CC Resolution No. 1300 ~
~tBSa~,v~cox yo, l~oo
~ra A~s~r:u~ox o~ ~ cz~.~ oF cvr~tm~~ta
k~Q~i~?Y P~JRP09I~3
i~~BAB, ~3 3L. CLAt393t13 ajZd R05~ A. CLAU3YU5 have ~xecutied
a dedi.iation N~ich ir? in goqod and euPfl.~lent for~, to tKe C:L'ty
of C~cipertlna, Caunty o,f Snnta C1ara, 9,t~te af Callfor, i~ia, 4he fee
title to aertain real propcrty ror Y`Ua(IW~y pLII'~108(38~ s3~u~~e in the
Cit3~ of Cupertino, dQ~cribed ~e fo3.lowa~:
Beginning at a ppirit ln the aent~rline ot 3tavena Creelc Raad~
aaid point b~ing the eouChxeot corner of that certain pgrael of
land dediaatcd to th.~ City of
Cup~artino reaorc3ed Apr11 13, 1965, in
Eb~k 6919 of Offiaia.l Rea~rds at pagc 119, Reco.rd~ oi' Santca Clara
County, Califarnia; tS~enc~ x~stexly ~loc~ the of sa~d
St~v~n,a C~r~ek Rond E~`~.Ofl feety thenae et rip,t~t a~~le8 nvrtherly 45
t'~e~; thonce caeCer7.y on a tine par~ll~l to ~he oentarllns of StevAnn
Creek Roa~ 60 fe~et 1.~ ~h~e northweet aorner of sa~c~ parae~. oP l~nd
dedicated to tha Cil;y o~ Cuperttno; thQnce aou~herly a].ona the
w$atex~Ay Xine af Qa:ld p~rcel of ~.r~nd de~lie~~ed Co ~`.hQ City of Cupar-
ti.r~o ~5 r~c?~ ~o *hv p~1.nt ot beg~nning.
N~W, 'T'tfER8s~0~i8, 8~ IT R~'SCXLY~, th~ti the City af Cupertino
acGepti ani.d gi•anL no tende~red; ~nd
x`T YS PUR~ R2~St~L~'ED, thnt tha City CXark bA t~nd he i~a haraby
~uthort~sd t~ ~record ~~ic4 dec4laation Arui thig l2e~olu~~on.
PA3~$D AND ADl)P~D thi~ ,~_da;,? ~i' 1y6~i,
by the fo~lowing v~ot~ a
A~Ss ~nuncilcm~~x ~ ~~e~ot~aid, 1~oha~~ur~, ~aMii, B~k~M
ri~~GS: CQUncilen~in - f~ ;
A~~; Caut~cil~an -
aT'~..9'I" s , APPRnVED t
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