CC Resolution No. 1217 ~ ' . a ~
I ~I
. " ~ rz~s~n~zox ~10~ , i2a~7 .
` 4
~ OF TNL~ ~'9~,~D~03BD AN?i~X~TTOH (~F C':~~?l~i UNINHAI3x~~7 TERRITDTt~t~ T4 SAID
~ C~TY, I~'~'4'R.'iBINt} Sr1ID Tl6F~".l`~GR3t ~ D~SIa~A:i"TN4 ~:T .DY TI~ N.AI~ aI~
~~l'..:TN.~ 'E~j--S~~s '~iAKIt1Q CE~TAIN'~"D3Ni~S RB°,PECTZNti ~A~U PH~PU:~AL;
AtXD ~a~ ~dC~TIC.~ OF :~'IME ,~I~D ~t~'8 SA~D CUUPICIL k'~LL' I~AR 17t0'~'FST;i
a .r..........,._..._.
_ ~3, on ~rle 17'tb cltsy oS Janu~r~t, ~.966', 'Gh~~e s~a$ f~.:;ed w1~k~
this C~nneil a petitfor~ r~~~rss~ir~g , the ~nnexati~on ~e the C~.ty~ of
Cu~t?~ir~ ail ot the territc~rgr hereira~f~er c~e~~r~.bed; and
~HA3, th~e~ t~ounai]. l~s recbiv~fl ev3.dencr~ slnoxir~, ~hat, anci
rind~ t~hat a wsi~ten d~eeyK2~~lort ~f the pibpouaX to ~nnex e~aid 'cer~~-
, tory tcr the City of ~e,~ til~d wlth tha Tacal Ag~nay Jiianexa-
tion C~+~raission of S~nta ~1itr~ ~:ounty and rrith t~Q gocr~stary o~` t;he
L~aw~?~at~• Co~nmiQeian of 3a~nttt C~ar~ Covuntiy, Cal~f.ornia, and thati said
Bounda~~ Comutss3~on hss pr~~r~d, or asu~ed ~o be pre~red a Y~epor~ to
the ~~x~ponen~~ of
sr~~d finna;c~.tion Upon s$3d annexat~oh propoaal, all
~s r~~.~,red by lax, and tha+~ sald Lvcal Rgeney Anney.a~ion
and ~ r34ut~d~ry~ Gommiegi.o» have epproved tht~ botu~dn~.•iQ~ o~' 9a1d
rrapos~d annexation; end this Ccunell h~~ receiv~d evl.d~naa ~howing,
ar.d f~~e~s that the above me~:ioned patitian aa~ not eirculated, ei~ned
or fil~~ th~ Caunail un :il a~fCer said Buundsry Commissian had
m~de, o~uaed ta be made said report and h:~d approv~3 eaid boundari~s
~and ur.ti2 aPter s33d Y~acal 1~gancy Annexation Commis~ton had ~xpprov~d
aald a..~^.r,e~cation prrago~al; and
~ '~:~REAS, t'.tits C~un~il h,as recelved evidQnae ~t~orring, ~nd furl:her
I. Th~t ttte saici territary I~ ait~:ate lonmectxt~tely ad~saaent ~o and
t~ouchc~ an~ it~ c~nti,guatis to che boundaries of the C1~y ~T
Cupertit~o; ~.nd
2. Ti~t ].es~ ttuin Ctve.lve rwglatered voL•err~ realded wi.~ra~n aaid
~ *erritary c~t ~.he ~i~e the above men~ione~l p~~~.tio» was~ rilc;~d
~~th rt~i~,~ 3n~i that a~i.d tArl'ttox~;~ i~ ~:~lY~'nF?t,'QTR tini.n--
c~s~iL~~, L"?1.t
3. Thati sci.d petitian is ai~ned by owners oi' not 1e:~a than one-
fourth of t he land in sa~.d terri.tor3r Uy ~rea and by ~r~se~sed
value as shotan on ~he las~ ec~uRlize~i nss~a~ment rol]. of the
County of San~e~ Cla~ra, C,alifr~rnia, in whSch B~id Cvunty suah
tcrr3tory ia aittt~,t~ct;
~ ~:~:~'~1, THEREFOI~E :
n ?~OT~CE Y5 HEREB): a.rr~.ii tnati, pursuar~ti to Ghe provisiona af th~
Anne~.tion of Unin?~bited Territ~ry Aot af 193~, a peti~lon signed
Uy oar~ers af rz.ot less ~ht~n one-fousth or the land in ~he hersinaPter
. desct~.bed ter~.~itary ~y, area ~,z~d by gsae~s~d value as ah~rrn on the
la~~ e~,~ali.~ed assesement ~roll of the Cown~y of Santa C;la.:~, Calif'ornia,
~ of ~he heretnafter d~z~eribed territary to s~1d
City ot a~ ilninh~b~ted Torritory pur~iuant; to the ~~roviaion$
of the Annexation ot' Uninr,abited Terri~or,y Act of ~g3g oS' the 3ta~e of
Califa~i,a, we f~l~d wi~tx th~ ~ouneil. of the C1ty of Cuper~ino on
. Jan~~3.z~' 17, 19~~. _ 1 _
~ ~ ~ ,M
~ I iol 1~ C d ~ _ ,
1 ~
~ ~ '
Z~ Mt~TI~CE IS ~'•5.' OT1~~ tha.~t, Marah 19fio A~ ~;he !i~~txr oP
t',~f ~p.~3o, ' c,f sa:l~ d~~, in '~a~.*~i ~tvatn oi' the c.~u,~r~x ~ir,n tiu~tcis ~a!~~o~.
~J~ d~3c~~ at• 10340 ~'~~t v1. Da'r~i~t~, Gt~~x~t:~no, 1.farr.~.~, w~ 'l:rl~ i~imc: aizd
glt3~r~ ~'11'LS , G'ULII1C1l a~ -U~t~ Ci'~' ~f' ~~ri3.1 li~.~.~ p~.*ctecti~a m::de
~ng ~~n~n ~rs~]. pxc~ ,~~y azithi.n ~he territorq, hey~~~.~na~t~~x~ dea-
~~,?~.~~w~ .#~r~d ~esnrlh~d, g~~~~,~~si, tb b~ ~nn~xeG, La ~h~ Ca.t~t af Gupertinu.
At a~.x~ ~im~ b~fore the h~aaty ;~~t ~'or he~aring ob,~eQt::ton$ ariy avr.~er a~
p~~.:~sss~t.~ e~i~hin.tne L~i~i~:oi~,~r pru~~~d ~o Ue unnex~d ta t~he C~~y uf ~
G"u~~~ r~~1 ~.~le ~wx~.t~~rz ~ar,r~~t~s~t, ~ga~.n~~ th~ an3n~xa~ivri .Sa~d e~ri~~'~
t+ez~ ~va-~ater~~ sh~13 s~a.~~ .t1a~ r~ ~t` ~h~ oamer~ cif ~he pz~op~~rty ~~'~'Qatecl ,
ar~d ~t~~ d~soz~p~ien and are~ aY' ~hs said pro~r~y i.ti ~~,~»ea~el ~~rtne~ At
tl~~ c~at Por h~a~ring pr~~~et~, or to ~hiGh tiha h~~?ring ~y ba cann
t~:~~.~~, a~id Council ah~7.1 h~~,r ~u.d ~na upon all ~r~o~~~t~ sa mr~~~:.
3. fih~ City ~l~rk of` tr~ Cit,y c~~ :Ls h~ra;by ~Qirv~~~d ~o
ca~.~*~ ~ cUpy or this h~snaxutia?:x ta be X~ubllshed 3n tr.e c,'uF? Couri.ier,
a r~,~~~ s~f gene:~.x a~r~ula~~an 1~n the C~.:y ur Cu~~r~ino and itt, ~he
~RZ•~:1~~?-~;Ze ~~E~I:dRl~cfir a~eaapap~r at g~rn~ral c~.r~ul~.~~.on pu3x~ah~d ot~~rsicfe
tn.~ ~t y nf G1.atpez•~ bctti w'~.~hin ~he wunty~ or sac~t~ Clar~?,'~rn1t3t,
'.r r;~ r~~nnEZ~ ~nd t2r~s ar~ re~*a2rez! ~y law, ~nd to aauae wxitten not~ae
of ~~~p pro~sad ~ruiext~r~oa~ to a~ .zzal.l~d ~o a~Z parsons or bodie~ ho
Kr.:~s ~::c.t~ nct3.ce i~ r~qu'red b~ ma:~led Uy lt~~+, ~r. the rr~rtner and
xic~~: ~h~ tin~ :~~~,r9.rEC1 by
7'k~.+a terr~:.tcr;~ propnsed t,~~ be ar~nexed tio the Ci.~y a~
;~.~~by,• d~aarii~~,: a.°. ~13 t:~,~t t~rrit~~~y ~itus~e in the Coun~y rT
;a.:`-: Clc:r~, S*ace of C~,l~.f~rrr,ia, b~unded ~cnd rr.oi~e fully d~aar~.bed au
1~6 ~.:.f3'K~9 : ~
AII that ce;~t.~i,rc :~e~2 ~r~per~y ~3tuate in thc~ Coun~y of San48
C2~.~, ~ta~te o2' LalxCorrtia, ~Y•e p~?~rt~culc~rly deac~ibed a~ S'ol.lo~rt~:
:3~~,lnnin,~; at ~r~ iron pL~!? a~ ttie tntersec~.t~n o~° ~he center line
~ af ».ir~1~ Lr:n~ s:1t: ~h~ ;~cC-'_c~r~ l~.r,e between Sect~.on 2~ and 2~ T~w~qhip
~ 7.~~.:~h, F~n~s ~ it_~t, ~4 D«~. t t;hence lcavin6 ~.ndy Lane and rvn- ~.~4ng a tence, ;t. 19' fi52.09 fee+~ zo an 1z*on, ~ai d~oint
aXs. ~r~nq a~~nt o~ ~h~ aits 3sr.~.ta lina of +:h~ C± ty of CL~ert:3,n~ a3
e+~t.~~1S~2z~cl by C~al~rtino anr.exat.ivn Critmp ~2~3; th~ne~ a;tong naicl ~1~y
i~.~.a lin4~ t:~e follo•,~inp~ caursea s:t~d d~e~~n~:e~: S. 89° ].3' 3p" E..
213.~'~ fee~ to an ~ron pipe; ~ria~nce S. 76~ lu' ~0" E., 1t18.14 ~'$ot;
; tt~.~:Ew~ 5. 89° 5;~' E., ~1~'.4d l~~t ta an iron f*henc~ N. 0° 10' E,
~ 2j~.~9• to an ln.n piPef Chen~:~ Pt. 0~ ~.0~ E., along the eaa~ex~ly line
of ce~~ain t:~~t o~' lazv'~ conveyccl by tl~z~garet I~. Er ic korrr, s~ a l,
~o wi*r,z~ K. ar3ffit.h, e~ wc, ty De~d r~coY~3ed Feb:ruary 28, ].951, in
~k ~{~6 oP Off~c.lal Rec~rdA, Page 25~', S~n~~ Cl+~ra Coun~y T;ec.ards,
tc t~e in~ersecticaz thereof xith ~.he aeat;erly pxnlonga~lon c~~' ther nori:hF~
' er~~ ~lne of that ~~rtaln l.C~J~. a~re tract; of land eom~ey~d tA F~r~nlc
~ AI•+r~;a, et ux, by L~eed reca~rl~d AugTaot 3, 1gb~, iz~ BooSc 52~2 4f ofPicial
~ Ftec~rsis, Pt~ge 12~, S~tn~~ C1~.ra GvustC~ ReQOrds; ~henae trom the last
~ t~,~ Znt~ersect~.on ~8~~erly along th~ laat n~med weeterly pralonga~ion
~ tip tL~ "t~arttiwea~ cori~~r 4~ as3d 2.001 eare traat,, ~henc~ ~ou~h, ,~70.00
tc:~~- ~heriQe east, 59•20 fee~; t2:e2yQe S. 10' ;SOn E., c03.~2 f~~t to
~ ~,~/~t' ,~ran 1~P~; Cheno~ 3. 5°14 ~ W., 102.58 Poe~1~1 theno~! 'S. 73 39'
` ~t ~9 PeQ~; Lhenae 3. ~ 3g' w., 2~.91 Peet; ~henae t3. o~~ ~ W. ,
' 4~..~ fc~e~; ~hence 3. 7{~ 4~' E., 44»58 ~eet; and tk~eh~e S. 34 2~. E.,
14~.~ feo~ ~o a nai~. i~h t~e c~zl~e~rllnQ of Lindy I,~ne, st~id n~iX. ~einp~
' _ 2 ' •
, . ~ . . . r
~ . , i~r r+ ~w~ ¦ i'I ¦ 1 1~~
~ -"d
~ •
a~oint on ~he c~,ty ~,3m~t~ 13ne ni' t'.:e Ci~3~ (,'upertino aa estuflx3atie~t
bq G~Fti~~° atuzc rat~.o:~ fi~~bb No, 2; ~hen..e 1n a~ene~al saut:h~a~;RteZ•l,y
dir~~~~on ~lon~ ~a~d c~nter. li^a o~' l~i.,nd~ I,~r.~e t~nci t~li~ ai'o*~er.?~nt:f~?ne~i
Clt~r ~a~ Cii~i•f.ino c:;lt~r ~lmlts to tl~e ot' be~~l.nn:lr.~~
~nt~ii~~in~ ta. i Q ocrea sn~c~c or ? ses.
F'ASSES Ar'D AAO~;QD r~t a x~gular meet~.n~ cP the City Go~ncil oP the
City ot C?ips~rf:sn~ oi1 ~~.he _Z ~hs3~y o~ J~nuar,y 19 66, by ~he
Ct~~, vot,e:
l~.~C'ES: Cowlclltne~: ~nch, Fi~C~~eral.d, Noel, 3takes
~~3: Caunail~en: ?ton~
~.~.E?J'~: Cuw1a31men: Y?empster
1 y oig
Cu~er ~ no
tiT::P..~i :
Y.a.wrence El'. Ma.rtin
Clty Glc:r;c