CC Resolution No. 1376 ~ ~ . , ~&~t~i N0. ~.376 ~EL~s A R3~SOI,iJ'~~i~t GI~ TH~ ~STY OF CUP~:RTxHO RCCRF'T~ ~~,'~~T QF E ASE~~1T 1~RBA3, ~~40Nfi UIdI0~6 ~ «~f.'H40L A~a'1'~R.kCT oP ~a'r?t~ ~~.~x`a ~~y, Stat~ ~f C~1iPoz~nie, r~ ea~e+auted a(}rant oP BaAe~e~t Mt~S~h i~ ~.n goad and s;:ff3cien~ t'o:r!~, conv~~ying to the CITY 0~' ~RTINO, ~ gr. ~c.~tee, an eas+ez~ent for dra3r~e pui?Qo~e~ aver the prop~~~~ty eirue~e ~ l.L tne ~:ity of ~..~~rtino, Cou ~af ganta Clara, St~~:a at Califar»ie, d~a^ribNd ss fc.:.v~as: 1411 that ca: ~ain re~l ps~~erty bltu~te in the City ot' Cupox~txno, bG~r»..wlpy ot 3anta ~Zara, 3ta~~ :f C~lifo~rni~, buing en ea~ec~n~ tor at~~ ~.~irain~ge r~::poaeo o~rer a~t.rip of lt~nd of a unifor~a xi~dth of ~ fe~t des: ~:.bed a~a t'oll~a : BE(iINNIN~ the 9outh.eas :a~s~ly a~arner of tha~ aertain 3~ • 37d perael o:' ~~r~d as aho~n ^n tl~~t ~ert~in Reaord oi` Survey f11ed t::.w record in 195 ot ~Ia~pa, at pa~gQ 45, SanLa Clare Co~.anty Rr_~~~rda; then4c :eaving aaSd i~OI?iT OF B~UI2iNI4iCi t~long tn~ Eao~terly 1~_:.~ of ~a1,d ~a: :e1 North G~ ~.~r3' S0" Yt~at, 133~.~9 feet ~o *.he ~T~:~::~easterly :er thereaS; :h~ne~ along the Northerly lir.s of ffi~~.~ paroel, 1r'~~ 20~Oa i'eet a paint on a line pAralle2 with ru.r:: diatt~nt 2;:.:~~ feet kes~~r3y, meu~ured a~ righE ang~~s from ~n1d ~~~?~rly ~i~e; ::enas l~,avir~ said Nartherly line ~long aaid p~r~l- 's~:. ~.inQ Soutr. 08~ ~c~" Ee.~ 13~3.12 f~et ta a point ~n the 5~~.:thei•ly line na3d pax~ce~; thE~ae leaving asid par~llel line ~~~~r,g eaid S~;:: :~:ly line ha~~:~ 55' 3~" Eaot, 20.00 f~e~ to the P~'~T' OF BEQT`.'',..`~3. arantor rt. ~by fiurthQr ~..~~.nta to tir~nt~e the right arrd pt~li~ileg~ t~ entor upor~ landa ~or,tt~"aoun, ta an~i alang th~ l~n~ of ~aid t~~~el.nabov~ de~ Sbed ~trip th~ purpa~e of ].oaating,, con~truct- 5~~, repalrin.E, :.31[?Ls~nlt3g~ rep~ac~ng eaici public u~llitiea or ~~.y~~wrtenanees ::~rzto, and ~ cr Lh~ purpose of ria~ng any neceeeary ar l~rfsl aQt ~n :::.nection w1~G~: ~t,~ canotruetion or meintenance of ~a~,:.3 pub3i~ >>t~:.:,~i~s; th~r~ i~ alao granted the right of the uee c. ~:~ffioient ~~::~3 aontl.guou~ La aaid etrip o~ Q~th~r or both giden ti.:.,~reof fot~ t~:A ~u.rpose~s ~af e~ceva~ion of and dapo~lt oi' ~arth a~id r.a~~~~esaary bui~~_:,a mt~terial ~~:~.ring tha time of aonatructiczg sal.d ~~:.s.'~ Sc utilit~e~, and t~ny re~~.~r thereof. The farQrc~:.g ~.a ae~b,~ec': to ths i'o'11o~+ing ~xpres~ co~iditiona: Th~ ~rante~ agree8 to r~tto:c~ the ground aurTac~e tind ~.ny 2~qas•ov~ments t~:^eon to it~ c~~i~gin~~ gracie ~r aondition in?~ofar a~ i` Ss prac~~.es~ ~e and r~aaon~eb2e to do ~a. , . . . ~ , . i . . ~ , , ~ ~ ~'i7~ON N0. 1~76 PBge 2 1~`~, T1~R~`ORR, ZT IS ~Y RES6I;JBV, that tho Clty oi' Cu,~ertino aaoept saici Qrant of- ~ia~~~nt eo tenderes~; and JC~ IS FURTI~R R~S4Y~'~'ED, th~t thQ City Clerk be and he ts herehy auChori.xed ta reaorci seid Qrant, of ~aoement. PA3~PlD AND ADUPTSD th1~ 5~h day of ~cemb~r , x966, bg the fo1].owing va~e: A7~: Caune~.lmen - Dempater, ~ohzi~on, Noe1, F~it~gerald l~~S: Coun~llmQn Nane AE~tT: Counoilmen - S~cokes ATT~~T: APPROVE,D: ;a _ ,d• ;~'',~r-~•,_.. 1 ~r V. f{u dun /a/ Jerry J. Fitz~,~rn1d ~r ~ fa~yor Pro tem . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~