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CC Resolution No. 1333
.w r~M+~ ~ ` `4 ~ ~ 1~s0~~ 1~'?. Y.333 . , BEI?~ .3 N~S(ali,U'I'.IG~ 1~ '~~"~E CI'x'Y 0~~ CUT'ER'1'XNO ~4~Y~l~~i A QftA~ t9+~' ~ P'RC~M ~LTON L~3VT~1G~l!"!~' (~DR.~'CrR~+'CYON ~ ' ~3, HA?~'I~T~ON DBt~'A~!' t~.1R~RA~O~I', gr~n~or,~ !~?8 e~c~a~ed a C~xw~n~ at Baaeu~:*_ which ia in ~t~d a.r~d ~affiaient t"ox~ta, cam?eyit~,g to th~e ~ 4F C~'rP~.'CTMO, grs~nte~, ~n ea~errnee~nt for p~ub~ic~ utilit~.es ~ over tt~e pro~erts ~'_:.uated in the ~ity ~1' Cu~errt~no, Caunty flt' S~rtt~ , Clasa, State of C~.~.it'oz•na.~, cteacritaod ee followa: Hrei~rg a~trl~ cf lan.~3 14.Q4 i~1~ in width, th~ cCnterYine a! which i~3.r~ more } zr~t~nua~or t~t~~lin~coc~~on~to Z,o~se23 a~nd~24~ee th~ t~x~~"t:hr~est+~rly . aa3.c~ Zate, 23 and ~T :u•Q r~hown an ~;h~t certais: map or Tract 335~s C~n~dy l~k I~un~~.-, ~;nap of w-h~.ch ~ a ri~.~~ ir: saoac 18g of ~pn at pa~,e 5~~" in th~ ofz e oi' the Ca.a.cxt~r Reaorder uf saict Santa Clar~ C~untg; thence f~: r. s~id Point ~lf ~eg~ning southeanterlq along ~aid c~~t~ line to sL, j Lot~ 2~j ~nd S. 25° 12' ~~I" E. 134.iJ0 ftet, ext~nd9~w~3 ~nd ~h; -:ar.ing the aic2~? l~nes~ ~a t~ teru~inate ~E the prb~trtr 3ines o:" 2zid Lo~a 2~ ar~ ar:d bGing the 8outhe~ast~r~y ter.at,c~:~ oP said ~_.1~~ ropt puOl~.c ut~lity e~s~aent. forego3r~ is aub~oat ta ~ha !'ol2owin6 expreaa r,ondStiona: ~~c Qrat~tee aea to r~$~are the groun~ ~urfa.ce and ~.n;~ improv,ement$ the::~.:. to i~s original grade or cond~.tlvn inaoi'ar- ec~ it i~c ~^act3Qab? i•ea~onable ta do Tt~ft~`i~~ , 7T IS HEftF',r8'~ RESc3LVEU, that th~ Ci,ty o.* Cuper~ina accept $aid aran: Eas~ment aa ten~ered; an3 Z~t' i3 NURT~.= ?~SOLVE~, ttazt ~the Cit; Clerk be ~n~ he is hereby autt~or'..,.~ed to re~:;~~ aa~.d (~r~::~ ~f Ea~~~ment, nn3 th3s Resolution. ~ F~SF,D AND 1~~: ='=`ED this ~ day of July. , ag66, b3t th~ '_'~llawi.t~ .:,te: AY.B.~?: Counvil~^_ - Dempater, ~~t.~~r~l.d, J~tulsot~, Noel, Stokes NK~~3; Counailm~. - None AE~S~"» rounci].mm~:.: - None ' ~Z~~.".P~~ APFRO~'~D: 1'.~1.~'^r-- . C..~-~'~"~ ~r`~~ t3at~,...~.~.....~.~.~...... o ` ......a~~.t~t_ .t.. • ' $~r _ . . ~ ~ . , .