1872 (2) /03V2 ; ONY N-S AY LOT NO. 21 -NO. :y STREET ® ' T R BUILDING PERMIT I CUP Date 'fJUL 11 1962 Permit`No. A-plliication(is hereb mpad[e(f�oor a�p/e�rmit to EX,E-7 a d/`r'L ' Y `lt 'A `�✓a•�NO � Building at SOMEOW-r SVBO. AAS 06rDAS WAS � to be occupied only as' SINGLE `fl/riiL x �h/FLL/NG in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. u Estimated Value of Improvements,$ lis 000 Fee$ V it is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within',the City of "a Cupertino will be complied with. I /r6wner—pi —CRANE `i� AddressA— BUILDING Al By E L Address Ertp \Phone ApproveINSPECTOR N s z e e z e s 0 0 0 0 0 0 U U U U U U V "x_ "z LU 96 a z Y�. z LL Q b h N N 0 m L � H z e c� < F z z z z Q Too ��6< w J : ® i • " \ n / ) � / n / 3 3 � ro � � : \ State eZyzss @ - ` > / IN 3 - o z\3 \ 2 a } ƒ m 42 E{ ƒ 7 k § � � \\/ � e SURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN UNITS FEES .i-IUNUSI FEES Water Heater Size 41,!C *-:Ji Water Closets -t/ � Material C4/PZ•I Bath Tubs / 111j, To Curb;'` Showers I / _ 1111 To Prop: L'ine,il Lavatories Y 211 To E2 s 1 _ Kitchen Sinks / I '411INc(Cou.01 Dish Washers / l!jj EWER.09XFS1 Waste Disposals Wash Trays TORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines / ' l ,Size Water Softeners I �� Material .1 Bar Sinks 11 To Main Drairi j. Comb. Sink a Trays jj To Curb . Dental Units Drinking Fountains) iI, ,• Floor Drains 1 11 WATER.SYSTEM Hoppers lasize Restaurant Sinks 11.UMrateri �. Sand Traps JIM TOTAL FEES Urinals fixture Fee //, go Area Drains ,I1ILMain L)rTQHTFee ac Water Leaders I _jJ§torm DiainpFee Sprinkler ValvesJ`��1FWater Sys. Fee Permit Fee �.ma TOTAL TOTAL FEE' RE OR O CTION" Partial Rough Rough Complete Final - - o o © \ ( , ro § � OK & CA \\\ : Stat e License !&2 \\, } \ % } jam ® � ibk /\ _ / § _ } ® ' \ \ i0. \ , > 6.1- \ +® ` - , ;0 Win\ / m & > » \ � ! �ƒ/ � / j = � § . . ; /%{ / ! @ / ® _2 2\ \\ CX _ D }\\ \ :a � ��� : : : \ : � � \� \ \ � � \ �� /�� � : \ j - \ � : � w � � � � 7 7 r \ \ \ , \ / ^\ }. § . ( \ \ ) ( IN.. § ! 0 0 _ : : : ) \ } / } 4 \ \ \ � . � \ \ $ / � \ \ \ \ \ � � � iz z P4 *01 �� ' � � » ��` \ �\ / � . `� . (� \ . no tv r— sn Z CA w m ;\� ( : ' \ rv', -3 0 z State e fz3r , >� e - -g % } } 0 > \ }� A & [ ; mpm - \f ƒ ; ± K = & mom �- o � § o ] z jtri 2 / ! } , ) _ ( \ } \ - � _ } (\ ° O Remarks (Check 1,W.' Type of Appliance I Units Fees 11New ,I,R601ace Relocate Gas,Ranges Wall Heaters Gas,Plates CirculatingHeaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers T Warming Ovens Percolators 7 Griddles �� Yi. Steam Tables Gravity fu—maces—IL Suspended Unit-- n Floor Furnace (NAME TYPE) —Xppllance —Fees-----T 1 11 1 Z�. Inspected and Approved .............. . ...................... .................. DATE INSPECTOR HOUSE GAS PIPING Number of Outlets Size of'Maif Fees Gas Piping Fees 'iested and Approved . ... ... ... ...... DATE INSPECTOR State License/G�7.3'� Q' p n ti - vC b � a o E — �' \ o5an�7 n � „ a OD F7 n � n �r n O00 7 Y 9 n c m O `1 w 7C1 ff DQ 0 z n o B 0o W T m w n N M p o• O Ej- z W V A l 11 Remarks (Check..tW Type of Appliance .I Units Fees New I,Replace I-,Relocate Gas, Ranges Wall Heaters 1 I Gas Plates I I Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces / I �$ ✓ I I Gas Fired Boi!ers I 1 II 1 J Warming Ovens 1 1 11 1 1 Percolators Griddles Steam Tables I 'll I VA Gravity Furnaces I I.•'` `"W17%.tA- — aSus5nded Unit I I u I Floor Furnace MiscellaneousI Ell Ali (NAME TYPE) I Wf� D 1A I ":1w�.I I. �T I IP.Pp ance Fees PP Inspected nsected - and K , a V a t 0o V 1 ' O " U V 41 - ••-Vl W V c v v 1Z z P4 w v �?a w ;. uj z 0 5