CC Resolution No. 1237 , , , . .;~L . , . . , ~ ~3t)Lt~~'TpN N0. 12~7 ASIIldQ 1~ ~30I~UTI011 A'~ T~18 CI'I'Y bF CtJP~E{'CINC) ACC~3F~ JIf~IC,~~'~GiN OA? RBAI. I'RUF~t'I'~1 IrOI~ RU.~I.1,.+~J.AY ~'if'RP09}?~ . kifiL~ItBA~, VAN 'VT~CS 1?~AEJ,i'Y Nl~~FYT ~fiAtilNt~ PL~1~1 nND TRU9`~ hae aA~~a~tad a ti'~ediaat,~lot~ ~el~~.ah ict in g~.~,od and ~ufY~alen~ form, grantir~g ta tt~~a Cl~y G:' Cupd~+t4.t~u, +L~:+uri~y of .9snta Ql~ra, 9ta~~ dt Ce~ifoi~r~.e~~ the f.ee title to oQr~t~isi x~a01 ~S~ , :csr rtfed~o~y ~+ur~a~ee, oitu~te im ~t~e Clty of Cu~~,~yt~r~o, d~rr~rib~d a8 !'ollorie s ~3R4Y2~NIN~ at a~c~?~~t An tho Northva~tei•1~r co~rnor of I~t " ga aha~n on th~ap oarta~.n IMe~ en~i~le:tt "Tr~at ~'o. 5t34, ~lton Park 3ubdivYa~an ~in~t ldo. 2', r~aor(ied Sn ~olc 2t1 01' I.~~ps, n~s~ 52, 9Rnt~ Cle~re Coun~~r Reco~~def that~ce e~Qn~ the $~,et~ ~rXy line oP eA~.d ~t 38 9auth dfl O~i= u.•~ ia5.0~ leatj ~henae ~long A aurr~s to tk~e r~.,sh~ a~,th ~e ~~d~ u• or ~0.~ f~et 1;hrough a c~ntral angle oP 890 ~1' r~r an era '.~r~h o~' 31. ~6 fe~t tro g g~i.a?~ on th~ 3outt~rly lir~e 4l aei~ Iaat j thenaQ alon,g ~eid 8'~ou~herly line? 6~' e~~si ~.at 38 34uth 9° 5~' W~s~ 29.97 f~e~; thenoe ~lr~ng ~ euxw~ tc~ thet let~ tangent ~rith th~z prere~4ing cau~t~ae a3.th a rediu~ ot° 30.A0 feet tf,rough a cantrr~l ~ng].e af 8q~ ;~2' Por an ~rc length oi' µ'7.05 reat to t~ point d~etant We~ter~~r ~+t~.00 teet ~ree~s- ured ~t right +~t~gla trom aa~.d Bo~~er~y li~e at eaid Lo~ ~henc~ ~~.ong a line parallol aith $aid~ Eanterly? 1l.ne of Ba~.d Lu~ 38 North G~ Ou' ~aa~~ 95.C38 re~t to a paint on ti~o Idvrth-- er~y linQ of eeid Lot 38; th~nCe~ along oeid HortherZy line of sr~i~ Lot 3~ No~th b~ S~' $ae~ 20.00 ?~eet 9~o the poi;~t of beg~nning. NOW, T~ItJBFOR~, ~ I~ RI~C~LV~~, th~L the City oY' Cupertino accept said grent eo tendered; a~~ ST IS ~TR,Ti~R A~.~HD, Ch~t tr,~o City Cleris 6e srEd ha A~ heceby authori~ed ta r~corA ~aid d~dicetio;i and thi~ Re~oluti~n. PA9SBD ANO F?DOPT~D thia 2,~ day of February , 1966, by the followtng v4tio: AYB3s C~unQil~en - Finch, Fitzgerald, N~el, Sto'e:~~ N~BS s C~uncila~n - Idone ABSB?ST: Counailmen - Dpmpster ATZ'ESTt RPPROVBD: s Florenc~:? E. R~id /s~ Gt~ry a. Syoke:~ Dep .~.fy eI rk"~._ ~eyo` r'~ro e~" m`.'~.' y . . , a~i'. .,.~„,,~f ~ iL~l; ~ V , . ,.5, ~iu ~..~.a~.