CC Resolution No. 1381 , ~ ~ ~ WJML:KIJ:ea 12/5/66 •15c- . RESOLUTION N0. 1 81 A RESOLUTION REQUFSTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA TO THE EXERCISE OF EXTRA-TERRITORIAL NRISDICTION TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDZNGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLZC IMPROVEMENTS AND TO PRO- VIDE THAT THE COSTS SHALL BE ASSESSED UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITID, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS SI'EVENS CREEEC BOULEVARD - STELLING ROAD - McCLELLAN ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Cupertino, California, that WHEREAS, it is the intention of this Council to undertake appropriate special assessment and assessment bond proceedings for the acquisition and construction of the following described improve- . menta: a) The acquisition of easements necessary to widen Stevens Creek Boulevard to a uniform width of 120 feet from West Valley Freeway to near Highway 9 and the improving thereof by clearing and grubbing, grading, subgrade preparation, base pavement and wearing surface, asphalt feathering, and berms, conerete curbs, gutters, sidewalks and islands, traffic bars, stripin~, storm drain pipe, catch basins, manholes and appurtenances, water mainsy valves, hydrants, hose bibbs, meter connections and appurtenances, electro- liers, traffic signals and signs. b) The acquisition of easements necessary to widen MeCZellan Road to a uniform width of 60 feet from a point about 550 feet easterly of Stelling Road to the West Valley Freeway and the improving thereof by clearing and grubbing, grading, subgrade preparation, base pavement and wearing surface, asphalt feathering, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, traffic bars, striping, storm drain pipe, catch basir.s, manholes and appurtenances, fire hydrants, electroliers and street signs. c) The acquisition of easements necessary to widen Stelling Road to a uniforn: width of 90 feet from near Alves Drive to near Lilac Way and the improving thereof by clearing and grubbing, grading, subgrade preparation, topsoll, base pavement and wearing surface, asphalt feathering, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, striping,, storm drain pipe, catch basins, manholes and appurtenances, water pipe, hy- drants, hose bibbsy meter connectionsand appurtenances, electroliers, traffic signals and signs. d) The improving of oublic easements to be dedicated for fire protection purposes on the property of the DeArrza Campus 1 _ - ~ ~ • . of the Foothill Junior College District, by grading and the construction therein of base pavement and wearing sur- face, curbs, gutters, striping, traffic bars, signs, storm drain pipe, catch basins, manholes and appurtenances, water ma.ins, valves, hydrants, metering station and appurtenances, and electroliers, and such other facilities as are reason- ably related to the improving of said rights of way for fire grotection purposes, e) fihe acquisition of the parcel of property at the south- westerly corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and 5telling Road and the improving thereof as a public off-street auto- mobile parking lot by grading, removing trees, bushes and existing structures and the construction therein of base pavement, wearing surface, curbs, gutters, drainage facili- ties, lighting facilities, striping, landscaping, and all auxillary work necessary to complete the same as off-street automobile parking facilities. f) The acquisition of the right of use of the sewage disposal facilities of the Gupertino Sanitary District by payment of connection charges required by said District for connection to their facilities. g) The acquisition of all ~ands and easements and the construc- tion of all work auxiliary to any of the above and necessary to complet•e the same~ WHEREASy this Gouncil proposes to contrlbute towards the cost of :a.id acquisitions and improvements the cost of the center two lanes an~ ~enter islands and excess acquisition costs in Stevens Creek Boule- var9, traffic signals at Stecens Creek Boulevard and Stelling Road; and one-half of the cost of traPfic signals at :4ary Avenue and Stevens :reek Boulevard and to assess the balance of the costs of said acquisi- tions and improvements and the expenses incidental thereto upon the district benefited thereby, the exterior boundaries of which are the ~oterminous exterior boundaries of the camposit.e and consolidated area sn~wn on a. map thereof on file in the office of the Gity Clerk to w~icY? reference is hereby made for further• pa^ticulars; which map indl~a.tes cy a boundary line the extent of the territory included witnin the assessment district and which shall govern for ail details as to the extent of said proposed district; provided, however, that all of the cost of the acquisitions and improvemer.ts described in subparagraphs (d), (e) and (f) of the foregoing description of work, together with all incidental expenses thereofA sha21 bA as- sessed solely ~gainst the properties of the Foothill Junior College 20 . • . . ~ ~ ~ Districto WHEREAS, a portion of said acquisitions aad improvements to be made are within the unincorporated territory of the County of Santa Clara, and a portion of the lands to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof is unincorporated territory within said County; WHEREAS, said acquisitions and improvements to be made are oF sich a character that they will directly and peculiarly affect p:operty not only within the boundarles of the City of Cupertlno but also the unincorporated territory within the County of Santa C:ara, and the purposes sought to be accomplished can best be ac- complished by a single comprehensive scheme of work; WHEREAS, there has been filed with the Council a form of Reso- lu*.ion of Intention to be used in said proceedings; and WHEREAS, the public interest, convenience and necessity will be served by the making of said aequisitions and improvements and the 'svying o: said assessments; NOW_, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, as follows: 1, That request be, and the same is hereby, made of the board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara; it being the legi:,lative bo3y having ,~urisdiction over the unincorporated terri- tory ir which a por*.ion of said acquisitions and impr•ovements are tc be h.a3 and made and ~aid assessments are to be levied, grant to this Council its consent, expresse3 by resolution, to the ordering of said acqui.itions and improvements, to the formation of the a:seasment distr~ct, and to the assessment of the costs thereof upon the property benefite3 thereby, and the assumptior. of ~urisdicrion thereover for the purposes aforesaid. 2, That request be, and the same is hereby, made that consent be g^anted to open all sucri public streets as are required for the installation of said improvements. All work pertaining to said pro- ]ect shali be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the 3• . ~ ~ Engineer of Work, the Director of Public Works of said City and the Director of Public Works of said County, and in conformity with good engineering practice. Said Engineer of Work shall require of the contractor that all of the provisions of the specifications are complied wlth by the contractor to the end that no greater amount of ditches are open at any time than is necessary, that they shall be adequately lighted and barricaded, and that they shall be promptly backfiiled. 3„ That request be, and the same is hereby, made that the form of Resolution of Intention to be adopted be approved. 4. That the City Clerk of this City is hereby directed to file with t~e County Clerk of the County of Santa Clara a certified copy o_`' ~his resolution, together with a eopy of said Resolution of Inten- tion, ~ ~ ~t * ~ ~ PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino, State of California, this 5th day of December , 1966 , by r!~e following vote: A1'ES: Gouncilmen: Dempster, Johnson, Noel, Fitzgerald NOFS: Councilmen: None ABSENTo Councilmen; Stokes ~ /f ~ ~'i,..~~ Yo ro tem A:?EST~ _ _ . _ i~~~".~'~s~-'L~.-` '-T City Clerk ~F .