ ~il.s-a~tx3a Canapany, by its aeg+~at fie„ Gt, ~rtan, hss e~ee~ai~ ~~ srg~o~sei~t ~,teth agraexaant ins?.c~dea ~ =mot at saaeeent, Niiiq~c a~i~ g~cnt oi' eaeeseent is in ~a~,ond ses~+sient fare ~r~anting en e~~s~ent ai,tuxta in the +~aanty o! t~x~.tst Q9.are, Stste of p~t~.i!'~, mire particularly deearibad as l~~:l~r~n s A s wrap at lend of t8kc v~nii'oxtia width of 1~5-lest lying ac-uLiguaua to a~ m~rthmrly of the nart~,,eacly boundary lino of tha pe:ra~al. oY' land dsaaribad in the deed traa Carl ~'. Hea~car~e a,nt! Y3eeker to Pecific dated Ju1F 7, X953 •~ rrdod in tho ottiae gat' the ~easorder cf said Oouent=' ~?' gscita t~lt+ra in Hook ~biBQ of OTt~!oial Pecorde at prgm ~y$ r~°nd extending Prow tttri ee~gterl;~ boundary ling c! t~.~ pax~oel at land d~yeoribr ed in said deed dated J~tal~ r~ 1953, Westerly 1{,f~~9-l~eest, more yr 'ass, to a eau~st in the xesterlT bountler7 line of ~a parcel oP Ltrs~ deaaribed in said dated dated Ju:.y ?, loK3, Bch course has-a bearing oS north o° J: 1/2~ great and a langth a! 21.t~.9iteet, ids, :he oity ©oucc:.l has reed tha ~rosaid, and ~eg~~maw@nt er_d d=ema it to be t.c the beat ;ratereeta nt'tihe d: ~ ~-, j~ x®1~, TES RB, es IT ~GLV$D: 1. ;'':a~.at the Oity ~.• wupertina '.sgbr e~aoepta the gr~ent ~" e.aeement, s-:d euthorizssr the l~iayor and thr Oitg Cl~er7~ to ~.ar~cute the $zr: eemont pro~-:.di..*~$ !or of fir~aativo csovenanwe vn :.~ Q part of :~a (pity. 2.~t the City ~3nrJt be and haret~y is suthortsea r,..~i direeted 4o record ea~ir~ gtent of eese~aant along xith s ~~r'L~.t'iud cod= at thin ra~anlut.I.on. ' ,~x .. M '~x r, 1 /r~ T ,~L '. ~~: .~, •,', s,,~y ,. ,lf;F '7 ~. ,~A.. I~ PASMBU Y~ 1lnUPTisD st a rs~'3~r x~ae~+:ing a* b~i~- Qit.~ ilciunail #~Ic-m (~itT ct Cup~,xta.tt.'~, this nth dety of Dedc~t-er~ t~i,~j's ~~ r ~ol~.o~f~g ~aL e t f ter: ~- ~o~ ~~e ~~.w