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CC Resolution No. 1336
p ~ ~ ~ ~qozcr~;oN r~o. x336 R1~t~T'Z''3"C!H QI~' TH~ +:~:~'Y G4UNrI?L t~F' '~~lE ~:x7,'X OF CUP'KRTI'.NQ allarr~.t~r, t~er~~tin ' t:.~,ai~a ~.n+d ~~ln~n~~ ~n t~Y~e ~~tun o~.' !p3:].,y~0,4~. Dem~??nc~ Wo~. 2t7$? L•h~~~ 2156, lP~u~ ~f~?t,~r D,~~,rtment al~i~,~~ and d~~ands 3n th~ sum of $],y139.13• ; • ~~s~d llaa. ~2g36 L•hru 2~4~.. , x'he City Cs~u1~o~,~ of ~cho City ot' Cupe~rt•ino doea hor~by re~olvo, ~~st~exmin~ and order ae t~all.oxs: r t3ec~ion '.t~a~ lri ac,~oard~n~ae wi~h aeation 3720~ o;c ~ ~+~v~x~n~+ent Ga ""~ee '~'itar C~a~k or ~9.a dea~gnaf;$d repres~ntativa her~by c~~.~ti~'i~e i~,h~ aaaur8a3~ o.[ tire~ ,t'ol~oatng dam~ndu e.nd t;o trie ~vei.1,. ~bilit~? oP fu.~ds t'o~y pa~?~n~ ~he~r~oS'« ; .1. I~e~ V. Haddon y e Secstion 2. tt~e follAwing al.aime and de~tnd~ tuive ~ieen ~,udx~ed ~.s ~equ3xe3'"~iy l~~r anc~ h,haS; thcs name ~re hereby alxo~red in tihe am~ur~~ 1~~~:~f.~narter ~st i'or~h. ~l~imant Wa:rant ara~a F~d~ral Amoun~ No. Amdunt ~ASDI '.~Ax PBid ...r.r..~._.,.. ~ Priilip W, starm 24#~ f87.5o _o.. l.].o.o0 577.~0 Pla~nae Rei.d 2t3e~ 247,50 10.4A 36.30 ~On. 0 Adde T.~urin 208~? 444,00 1E3.6~ 7$.90 3~46.45 Ell~n Nimmona 2G90 23~i.Q4 9.91 39.00 187.0~ Jazne~ Nuzum ?.091 331.5~ 13.92 35.,90 2~31.6 Re.y Y,H.sddon ~Q9~ 42 .00 17.7? ? .23 ~37•20+M1g t}lgdy~t Mt~Hugh 20~ 2~~.Q~J 9. g1 3~.60 191.49 June G. Beneviah 2U9~ 22~+.50 9.41 19.Ot~ 19b.09 Victori~ Hate~ 20g ~6.DU 1.51 0.- 34.~9 Wi111~us D. ~tttE~vlch 20y~ 46~.UO 19.57 6b.0o 3~0.~+3 Ecixarc~ L. ~9urpY~y 2o~g8 83. go I.6.li 41.1G 326.2 Jot~» A. Busto 2097 ~x1.o0 ~?.26 4~.50 3u4.2~ Ridek4 A~ui~kk~mm~ 20gg 22u.54 9.41 ~~.90 182.19 Willit?.rn J. ~rooks 2'1D0 3~g .aa ~~•3~ 57•T~ '~2•~5 Fran~t B. F~nney 2101 y8b.50 3.72 101.70 4 1.n8 F~.nc~all J~ Fit;z~er~ld 2102 3b~5.aQ 15.~5 37•70 312.4~ Su~.iko A4rt~.n 2103 ~21.50 9. -:1 2„94 182, ;l9 Robrrt 3. Shaok 21d1~ ~~6.0~ 19.5?7 00 398. ~Sa.+~i~/ J~me,a Roo1' 2~0 26 .40 ~i.l lb.2o 237•b? Kenneth ~l. 31:Y°a~eer 21~ 2].~.00 9~ 1~ ~.40 ~.73 Je~ry w. Botf'il~~ 210 ~f~.50 15. ~5 ~2.70 30 ,45 'Th~nas H. S~aph~sn~ 21~ 28~.50 12.03 28. ~0 24~. ~7 Frr~rilc L. Ort~.~r 2109 2g6.50 12. U~ 23. ~0 2~U. ~7 " I'.At~ro~e Br~aao 2110 ~24 .~0 g. kl 28. u0 1 7. u~ Ferd~nand 3antonl ?111 ?.21t .~0 9. ~1 2~3 ~ cld 187 .(1?g R~~er Pia2~a ~112 r36 .00 9.9]. 34 . C0 191. ~1~ ~i11 O~Brien 211~ 224.~0 ~ 9.1~~. 1.80 213•;?9 r ~ T~S u l~i. InM•~. c1~ ~ 11 ~ i 1 . ? . ~,n ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . i~a~lll F'81'rl$R1 2.~~.~ ~411~~0 a.~r~y ~{G~~p .~7~~~: f:a~i•o~, JR. ~rtun~k 2:11 37~.~0 7.37 22.2~ 1~5.96 w~yno ~Croxnover al~, ].~U ; o ~+.5G ~4,'po E~B. Ha~rsiet E, H~.13. 217.~ '~2. 94 3. A6 -0.. G9. ~ ~ . . . . _ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ Cl~s~~ Warr~~~t ~f~~oa~ a•~der~I Az~nQUrxt No. I~rnpun~ OAgD~ '~~?x pai~i w_._..~. ' x~uxpe ~r~clieae 211~ 206.55 8.68 21~.70 1' a r:~? I,~rr~n ~ri°in 212Q 1~Y'.15 ~4. 2q 10, ZO ~7. _ Cas~o3,c~ :~3qstni~h c 32Y 13.5~ •57 .'j0 12.w~ 1~rg~r~t W:.~ngxove 2122 362.5~ 15.23 57.70 2~39.5'~' ~~.s~? Adamo 2x2 i2~.. so 5. ~,o x3. 30 ~.03, l~ Leu~t~ ~arese 2].~~ 125.$n 5.28 Z9,QO 101.y2 K~e'~hl~a 5, Aamusaen 2125 1~a.20 b.22 ~3.00 118.99 Danr~o. ]~e~ke 2126 132.6U ~.5? 20.30 ~~•?3 I,ore~Ga Br~wer 212 1Q2.Q0 .2f3 15.~0 82.62 ' Roz~2~ I.. Durke 212~ 124,10 5.2a 19.00 q.a9 x~na~ cm~aera 2i~g ~.~9.60 ~.44 zg.6o g~ R~.cn~a.~ t~. chew 2~.3o i23. o .20 12.3o Y~6.4o t~.i.cha¢~ A. Cooper 2x31 118.~0 ~.97 12~a0 7.Q0.63 Pen~~,g C~ouse 2132 1~3. 00 5. 5~ 20. ~0 1Crp'. Y1 Ri.charr Z. 17a}ilgrer~ 2133 23n.40 9.68 29.7~ ]l91.02 NuntY~.1 L~ay~on 2134 202.~0 $.51 33.00 1Gp.g9 . Doug?~ F. Deamor.3 2135 7'S,60 3.18 14.30 62.12 Kath~~ J. ElYis 2136 64.u6 2.70 3.90 5?.80 T, s'-~.=s 2137 u.60 2.00 5.60 40.00 Terry a-underbur~:~e ~138 11~.40 4.97 .80 y5.63 Hp~c~ ~.Y~.mr.n 2139 102.20 4.2g ro.lo 87.81 Jt~r, J~a~ Iienry 2140 133.20 5.59 ~~.3~ 10'1.31 Marsh.a L. H~.tahin~s 211~~. aY. o0 3.82 8.10 79, 08 Raber~ ~tunter 2142 87,50 3.68 7.40 76,42 James ~,'rgxenart 2Yb~ 81,ao 3.4o i1.3o 66.30 Jeri L;1--x~n ~Tew~tt 2Yt~t~ 1~+0.60 5.91 21. 70 1~.~.99 t~ary , Krause 21~~5 39. 00 1, 64 11.4~ 3~. 96 Karen L ~xares 2146 ~.1 Z. ~0 4. 66 11. 50 g~! .84 E, Miz~.a.~uehi 2147 121.60 5. ].1 18. 3t~ q@, lg C~rla Perusina ~l~$ i2b.~~o 5.31 14.0o io7.og E. P~c-ja. 21~~9 i.o~,80 4.23 14.7A Bi.f37 I,esli~ Aeid 215o 133.20 5.~~ 20.~~ it37.3~ llanal3~ R, sohae~Ar 21~1 15G.o0 G.55 ].7.10 132,3~ - 9uagn =J. Sahlaaser 2152 7.60 3, 1.0.30 62.12 W! Ili~n C. Tyeon 215 12~.1.0 ~.21 14.00 l0u.g9 T~ind~ We11a 215~ . 1~. C~~ ` 6, 47 1A:84.. Z28.73 ~erald v. Wi~l~ams 2155 155.40 6.5~ a8.8o 130.o'T r:~r~r c. Y~rga.n 2~~6 9?.go ~,lo ~.~,o0 7+~.uo WAT~R DI~PARTML~IJT PAYROLi~ nob~b~ Doaktns 293~ 365.50 ~.5.34 32.Ha 317.3b P~ul Png~ ~q37 286, ot3 12. oo ~{3 . l0 23~. gJ Joe ~eti~ 2g38 235.50 9.a6 ~4.6a ~.gi,o2 Dolr~r~ :tiarbst ~93 9 ],80.00 7.55 25.60 ~.~/6~ff~ ~tudre~r wea~can 2940 23o.8c~ 12.00 ~+3.20 230.~0 nn~~ c;~?~~e:~~ano t9~~ 28.8a 1.2U 5,40 ~2.20 ~ r Ado ted ~he ~ y Ch. d~ v.f JuYy 19fi6 . an~ra. a~~""""rr'~n~~ i`w' 4 , ~ ~ ` ~ , I~ ~ El 11 ¦ M ~ r ~7~~ { ~ fl 11