CC Resolution No. 1215 ~9 ~ ~ . ' ~ ~ r ~ / ~E;+C1L11~,'.Cdli N4. 1?1,r RESGI'.'~"1UN OF TFib GI~Y COUNG~L ~P` THE .CITY t)X CUPEI~TINB alZo~eing aar~a'.in c].~.~z ~nc~, d~mand~ in t~~e eti~n oP ~7, 81~6 .~0~ Dernsand 2ioec 146'j thru Yal~b. gP~:,,us~ ~~er dspartmsnt ~l~ima an~l demands inthe sum of ~1, 053.37• p~?,,~1 ~T~a ~682 thr•a 26B6. The Cit~ Catu~oil oY' the Ci~a• a~ Cup~rtino doea here~y rosr~l•te, det~~~ and o~er a~ f:~~laxa: 3cation 1. 'Ct...~~ in ~~co=~ncc~ trith seax~.on ~7242 of th~ Oo•a~~~ent Zr'o ec~"~,"~~F'e Ci~y Cler~ ar his deaignatsd reprecs~»tiative herc~by cex~~iC~es tio the accuracy of ~h~ fo:llowing dPmando snd ~Cd tr,+e availib~.1 t#:,v aP ftt~3s for paynent ~hereo!'. je/ ]~awranao K. Max~:~n y er Secfil~n 2. That the fallowing clai~,^~s and demar~ds have be~n ~u~i ~ ag requ rsc.`~5y law and that ~ha s~.~ae ax~~ hex•~by ~sllowed 1n the ~o•,xr:~ ~aereinaft~r aei: ~ortt~. C1~~..*~~~ Wa~r~nt Cirose OASDY Fc~d. Tax. Amount ` No. Amo~~nt F~id F-3~il~y i~. ; tor.n ],~6 b54.1? 27.~8 83.78 5a~2,~1 F~r~rer~~~ E. Rei~i 1u6~ 129.00 ~}.62 1.50 ~67.~38 Lawr~en~~ K. Martin 1469 431.00 18.10 ~4.6U 36n.4'j+ASIg Juz:e ~.~enevl L~h ~470 2~ .50 8. j 2 ~.7. C)4 ~~~.0~+~!1.?~ c~~~.; s r~~:u~h iu7x ~x~. c~a . ~.6 30. x.o ~.79. ~4 ~ iliz.Q J. f~raoks 1~72 3~. ~0 1~.2C1 u 6. 2 0 2~?. ~4 F:~:~ Fir~ty x~7~ 5~S2.So rg 75.95 }?3.7~ P.~::~~.~ J. F~,~~gerald X474 338.00 1~.20 30.60 2g4.46-H~S.~.g I~~~~~°'c S. shook 11a75 431.t~o 18.10 37?.69+;~11~ arc~e~~ s~mmo~.s ~.~76 229.00 ~.62 3i~5o a~t3?'.88 sv~.~o 1?tsrtin ?~~~7 207•50 •72 ?.t3. 7~ 170, 08 wi~li.~.a ~1. Henevlch 14r~ ~31.00 1~3.1.0 2.~0 360.~Q :,~hr. x. gco a~4?a 372.5a ~S.E~~ ~o.~0 316. 75 ~ct~a.~-~ L. Murphy 148t? 355•00 1~~.~~. 33.4q 306.69 ' 'riide~cr J~~,trakr~mi 148i 207 .50 8.72 28.70 ].70.48 Jerry ~oSfl.7lo 1482 338,00 14,20 34.50 289.30 i Axa~ares~ 3~rieco 1~8~ 2b7.5o 8.~2 24.80 173.~8 Ani:hcn~ Pennticai. ~~B 1~.4.72 4. 2 .50 109. o F~er3ir„znS Santon: ~~t85 207.5o g,72 24.80 ?.73.9~ ,,'ir:~,s S~ephena 1~86 ~52. ~d 1u. Gx 24. oa ~~~.•f. t3r~ Franrc crrt~z 148 ?5~.50 10~61 20.10 2~].o7y ~ Lai~ ~r~ca:rds 'L~8 83.16 3.49 z1.60 68.o't Leta t~.e Eatc,n 1~$9 42.00 ],.75 6.~DO ~4.2~c Adde Za~asin 149a 41n.5~ 17.24 53.50 339.7~ J~e~ xuzum ].~91 ~~6. 50 12.8? 31 ~ 70 261.9~~ P~arl ~.~,gr~? ~492 252.02 10,58 31.80 2o~.E~l~ Cas~al R. B~.rt~inek ~.4q 162,~4 G.83 16.g0 13G.S? .Ta~.n ~~.r~iam 14~ 410.~0 17.2~+ 3f3.ao 355.26 ~ Lauz~ .4rr^~are ae 1495 ~9. ~a 2. o? f~. ~0 40. 33 ~ Dcrn~a F,~~ke 1496 32. 00 1.3~ 1a . 60 26. ~h Lare~t~a ~r~w~r a.~Ug7 4~6, 20 ]..94 5. ~50 3 s 66 I~er.n~t~ ~:~n~pa 7.498 86.10 ~.fi2 8.30 7~.7.t3 ~ s~ 9 ~ , . . ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7~.~a~~ 4la~ra.n* " Qrose OASnx Fe~d. Tax Amau.~t ._...r... X~C~. ~ AmOUnt _ pa] d , l~er~q,y ~Crouee 1499 3~.~ X.>~ 5.20 29.2~ ~ct~.rd Dahlgs~n 1~00 `r 0. u0 2.~r6 6, ].0 61.3 ~ Rob~rt H~tntier 15oX 82. SA 3. 7• 70 71•33 Je~. ~ynn J~wett ~.~~2 36.00 1.51 5.2o G9.29 ~ar~x Loxaxes ~.50 29.~0 :~.23 .20 2~.97 Geo~e Lyerla 15~ 36. UO 1.51 X.3~ 3:i.19 Ma~.cfllm Perry ~.50~ 36.10 7~.51 ]~.30 3~.~9 ~.tc~zael 9a~llhoa3 ~506 40.00 1.68 5.70 32.G2 ~ ~tiZliam Tyson 15p-~? 40,00 1,6$ 1.90 36.42 P~z ~ C. Yergir. X548 .~0 7. a8 ~5. 30 36. G2 L~:s3.3.e Reid 15U9 3G.40 X.51 5.20 29.29 " ~~s~p Fund~rbu:^;c~ 151A 25,.2C' 1. U6 3.53 ~0, b~. Ro~ert Andre~,s 15~~ 93.6d 3.93 13.00 7~•6'l nor.~~.a Peratm xgx2 ~U.6o 2. a.3 xo 1?z .37 „a.:~. ~enr;~ 151 2P.4o .f36 2.86 ~,Ei.68 L~u~a Ma.che~se x~1~ ~19.25 5.01 12.80 l01.4~ WAmER i~.PAFtTME~J'r PAY}~4LL ` sct a. noc~ 2682 338. oo 12.25 26, 60 2~8.95 ~aT~. A. Fage 2683 2~5. o0 9.60 3T. ~o ~a~a.3o Ro~,~r P.'~~zwa 2684 21Q.00 7. ga 30. lQ 180, 00 Nar~re~ Hayes 26E5 162.~0 5.88 ~2.70 133.92 ~ ~?u~..,-~ey wes:::; 2686 26~.00 9.60 33.20 2z2,a_o Adapted the 1~ th. day oi` January 1~6~6 yso ~n n~ anuary 1"~'6~"i^'~"""""`~ , „ , i , w , ~ i,