CC Resolution No. 1329 ~ ~ ~ ` r~so~.rr~a~ ~~a. 1,2~ f. ]~~I-U~'~Q~,i ~F TH$ CY'1'Y C'Ol'.~TCIL dF CITX OF ~'UF~"T`~N~} ;3~TTI~ A ` . "~C`~!X *~t7'8 F0;4 3'AE P'ISC,~iL `Y~R 1~6~r-67 ~1't~, the C~,t~ ~owrmc~.l oi' th~ City oP Cuper~ino ~Sa pre~ ~re.re~C end r~dapt~d a budget,, ~ ~AS, ~.t ~s necesa~ry fax~ the ~r~~.~'sr~ Q~' t?ie C~ty ttra~t #sac ar~1.:3 bs establi~hed t~, r~ise the rr~v~nus ne~e~aa,ry t':,r ~he +a~~rati~n of Ch~ Ci,ty for ~hr~ f3ac~t~. ~rear 7.9~~--67. l~tyW, '3'I~..~FORL, B,E S's ~4LV~:D: aNC'II02~ That the CS~`;y C.ouncil of the C~t~r of Cu~ertino c:~tert~tnea u}~n anct aets t~e x•:a~e o~' ~0.5'I' p~r ~1,00,~ asseaaed ~ralu~tion to ~e the tax r~?te of the City of Cuper~ino ;ax thp ~'~~ca~l year R . ^6--67. SEGTI02: Tha~ th~ C~ty C~ erk is inatx*aa~ed ~o file a cez^~ifi~d car, oS' this Resa'! utlnn Ni ~h the proper County ~:a~~arities. I here~; .n; Cii"y that t~;~ foregoit~ fi~soltxtion ~ras adopted L~ City C.•~.-;cil of th~ ~2~y of Cuper; inn at its r~eeting he14 c~ tYie 1 tt~ Jul~„ , iq66, by ~h~ £dllowir~ *fote: J4~: Cou:::=:.::e~: l~mp~:~.r, aitz~eraX~i~ John3?:n, tioeZ, Stokea ~i~:~.:: Cour.: ~'_~en: None ~~~`T: Cou:-.::.;.-:en: None . ' ~.~~~s~-~-~... /a/ ~C~y V. Hacidon y e~ r S~~d r~l~d 8~~ ~atied thi8 Y~~~ day OP Jul~y r I,9~b, ~ 4a Q. S~ok~s ~yor`o`~'~y o~ rt~ nc~ . . ~ . .