CC Resolution No. 1381-32 _ y ~.i ~ " ~
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~ ~v..SOLtPIIO`tf nUT:IORI.:II`iG S~T1L,F.i+LTvT Or ~
D~ AT~i`L~. ET AL. I:~~ROVii-i:NT DISTRICT td0. -',u-i ~
R:SOI,VED , oy the City Council o`_' the City oi Capertino, I
~ California, that JO:if~ E. LYP~ICH ~f *ne larr xii-M of [;ils~n, Jone:s,
idorton Lynch, attorneys of reco:c Por tne City of Cupertino,
:~e, and 'ne is, hereby aut:zorized and directed to accept, in ~
oehalf of ~aid City, the oifer to sel]_, a conforned copy o1' ?
; t:hich is attached hereto, ~nd 'oy titi.s referenc~ ir.corporetea j
nerein, heretofore sub~tted by the o:•lner oi Parcel 5, as rnorr_• ~
particularly described in said o~'fer, and ~o close said tr~ns- ~
action in acc~rd~nce with tne terMS and pr~cedures ~et i~z~L}1 ~
, i'n said oPfer. F ~
IT IS FURTI~R RESQI,"VED, that the City Clerk is authoriz~d ~
anc3 hereUy directed to dr~J.v+ nis cvarrUnt fbrth:~fith in tne ::um i
~ of ~788.Ot?, payable to th~: Sa.n Jo~e Oi fice of' tne TI`PLE IIISU:L?IdG": ~
ANTI TRUST COA~APiY, and dela.ver said ivurrant to s4id John L. L;;nci7,~
u30 Nortn San Matea Drive, San P~Sateo, Californi~. ~
. . . . . . * ~
I hereby ~ertif'y tn~t the fore~;oin~ is a full, true •and ~
correct copy of the resolution d~zly and re~ul-~rly passed and
adopted by the City Council af the City of Cupertino, at <3
lst June •
re~alar meeting thereoi held on the S~ae~ day oz ~c, 1.907, i,~~~' °
I the tolla~•ring ~.ote:
AYES, and in favor thereof: Cauncilmen: Johnson,,
NOES, Councilmen: 14one ~
ABSENT, CouncilMen: Dempster, Noel
~ r
ATT~.'ST: , I
C,? t e r c ~
. ~ ~ ~ .
_ ,
, •
i, For and in consideration of the sum of $1.00, receipt oY
which is here~ay acknowledged, the undersigned of£er to sell to
the City of Cupertino, a municipal corporation, that certain par-
cel oi la.nd situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of
~1 California, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A," at-
taehed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof.
The purchase price shall be the sun of $788.00. Title to
if said parcel shall be delivered free and clear of all liens and
encumbrances of every r.ature with the exception of easements for
i,j public u~i2ity puroo~es. The purchase price shall be delivered
ii into escrotiv, with apprc~priate escrow instructions consistent with
, I~ the 1:erms o~ t:~is offer, Vrithin 120 days after acceptance of this
~i ofPer. Tnis offer snall 'oe irrevocable for a period of 120 days.
City sha11 b~ar cost of escrow, if any, and policy of title in-
su-rance. ~eal property taxes shall he prorated as of the date of
closure of escrow. racclusive possession shall be delivered to '
, ~j City at or before close of escrow. City iaay take possession of
'I said parcel forthwith for the purpose of constructir~g the public
~ improvements.
~1 Dated : f7,~ !r ~ / ~ , 1967 ~
!i ~
~ ~ ~
F1 , y~ f
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AC4JISIiIG:o Pi~RC :L .:0. 5
D~, a:~-•~a gi ~y, -;:t,~~G~r:;:.i~Nt DISTRICT NO 66-1
All that certain real property situate in the unincorporated
' territory of ".e Caur.ty oi Santa Clara, State of California,
bounded and describea as €ollows:
~ E~I:~G a strip of land ten (10) feet in width, messured nt
right angles, a por~ion of tnat certain parcel of land des-
cribed in the Deed to Cox, recorded in Book 5841 of OffiCial
Records of Santa Clara County at page 545, et seq., more
particularly described as follows:
B~GI~v^7I?~G at tne ir.tersection of the Easterly line of the '
above-reserenced parcel wi4'r. the Southerly line af McClellan
Road, at 40 feet in wic+tn; and running thence along said
~ Easterly line South 0°0~' East 10.00 ieet to the interseCtion
with a line drawn parallel to and distant Southerly at right ,
' angles 30.00 feet fro:n the centerline of MaClellan Road as
a£oresaid; thence along said parallel line South 89°55' West
150.00 Wet; thence ,~orth d°06' West 10.00 faet to the afore-
mentioned Southerly line of :~IcCleilan Road; thence along last-
mentioned line North 89°55' East 150.00 feet to the point of
beginnir.g and containing 0.344 acres of land, more or less.
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~ All that certain real propcrty situate in the City of
Cupcrtino, 6anta Clara C~unty, State of Calitornia,
~ bounded and described as follows:
SEInG a portion of that certain 8.879-acre parcel of
land designated and described as Parcel No. 14 in the
deed to thc Foothill Junior College District of Santa
Clara County, recorded in IIook 6852 of Official Records
at page G51, e~ seq., Records of Santa Clara County, and
~ designated as Parcel No. 14 on that certain map entitled,
~ "Record of Survey of Land of IIeaulieu Company and Future
i Location of Foothill College Site No. 2", which map was
~ filed for record in Book 115 of Maps at page 35, Official
Records of Santa Clara Ccuaty, more particularly described
as follows:
~ g~GI~=~ , corner of Parcel No. 14,
as afores... -aance Southerly along the
~ , Easterly : ~ o_ sam~ Soa.:. 0°51'=.0" t4est 37.67 £eet
' to the w~th __ne ::r::wn parallel to and
distant Sou~her~y a~ ricJrnt ~:glea 75.00 feet from the
' centerlir.a or Stevans Creek Road at 60 feet in width, as
~ said Road is shown anc delir.eated on the Record of Survey
i second uuove resarred to; th~nce said parallel line
' North 89°15'43° ~dcst 3r0.2~ feet ~o ~he intersection with
' the Nort::crl~~ lin~ or ti:c aforesaid ?arcel No. 14; thence
along lu_t-:ae:.tioaeci _i~.~ ti*orth 80°23'49" East 80.80 feet
and Nort:. ~~°:t8' i2" .:as~ 's61.84 scet to ;.::e point of
beginnin, and containing J.182 acres of is:.d, more or
' less.
. 1-, ~ b , `r ~
~ ~ . . .
All that certain real property situate in the City of
Cupertino, Santa Clara County, State of California,
I bounded and described as follows:
~ BEING portions of those certain parcels of land designated
and described as Parcel No. 12 and Parcel No. 13 in the
~ deed to the Foothill Junior College District o£ Santa
~ Clara County recorded in Book 6852 of Official Records at
II page 651, et seq., Records of Santa Clara County, and
designated as Parcel No. 12 and Parcel No. 13 on that
I ccrtain map entitled, "Record oi Survey of Land of Beaulieu
Company and Puture Location of Foothill College Site No. 2",
which map was filed for record in IIook 115 of Maps at page
, 35, Official Records of Santa Clara County, more particularly
' described as follows:
BEGINi~7ING at the Iv*ortheastern cornar of Parcel No. 12 as
aforesaid; and rur.ning thcnce Sou~herly along the Easterly
, line o£ samc South 0°49'17" West 45.00 feet to the inter-
section with a li:ie 6r~w:; parallel to and distant Southerly
I at right anglcs ?~.JO _,:.:c fron the centerline o£ Stevens
' Creek Road 4c ,~ae~ _.i width, as said 2oad is shown and
' delineatec ~n c~_ta~a F.ecord o£ Survey second above
referred ~~c; Lr~nce aicnc said parallel line North 89°15'
43" ~9est ' ~~.uJ =cet Lo intersection wii-:n the Westerly
' line of .•_._cul vo. i3 as a~oresaid; thence along last-
mentionec iine North C°51'40" East s7.67 feet to the North-
western corner of saic Parccl Vo. 13; thence along the
Northerly lines of Parcel Nos. 13 and 12 North 85°38'12"
East 82.43 feet and South 89°15'43" East 633.48 feet to
the point of beginning and containing 0.732 acres of land,
more or less.
. . ~ ~ ' . '
All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara County, State of Cali£ornia, bounded and described
as follows:
BEING po~tions of those certain parcels of land designated
and described as Parcel Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the
deed to the Foothill Junior College District of Santa Clara
County recorded in Book 6852 of Official Records at page 651,
et seq., Records of Santa Clara County, and designated as
Parcel Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on that certain map entitled,
"Record of Survey of Land of Beaulieu Company and Future
Location of Foothill College Site No. 2~~, which map was filed
for record in Book 115 of Maps at page 35, Official Records
of Santa Clara County, :aore particularly described as follows;
BEGINNING at ~:z~ Nortr,eas;:ern corn~r of Parcel No. 11 as
aforesaic; ar.d running thence Soutnerly along the Easterly
line of san:e and along the ~asterly lines of Parcel Nos.
10, 9, 6, 7 and 6 South 0°49'17" tti~est 2064.52 £eet to the
~ Southeuszern corner o~ the aforesaid ?arcel No. 6; thence
along :.i:a Southerly l::~e oi said Parcel .:o. 6 and along the
Northeriy line of i•:cClellan Road at 40 £eet in width North
89°14'J3" West ~=.96 =eet; thence North 0°45'57" East 10.00
feet to the ir.tersection with a line drawn parallel to and
distar.~ Northerly at ria'r.t angles 30.00 feet ~rom the center-
line c= McClellan Roan as a£oresaid; thence Easterly, North-
easterly und Northerly along the arc of a curve to the left,
having u radius oi 30,00 feet, through an angle of 89°56'40",
an arc di::~ancc of 47.09 feet; thence on tangent North 0°49'
i7" Ea~t 2024.53 feet; thence South 89°15'43" East 25.00
feet to the point of beginning and containing 1.196 acres
of land, more or less.
~ ~ • .
All that certain real nroperty situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara County, State of California, bounded and described
as follows:
BEIhG a portion of that certain oarcel of land designated and
described as Parecl No. 2 in the deed to the Foothill Sunior
College Dist~ict of Santa Clara County recorded in Book 4872
oE Official Records at page 730, et seq., Recorc'.s of Santa
Clara County, and a portion of that certain parce!. of land
designated and described ~s Parcel No. 6 in the deed to the
Foothill Junior College Di::crict of Santa Clara County re-
corded in Book u852 oi O~z:.cial Records at page 651, et seq.,
Records of Santa Clara Cou:.;:y, more particularly described
as Eollows:
IIEGINNIIQG at a point on t:e Northcrly line of McClellan Road
at 40 feet in win~h, dis~ur.t thereon North 89°14'03" West
5~3.96 £eet irom ti:a Southaastern corner of Parcel i4o. 6 as
aioresaid; 4nd runnir.g thence continuing along last-mentioned
line Nor~i: ;:9°1:'03° ~Test 1i97.87 feet; thence North 0°39'33"
East lO.Gu ~~e-~ to r::~ ir.cursection with a line drawn paral-
lel to ar... uistunt nor;.'r.erly at rignt angles 30.00 £eet from
the cer;:~rLne oi .IcCleilan Roac ~s aforesaid; thence along
said pa~~'~lel line South 89°14'0's" ~'ast 1197.85 feet; thence
South 0°SS'S7" West 10.00 feet to the point o£ beginning and
containi:g 0.275 acres of land, more or less.
. ~ ~ . .
D':~ r1t77.A, F.T T;'~-?C}t.^±.tc;t,?T DZSTR7CT NO 66-1
Al1 that cer~ain renl prop~rty ~i~uatc in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Claxa Count~~, ~i:;:~~ o~ Caiiio:.nia, bounded and describad
aa ~ollowa:
BEIhG a portion ot that certain parcel of land dasignated and
described as Parcel No.15 in the deed to Euphrat, recorded in
Book 6177 of o~ficial R~cords o~ Santa Clara County at pages
325 to 328, and as shown and delineated on that certain map
entitled, "Record of Survey o£ Land of Beaulieu Company and
Future Locution of I'oothill Colleg~ Si~e No. 2", which map
was E31ed for record in 3ook 115 of Maps at page 35, Official
:.~cozds of Santa Clara County, more particularly described as
BEGIN*IIfiG at the p;or•;::tiv~s;.e_n coraer of the Parcel No. 15 as
aforesaid; an~ rt;n::i ,.:__:;c;: ;as~erly along the Southerly
Zinz of Stev~r~ v_,_, _,.__:vard at u0 £eet in width South 89°
15'43" t'r.e _~;or;..heastern corner of said
pc:~cc;l -.o= .r
- - - :.he ::asterly line of said parcel
nnd alc , _ ~ ~ .1..:.~~.: o~ ~~~lling Road at 40 £eet in
width _ .1_ _;.at; thence North 89°43'10"
Plest _.~_~ec-~__o_: with a line drawn paral-
ti r,~` ,
le,. tc di^~;:ani ...:e:_y at r~cht- a„gles 45.00 feet from
. -i ` ' o= ' _ , ~ •_a~ 3oad ~o_asaid; thence Northerly.
\or~::. . _.._1"~~nd t., r- " . y -
•~~~~-~Y ~io~ ..::c o.; a curve to the
2~it : -::g rzciu~ oi 50.00 f~e~;:, ,"~r~s~,-, un angle of 90°OS'
c.ri 31C _._3i.::2Cc^ G1' 7~,0_ :t.:u~: ~l":OPCC on •c~_i7ent along a 11ne
dr~w. ,_;;ylci tc a:~ri d~s•cwnL- Southerly ~t r:gnt angles 75.00
=~~t ~ze ce;z`~~r'_in.: o'~ Ste~ens Creek 3on~evard as a£ore-
s~,d :,orth 89°15'~3" t:es~ 924.93 ~eet; t'r:encc- North 0°49'17"
Ea~t 45.00 ~eeL ~o i:he po_nt o~ b~ginning and containing
1.07~. acres Ol' 13riC, :aor~ or less.
~ ~
All that certain real property situate in the City ofCupertino,
Santa Clara County, State of California, bounded and described
as follows:
BEIt~TG a portion of that certain parcel of land designated and
described as Parcel L:o. 15 in the deeds:to Euphrat, recorded
in Book 6177 oE Official Records of Santa Clara County at
pages 325 to 328, and as shown and delineated on that certain
map entitled, "Record of Survey of Land o£ Seaulieu Company
and Future Location oP Foothill College Site No. 2", whlch
map was filed for record in Book 115 0£ Maps at page 35,
Official Records of Santa Clara County, more particularly
described as follows:
gEGIDTAIIIv~ at a point on the ~asterly lins of Parcel No. 15
as aforesaid, said line bainc also the ~4esterly line of
Stelling Road at 40 ~aet i: w~ath, distant thereon South 0°
49'17" West 95.11 feet from the hort~eastern corner of said
Parcel No. 15; and running thence along said Easterly line
South 0°49'17° ~~:est 462.4~~ teat to the Southeastern corner
of said parcel; c: ~;.c~ ~io:.~~ •che Scutherly line of said
parcel North 39°:~'~:3' :+:ut 25.00 seet to the intersection
wi~h a lina :..r~=1e:. toand distant Westerly at right
angles 45.C: _r~:~ :.Y:a of Stelling Road as
a£oresaia; ce .--c~=3 sai.~ .~arallel line North 0°49'17"
East 462.-:~ scat; t:ence Sou~a 89`i0`A3" ~ast 25.C0 feet to
the point ci bc.y~inning anu contai:,_r.g 0.265 acres o£ land,
more or ~~ss.
• i
All that certain real property situate in the unincorporated
territory oE the County os" Santa Clara, State of California,
bounded and described as follows:
BEIrG a strip oi land ten (10) feet in width, measured at
right angles, a portion of that certain parcel of land des-
cribed in the deed to Baldassini, recorded in Book 2661 of
Official Records of Santa Clara County at page 302, et seq.,
more particularly described as follows:
BEGII3NING at the intersection of the Westerly line of that
certain 0.94-acre tract of land described in the deed to
Diaridon recorded in 3ook 1433 of O£ficial Records at page
29, Records of Sant~ C'~ara ~ounty, with the Southerly line
of bicClellan 2oad ai: =,J =~e-,= in w~,:th; and running thence
along said Weste_iv li.._.. cU.~ Sou~:< 10.00 feet to the inter-
section with a',:.::e ar~w„ p.:rall~:_ co ar.d distant Souther7.y
at right an~'_es :,J.00 fee~ ~rom th~ cer.cerline of McClellan
Road as a£crasaid; tnence aiong lzst-^en~ioned line South
89°5~'08° ~•iest 3~•5.52 feet i:o the ~aster:.y line of Tract
2536, as said tract is show~ and delineatec on the map
thereof filed for record in Book 113 0~ I~laps at pages 6 and
7, Official Records of Santa Clara County; t~.ence along last-
mentioned line North 0°08'S5" East 10.00 feet ro the afore-
said Southerly line of NcCle2lan hoad at 40 feet in width;
thence along last-nentioned line North 89°57'O8" East 345.51
feet to the point of bec;ir.ning and cor.tain~ng Q.079 acres
of land, more or less.
~ ~
All that certain rcal property situate in the unincorporated
torritory ot the Cou~t;,~ o:. Sc.~nta Claza, St~te of California,
bounded and deseribed as follows:
i BEING a portion of that cer~ain 0.94-acre parcel of land
I described in the deed to Icwik-Chek Realty Company, Inc.,
recorded in Book 7501 of Oifieial Records of Santa Clara
County at page 423, et seq., more particularly described
I as £ollows;
' BEGINNING at the Soutizeastern corner of the above-referenced
parcel, said corner being on the Westerly line of Stelling
i Road at 40 feet in width; ai:d running thence along the
j Southerly line of JL`~]~.4 p::~ccl South 89°56' West 25.00 feet
j to the intersection ~a`~i~ a?ine drawn parallel to and distant
~ Westerly at right , x;~,'_.:.s -.,.OJ fuet srom the centerline of
~ Stelling Ro~c cs aro_e.~z:~~, cher.ce along said parallel line
~ due North __..~7 i~..:~; tc:~..c~- Nort: ariy, Northwesterly and
Westerly r_=~::g the arc o~ a curv~ to the le£t having a radius
o£ 30.00 ~aa " throur,h an angle or 90°04', an arc distance
of 47.1'u- ~u.:t to a point o~ ~angenoy o: a line drawn parallel
~ to and distant Southerly at right angles 30.00 feet £rom the
centerline of ,'•:cClellan Roaa at .0 feet in width; thence at
right angles North 0°04' Wc-st 10.00 feet to tne Southerly
line o~ t!cClellan Road as aioresaid; thence along last-
~ mentioned line and along the Northerly line of the aforesaid
( parcel .Torth 89°56' East 55.G~ feet to the Northeastern
; corner of said parcel; thence alor.g the Easterly line of
; said parcel and along the Westerly line o£ Stellinq Road as
aforesaid due South 180.00 •~eet to the point of beginning
and containing 0.063 acres of land, more or less.
~ ~ ~
All that certain real property ~ituate in the unincorporated
territory of the County of Santa Clara, State of California,
bounded and described as follow~:
FEING a strip of land ten (10) ~eet in width, measured at
rignt angles, a portion of that certain parcel o£ land
described in the deed to Kwik-Chck Realty Company, Inc.,
recorded in r3ook 7501 0£ Official Records of Santa Clara
County at page 423, et seq., more particularly described
as follows:
BEGINNIA'G at the Northwe~tern corner of the above-referenced
parcel; and running th~nce ulong ~he Southerly line o£
D:cClellan Road at :0 ;:i width clorth 89°56' East 172.96
feet; thence at :t ~ng"se~ Souti: 0°0~.' East 10.00 feet to
the inter~eci._o_ •.ai~n a~'~re dra~:r. p~rallel to and distant
Southerly z. __,::c ~ngles =:;.00 yrom the centerline of
N~Clellan :,~~5 a~ asoresaic: ~henc,: r~sterly along said
, parall~:l '~~r.~ south zs9°56' ~vest '_72.97 ~.:eet; thence Northerly
along th~ ,:esterly line o£ ~aid parce~ due North 10.00 feet
to the p~- :t or b::ginning ar.d cor.~u=~:=ng 0. 040 acres of
land, mor~ or less.
~ ~
nr r'1NZA F"?.' ?_L. IP•1L'ROVERIENT DISTRICT NO. 66-1
All that certain real ?:o~~erty s~tu~te in the City of Cupertino,
Saat~ Clara County, Caliiornia, bounded and described as follows:
BEII3G a portion of that certain parcel of land described in
tne deed to the Protestanr Episcopal Bisnop of California,
recorded in Book 5301 of O£ficial i:ecords of Santa Clara
County at page 170, et seq., more particularly described as
BEGINNING at the Soutn~aestern corn~r af the above-re£erenced
parcel, said corner being on the Easterly line of Stelling
Road at 40 ~eet in width; and running thence along last-
mentior.ed line and along the Westerly line of said parcel
due horth 400.a2 £eet to the intersection with the Southerly
line of b;cClellan Road ~t 40 feet in width; thence along last-
mentior.ed line I3orth 89°53'02" East 54.97 ~eet; thence at
right angles Sou~h 0°O1'S8" East 10.00 feet to the inter-
section w±th a lire crawn parallel to and distant Southerly
at right angles ~0.00 feet ~rom the centerline of McClellan
Road as a£oresaic; tizence ~~.~s~erly, Southwesterly and South-
er2y alon,:."r.a ~~c =:.-v~ to the le~t, having a radius of
30.00 £eet •c::ro. o£ 89°58' 02", an arc distance
o£ 47.12 r - ;~n~ along a line drawn parallel
to and d_~;.ar.t ~.:.~~1y.... -~,h~ ~.~gles 45.00 feet from the
centerli:..: of S::~'_i~~.:.. . 4s=aresaid due South 360.02
Peet; t:~~ :c4 Soutn 85°c~ ?•7es;: ~5.d0 ieet to the point
of begir.:.'_a, ar.d cont~ir~.:.~; ~.2~1 :;c~es o£ land, more or
~ ~ •
D?' 11N?1 F•.T RL I""ROVI:t•il?23T nISTRZCT r:0. 66-1
All that ccrtain real properL-y ~ituatc in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara Cour.~y, Cali~ornia, bounded and described ao followss
SEIIw 3trip or land ten (10) Eeet in width, moasurad nt right
angles, a portion of that certain parcel of land described in
the deed to Protestant Episcopal Bishop o£ California, recorded
in Bool: 5301 of O£ficial Records of Santa Clara County at page
170, et seq., mora particularly described as follows:
BEGIIJIVII~G at the intersection of the Southerly line of McClellan
Road at 40 ieeC in width with the ~4esterly line o£ that certain
parcel of land described in the deed to Bush recorded in IIook
1956 of Official Records of Santa Clara County at page 641 and
running t2:ence Southerly along last-mentioned line South 0°00'
08" :;ast 10.00 feet to tha intersection with a line drawn paral-
lel to and di~t~::L SoLC.`.~=1y ai: right angles 30.00 feet from
the centerli:.~ o_ :::.Cie~-:.:..-. :.oad ;.s aforesaid; thence running
Westerly ::~e:~~~=-^.:c lina South 89°58'02" West 305.59
£eet; t.,:~ :c~ -1gh~ any'=~~ ~;ort:: G°Ol'S8" West 10.00 feet to
the Sout:_~~-i~~ lir,e o:° :•:cClell:.n Rc~d at 40 feet in width; thence
Easterl- __o::; ~ast-mantionec lir.~ :;orth 89°58'02" East 305.60
feet tc : oi of;inni::g anc co .taining 0.070 acres o£
land, r.:~_.: or less.
~ ~
All that ccrtain real propcrL-y situate in the City of Cupertinc
Santa Clara County, California, bounded and described as follov
BEI\G a portion of that certain parcel of land described in
the d~ed to Dragovich, recorded in Book 2887 of Official
Records of Santa Clara County at page 417, et seq., more
particularly described as follows:
IIEGINNING at thc South~aestern corner of the above-referenced
parcel, said corner i~eing the intersection of the Northerly
~ line of A;cClellan F.oad at 40 fcet in width with the Easterly
line o£ St~lling Road at 40 ~c~t in width; and runaing thence
along last-mantioned line du~ North 181.00 feet to the North-
western corner of the land described as Parcel 2 in the above-
referenced deed; thence North 89°58' East 25.00 £eet to the
I intersection ~oith a lin~ drawn parallel to and distant
Easterly at right angles 45.00 £eet from the centerline of
Stellir.g Road as afor~:said; thence along said parallel line
, due South 140.9II fe~t; thence Southerly, Southeasterly and
' Easterly alcr.j ~:~a arc o~ ~ curve to the left having a radius
i ~ of ~0.00 _a~: ,~_..~c_ ._...--1e c~ 9G°02' , an arc distance
~ of 47.1~! _ ::ang~ :c,r on a line drawn parallel
to and cis~~_ _::na~ ~t righ: aagles 30.00 feet from the
j centerli_ ~ __a~+:~V..l. as ,.=~resaid; thence at right
' angles 5• J"~2'~L;,st 1v.:,0 fe~.: co the .;~rtherly line
' of bicCl~.- .ZOJG as aforesaid; ~z~_z:._ ::long last-mentioned
line So::.:~~ 8~°58' ~4est 55.00 ~ec:. :.o ~:c p~int of beginning
and cont~ining 0.115 acres oi land, r.,ore c~ less.
~ ~ ~
DE AN?,A I:T RT,. I'~`PROV~i",•'T:NT DISTRICT NO. 66-1
All tha~ certain rcal pronerty situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara County, Caliiornia, bounded and described as followt
~ET~v a st~ip oE lar.d ten (10) =cet in width, measured at right
angZes, a portion of that certain parccl of land described in
the deed to Dragovich, recorded in Book 2887 of O£ficial Record.
of Santa Clara County at page 417, et seq., more particularly
i described as follows:
IIEGINtvI~G at the Sou~hcast corner ot that certain parcel of
land deccribeci as Parccl 2 in the above-refcrenced decd and
running thence Westerly alor,g the I~ortherly line of McClellan
Road at ~.0 feet in width South 89°58' West 68.75 feet; thence
at ri,h~ angles Nor;:.h 0°02' t:est 10.00 Eeet to the intersection
i with a l~ne dra~n parallal to ~nd distant Northerly at right
angles 30.00 ~:eet ~ru:a tn~ ccnt-erizne of ricClellan Road as
' aforesa~d; :1:~ac~ ~=cag last-mentioned line North
89°58' :.~Lt S~uth Z0.00 feet to the point
' of beginnin, _.•c c~:l':.~.-:==•=5 G.O1G acres of land, more or less.
~ ~ ~
All that certain real pcoperty situatc in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara County, CaliEornia, bounded and described as follows:
BEIi:G a strip o£ land tweiity-five (25) feet in width, measured
~ at right angles, a portion of that certain parcel of land
I described in the deed to Hunter, recorded in Book 3997 of
Of£icial Records o£ Santa Clara County at page 532, et seq.,
more ~articularly described as Eollows:
BEGINNIfiG at the intersection of the Southerly line of the
above-referenced parcel with the Easterly line of Stelling
i~ Road at 40 fcet in width nnd running thence along last-
' mentioncd line North 171.00 Pcet; thence IQorth 89°58• East .
25.00 feet to the intersection with a line drawn parallel to
and distant Easterly at ric~nt angles 45.00 feet from the
centerline o£ Stelling Road as a~oresaid; thence South 171.00
feet; thence South 39°53' ~n1esL 25.00 feet to the point of
beginning and cont::i:.inr, J.~9E acres of land, more or less.
~ ~ ~ .
DE A.\TZ~I ~T :,I.., t!•~rzovr•.r•tr•,r:T DISTRICT NO. 66-1
~11 that certain real propcrty situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara County, California, bounded and described as follow:
DEING a strip of land twenty-five (25) feet in width, measured
at right angles, a portion of that certain parcel of land
describ.:d in the di:ed to DlcLachlan, recorded in Book 2959 of
Official F.ecords of Santa Clara County at page 130, et seq.,
more particularly described as follows:
BEGIA'{`~II:~G at thc intersection of the Southerly line of the
above-referenced parcel with ~he Easterly line o£ Stelling
Road at 40 :•cet in width anci running thence along last-mentioneo
linc du~ ~;orth 88.00 teet; tiicnce ~;orth 89°58' East 25.00 feet
to the intersection ~•rith l~ae dra~•~n parallel to and distant
Easterly at right ~ngl`s -;S.Gv ~c:et irom the centerline of
Stelling Foad as aioresa~~d; ~hanc~ along last-mentioned line
due South 88.00 i~:~~; c'r:~._c~ soL~'r. 39°58' West 25.00 feet to
the point o£ a...: cuntaining 0.051 acres o£ land,
more or less.
, ~ ~ .
r`,11 that ccrt~~n real properL-y situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara County, Cali:o~aia, bounded and described as follows:
BEIr~G a strip of land twenty-five (25) Peet in width, measured
at right angles, a portion o£ that certain parcel o£ land
d~scribed in the deed to Stevens, recorded in Book 2774 of
Of£icial F~ecords of Santa Clara County at page 237, et seq.,
IIorc particularly described as follows:
II~GIDIDTYt.~ at the intersection o~ thc Southerly ~ine of the
abovc-rcfcrenced parcel with tne Easterly line of Stelling
Ro~d at 40 feet in width and running `..l:encc along last-mentioned
line due ~iorth 88.00 teet; CilCriC~. :~Orth 89°58' East 25.00 feet
to the intersection with a 1~~r,e ar~4:n n~ralle2 to and distant
Easterly at right angle=~ ~:S.GO f~oc ~rc~ the centerline of
Stellir,g Road as aforesaid; t~ence along last-mentioned line
due South 88.00 feet; t:.:.r.c~: So~;~i; S9°58' tdeat 25.00 feet to
the point o= beginr:i:~ ~.zc corta~ning 0.051 acres of land,
more or less.
~ ~ ~
D° 11T7e1 FT '+T 7>I°ROV??i•t~~IT DISTRICT NO. 66-1
Al1 that ccrtain rcal prop::rty situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara County, California, bouncled and described as follows:
g~TnG a strip o~ land twenty-five (25) feet in width, measured
~ at right angles, a portion of that certain parcel oE land
described in th~ deed to Snith, recorded in Book 3271 0£ OfEicial
Rccords oi Santa Clara County at page 563, et seq., more
i particularly described as rollows:
I IIEGT~'NIrG at the intersec~ion o; the Southerly line of the
above-refcrcnc~d parccl with ~ize East~.rly line of Stelling
I Road at 40 £-eet in wicith a:.d running thence along last-mentioned
line du~ horth 88.00 ~=cet; t:cnc~ North 89°58' East 25.00 fect
to the intcrscction wi u'~ ~ l~::a drawn parallel to and distant
Easter2y at right -sr.gles ='5.Ou f::ct from the centerline o£
Stellinr, Ro~d as a~ores~i~; along last-mentioned line
3ue South &5.00 _ae~; t::er.c~ ~ou;.h 89°58' West 25.00 feet to
tne point oE ba~;-r.air,c, ~nd 0.051 acres of land,
more or less. .
~ • •
D^ r1NZ.•1 F.T AL. I~]PRnVF.?dF•.N'P DISTRICT NO. 66-1
All that ccrtain real propcrty situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clar~ Caunty, California, bounded and described as follows:
BEI\G a strip oi land twenty-five (~5) feet in width, measured
:;t right angles, a portion of that certain parcel of land
describad in the deed to Chew, recorded in Book 7122 of Official
Rccords of Santa Clara County at page 215, et seq., more
particuiarly described as follows;
BEGIn'~II:~G at thc intcrsection of the Southcrly line of the
above-referenced parcel w±th the Easterly line of Stelling
Road at 40 fect in width and runnir.g thence along last-mentioned
linc du~ North t3&.00 feet; ti:cnce :ior4h £i9°Sf3' East 25.OQ feet
to the interscction wi~:h a :a d::'~wn yarallel to and distant
Easterly at right anyle:: •:~.~0 fe~~ ~~rc:, ~he centerline of
Stelling Road as a~:ores..:~c:; 'c:_ence along l~~t-mentioned line
due South 85.00 feet; ~::~nc~ Sout:z 89°58' [•+est 25.00 £eet to
the noint of begir.n:~:.~ an3 ccr.~aining 0.051 aeres of land,
more or less.
~ ~
DP AN?.•1 ET ~T.. , `"~'RO~~f''•t'.~:~7'?' nSSTRICT NO. G6-1
~,11 that c~rzain rcal property ~ituate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara Cour.L-y, Caliiornia, ~ounded and described as follows:
gEItiG a sirip of land t~oznty-five (25) feet in width, measured
at rigizt ar.gles, a portion o~ that certain parcel of land
described in the deed to IIennett, recorded in Book 1910 of
O£ficial Records of Santa Clara County, at page 260, et seq.,
more particularly described as follows:
F3EGIN~I~G at the intersection of the Southerly line o£ the.
above-res"crence.d parcel with the Easterly line oE Stelling
Road at 40 fcet in width and running thence along last-mentioned
line due North 17G.OJ ~eet; thence North 89°58' East 25.00
~eet to t:he inter::aatior. a lir.e drawn parallel to and
distant Easterly __~~i:c ~:~~~es ~5.00 feet from the centerline
of S~ellin, ::o:.d ~:o=~::~_c.; thence alor.g last-mentioned line
due South 176. :.=e Soutn 89°58' West 25.00 feet to
the po~.nt o: a~gir.r.~ag u:u 0.101 acres of land,
more or les:..
~ ~
AN7.•l ET .•1L. ITM.P:.OV'i:i•ti?NT DTSTRICT NO. 66-1
All tha~ certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara County, California, bounded and described as follows:
SEI~~ a sLrip of land t~oenty-five (25} £eet in width, measured
at r~ght angles, a portion of that certain parcel of land
cescribed in the deed to Heinzen, recorded in Book 1829 of
O~ficial Racords or Santa.Clara County at page 142, et seq.,
mora particularly described as follows:
II~GI\'\I~3 at ~he intersection of the Southerly line of the
aY~ove-reterenccd parcal with tha Easterly line of Stel2ing
Road at 40 £e~t in width and running thence along last-mentioned
line due \ortn 176,00 feet; thcncc North 89°58' East 25.00
teet to the in~ersection wi~:: a li:.~ drawn parallel to and
distant Easterly at right ~i:r,les _5.00 ieet from the centerline
oi Stelling Road as a::o_.::.aid; the::c~: along last-mentioned line
dUe South 176.00 fa~;:.- Sou~:: 05'58' West 25.00 feet to
tne point of bagi :::i:, .:~nta~ni.~r ~.101 acres of land,
more or less.
~ ~
All that cert-ain real property situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara Cou:.ty, C~~ii'ornia, bounded and described as follows
~iItis a strin of lanG ~~oenty-five (25) feet in width, measured
at ric~ht an,les, a portion of that certain parcel of land
described in the u~ed to Corporation of the Presiding Bishop
oi ~he Chu~ch of 3esus Christ o£ Latter Day Saints, recorded
in Book 4711 of OfEicial Records o£ Santa Clara County at page
17, et seq., more particularly described as follows:
B~GIA.tI~G at the intersection of the Southerly line of the
above-referenc~d n3rcel with the Easterly line of Stelling
Road at 40 fcet in width a..d running thence along l~st-mentioned
line due :.orth 2b<~.00 Lhence North 89°58' East 25.00
teet to t,ze int~rc~c:=...~ . y:ic:: a lir.e drawn parallel ~o and
distant Easter~~ _ ~ag2es ~:•5.00 feet from the centerline
o~ S~ell+_r.g ~o.-_.:. ~_a: ~~d; the_zce along last-mentioned line
due Souti, 20 _.:,u =::t; Sou~h 89°58' ~~:est 25.00 feet to
the point ~~.;ar,:r.:~ir.~ an~ c~ 0.152 acros of land,
more or 1:::::.
~ ~
II ~::sc::~.:rlio?a
I~T' ',\.^A i'.'.;' :'1L. T".:'POVT';•t°'tiT DTSTRICi *IO. 66-1
I ~
i :,11 that cc=~ai:: real nron~rty situatc in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Cl~ra Coua~y, C.,___~r..~a, bounded and described as follows:
; II^cI\3 a strip o~ land t~~enty-Pive (25) feet in width, measured
~ at rirht angles, a oor~io:: o£• that certain parcel of land
i dosc~ibad in tne deed to llcp~rt~:ent of Veterans A£fairs of the
~tate oz Calisoniia, recorded in Dool: 2751 of Official Records
~ oi Sa:~ta Ciar•:: County at .~age 616, et seq. , more particularly
~ described as Eoiicws:
I ~E~IN.iIN;; at t~c in;:crsect~~.on o~ tne Northerly line of the
above-re:crencc.: ?~wrccl ~•:iLi th~ Easterly line of Stelling
; P.o::ci '~0 ~~a:: ~•~id~ii ~nd running thence along last-mentioned
; line due South 63.7~ ~~ct; 'czence Ldorth f39°57' East 25.00
; ~C::: ~ i0 ~i1c': iiii:2.i ~CC ~1uY7 ~.L -~~c:: lir.e c:rawn parallel t0 and
; distant Easterly at r~;:,.t ~.nglcs =~5.OG reet ~rom the center-
~ lin~ oi` Stellir.g Roaci :~~~.:~:suid; thence along last-
; nentio:~ed line ~uc Y•;~~:.`1 d~.7~ •::eet; thence South 89°57' West
~ 25.00 r~a•:, to ~h~ ~.o:_::~ o~~ :~<:ginning and contuir.~ng 0.036
: acres o~ l~:~d, ::~c= . -
~ ~ ~ .
~Lsc:ar2 zoh
DE i~.~;ZV -'T ?1Z~. Ib1?~ROVi':~SEi7T DISTRICT NO. 66-1
111 that cert~~~n re~l pronerty situate in the City of
Cupartir.o, Sa::~a Clara County, California, bounded and
d~sc~i::~d ~s ~ollows.
r~I\U a et~i~ o~ land tc•~enty-five (25) feet in width,
a:easur~d ~t ri;h~ angle~, a portion of that certain
parc~l of land d-ascribed in the decd to 2iugh, recorded
in i~oo:: ~'s53J. o~ Oiiicial i ecords o£ Santa Clara County
ai: p~gc 250, et seq., mcre pa::ticularly described as
r~EG2:'nI:iG u'~ the intc~::~c~io:: o~ tne 2.ortherly line of
the abov`-_a~eranced _~a_c~? ~•:~~h t::e Lastarly line or
St~'~li^~ :io~d -'.0 ~ ~z ..~:ltl: ~r.c; ~LSi:~ing tnence
alonr, i~st-mentio: ~d c__~ SoGt:: C::.. 7u ~eet; thence
North 89°57' ~as'~ -~:o ~'r.-- ~..~~arsection with
a line ~ra~an n~-r~ _ _ _ . ::iscz.r..: __s::.~r~v at right
angles =5 . 00 _ - ce:~L-erl:~:z~ c~ ~ ~~~'_ing Road
as ar"or~:said; _..__.ti~ _;,at-r.:e .~c~o:,aa due
~or,~h 6:;.7u - 4.._.._.. 89°77' tiya~t .~00 feet
to the po_ ; ~_:,a con~a+_.-.iag 0. u~~ ,.cres
o~ laad,
~ ~
:.c~,~,s,m_o:. .;o.
c e+-~ m
nr ,r-.-. ,~~r..r•;m n7 TC•_ r'0, 66-1
Ali t' ccrt-a ~e: : prc_~ ..ty _,_;:u~ in the City Ot
Cap~-.:~.:~, S~ .~s C_~r~ CoLa~y, Ca:~~ornir;, boundcd and
cascribcd ioliu:.~.
~~i\3 a c>zrio of land ; (25) fee~ in width,
r.:aasurad righ~. anr:.os a portior. of that certain
o~rcel o~~ian~ casc~ib~d~in the dced ~o :3r~cio, recorded
in IIook 7323 0~ O~ficial iu:cords of Santa Clara County
~t pa,e 2u9, et se;., more nar::icularly described as
~oli~ti~~ :
~:.:,Z2;NI?:G a~ ~i:c ;ntersc~tioi: of tz~ I~ortnerly line of
~he ~~cve-:~':erenced pa_ci:l wich ti:c ;:a::terly line oE
Stc-.~;in7 P.oad ~t -.0 z~c:t in w'_~;tn a:~d running thence
a1or.7 las~ lin~ c~e Sou~:~ 63.76 ieet; thence
~;orth f3~'S7' ..~st ZS.GO ~c..:. ~o ~i:~ i:;::ersection with
~ 1•_r.~ dr~~:~n ::~s_°a' .;is"_ .-c ~asterly at right
ar.g~_~s -•5.00 fect . . :~:.~c~__ os Stelling Road
as ~~oresaid; ---~t-: ~-•~-or.~ci iine due
;~or--:z u3 . 7u ~c. _ , - - E~"~ 7 • ..=~t 25.00 feet
to s:iic point c _ . : _ - cc:~c_~.--::,; ...03b acres
of land, r:c_~
~ ~ ~ ~
L~scr.l~~~ _o:~
ACQU"~SITTGN PAFiC:.'L i:.7. 29
n.; ^'1 "P •'P:~.7`n".•,. _o,In_^:C^ NO. 66-1
A11 t:ie_t enrt.._ z.~c' !~ronerc_ ._~uz; ~ in the City o£
C:,~~~~~ ino, i.:~;;:<< Ci:~ra ~ou.~ty`, C::ii~orr.i.a, bounded and
d~scri::,:w a~ ioliows:
B1:I\G 5tri~ o~ 1<:.^.d ttaenty-~ive (25) ieet in width,
:naasu~~d at rirht a.1gi.:_~, a no~tion oi that certain
parc~l oi 1u ;d described ia tile dee:d to Bredo, recorded
in 3007: 7115 of Oificial i~ecords oi Santa Clara County
at p:.r,e 112, et s~q., nore particularly describedas
=0~ iJ1J;;:
B~GI.C`I.c3 at t::a in~er~~ctio:: o~ t:a :1o~-t'.zerly line of
th~ above-reiere::cad ~~::rc~'~ ~L~-ti; ~..~tarly linc of
Stelling :.oad ~:J r~ct ~:~'~at:: rur.nir.c~ thence
a'ioag l~st-mer.~ioa~c: '_i.l~ y...... SoL~~:. o~~.. SO ieet; thence
tiorth t39°57' Eas~ ~.,.00 ~~o _..cersec~ion with
a li;:c drawn a~r~l~~_ ~ :.'isr.z.:t ~~s~erly at right
aagles ==5.00 feez :rc... ~.::.;ter:~r.:: c:: Stelling Road
as a~ores~~::; tnar.c~,: -~st-r:~.:t-_or.ea '~ine due
North 61.50 ~aut -~7 8~`'~7 `~•~st 25.00 feet
to the point o~ 'a..-, co :i..~.:_:.y G.035 acres
or lann, mor.: c_
. ~ ~
j,:' -r I'..n^n~,t? -'\~1` DIiTRTCT bi0. 66-1
~111 4::a~ ccrtain real proix rty situate in the City of
Cup~rtino, s~snt~: Clar~a ~~ut~ty, C~li:urnia, boundod and
dascribed as £ollows:
BcIW a st~ip oi land ~i£teen (15) feet in width,
measura3 at rigiit angl~_,, a portion of that certain
narcal of land described in thc deed to Rositano,
~ecord~d in Sook 63u9 of 01Ficial Records oE Santa
Ciara County at page 510, at seq., more particularly
described as follows:
~EGIti\IidG at t:ie ?~ori:l:wcs~~r:: of tne above-referenced
parc~.l, =~aid b~ :::c~ c:. th~ ~::isting line of Stevens
Cr~e:: ~oulevarn at 50.:!u =~:a-~ --cr~, the original centerline
thereof; .:nd rur.ning tr.,:r..:~ ~;or::.:= 89°53' 30" East 92.00
fc~t to the North~asic~- ==er o_` said parcel; thence
alonr the E~ stcr:.y 1_r-~ c-y~~~id _~arcel South 0°03'40"
East 15.00 -~~et _..~~-seczion with a line drawn
par~11e1 to and ~.,..~:ze~iY at right ar.gles 75.00
~eet fror.l sui~ o~ . .-~r_=== ~ o~ Stevens Creek
Boulevard; p~r~'_lei 'iine South 89°
53' 30" :ves~ --.~:~ce :.~r`.:: 0°03' 30" West 15.00
ieet tc t'.~.~ ~.::.1:~~! ~~u ~or.taining 0. 032 acres
of lan::,
~ ~
ACQU~jITIOii P~:~CEL N0. ;il
T)F R`~:"l T~T 11r 7••-''t(;~r-'*.'c;~•:T I~ISTRICT NO._ 66-1
All that ccrtain rea~ pronerty ~ituate in the City of Cupertino,
Saa:ta Clara County, Cali~orni:., bounded and described a~ follows:
b~I::3 a strip of land Ei~teen (15) £eet in width, measured at
right angles, a portion of tnat certain parcel of land described
in tho deed to Reyr.olds, recorded in Book 6189 of 0£ficial
Records of 5anta Clara County at page ~}9, et seq., more
particularly described as follows:
~:GID~~\G at thc No~thwest:~rn corner of the above-referenced
parc.:l, s~~id corner beir.g on the existing line of Steven~
Cree:c ~oulevard at 60.00 feet fr~m the original centerline
therco~; snd running thcace due ~ast 179.95 fcet t~ the
Northe.astern of said _~~~cel; thc-ace along the Easter2y
line of said pzrccl cue Sou•~h 15.OG £eet to the intersection
with a line dra~•~n p~rallel to and distant Southerly at riqht
angles 75.00 f`et =_a.n s~._.. o=ig:.::a1 centerline of Stevens
Cree;: Bouleva:c; saic parallel line due West
179. 95 ::eet ; t.~ ~ 15 . =eet to the point of
beginnir.g a:,d c.. „3 ac~~~s of land, more or lcsss.
; • •
~ It.^, A;d.^.1. F:'t 1T.. 7~ ~"`'':OV+~~'%?'Q`7' DISTRICT NO. 66-1
I ?111 that certain rcal z~:.~~pcrty s:~tuace in L-he City of Cupertino,
i Santa Cl~ra County, Cali~ornia, Lounded and described as follows:
~ IIEI:~~ a strip of land iiftecz (15) feet in width, measured at
right angles, a ~ortion of that certain parcel of land described
in the d~ed to Zioodruz~, recorc~d in Book uf359 of Official
l:ecords or Santa Clara County at ouge 687, et seq., more parti-
cularly described as follo~as:
IIEGI\^.dI\3 at a point on ;:ne Sout;zerly line of Stevens Creck
IIoulevard, disiant thcreon due ~•a::t 4=5.00 feet from the
~orth~•:cstera corner of the above-re£crenced parcel, said line
of Steven~ Crc~lc lioulev.:rd 'a::ir.~ 60.00 fcet Southerly of thc
origin.zl ccntcrlinc tli~rco~; ar..: tnencv along said
line ot Stevcns Crcek goul~vwrc do~ 3~s~ 1137.73 ieet to a
ooin~ on the Z~7esterly iinc o.: t::e .-rcai ~~-'escntly occupied
bv i;he Crackcr-Citizens Br..•.::: '.--:e:-~•: ~~oz:•J l~~t~mentioned
line South 0°03' ~a~t 1~.:~: ==~~~-'~~ctioi. with a
line dra~an paraliel ~o .___=~n~ .,~..:~•<-'~-y rignt angles
75.00 L-eet £ram cn~ c~ . ~_~tc= ~-r.~ - 5-,~'~=:~s Creek
Soulevard as afor~_.__.. t_. ~2. :-c_... _~___'~:el line
due S~:est 1137. 73 _ . - . -r.~ ->L•_ line of the
parcel p~esent~_ ~c•_~. >--c• ;7. S. :~c~t 0~~: ce; thenee
alor.g last-r >c ~ ` _ . ` ~~p''~ ' ,;~st ~ . v _;:et to
the point o_ ; in7 i' ~ai~.~ ~I 0.392yacr~~ of land,
more or less. y
~ ~
~.:sc:.l~ z zo~1
' DP•_ F•.T AL. , II~iPROVEhiI:NT riZSTRICT tdo. 66-1
; all that certain r~~l property situaca in the City of CuocrL•ino,
Santa Clara County, State of Caliiornia, bounded and described
as follows:
~ B~I\3 a portion of that c~Ltain parcel of land described in
tne deed to Saicn, recorded in F3ook 71E5 of Ofiicial Records
of Santa Clara Coui~ty at page ~70, et seq., more particularly
described as Eollo~as:
BEGINiv21G at ti:~ Southtocs~crn curncr c:. the above-referenced
~ ~arcel; ~nd junning thencc .:1ong ti~e Wasterly linc or said
~ parcel ho. 0 00'15" Last 15.G0 icut to ~n~ interscction with
~ line drawn parallcl to anci c.i.:tant Jicrly at right angles
~.S.QO rc~t ~rom the cent~ri_..~ o~ ~ ~ Cr~~k 3oulevard ut
60 feet in width; theaca z_,.. _~ai:: ,..A_~_ e Narth ~9°
50'=~0' East 82.G0 fe~t, t:.~.:..~ ~a:.;.~_ .:~r~:.~~~terly ar.d
~;ortherly alor,g th~: . ..-v~ to
prec~ciing cours~ ar... .~d_w~ o~ ~u.:.. through
an anglc o~ oJ°Y~'~'_ . cL ~-1_.~ to a point
o~ ~angency o:, _i _ . __1~.._ ~a:'. :~'esterly
at right ~:nr,' , ~ _ t::~ _ . ,.~~y _ ~i the above-
refere,^.c~:i _ _ h~ . ~ ;;to,.:_.: :;H'55"
East 20.00 _ a:cv~-_._ .-=~nced
' ~7' We~t
parcel; tn~ _ t-::~:..:_~r~.: Scu~ca 'v .
&5 - _ _ . ~_ic p:.«.__. t::ence
Y Y . i C''.l: . _ . O ~
along tha _ ~ ~~:is ~ ~~~;:J3oulev::ra ~t 60
feet in k_..~.. c:v'~J ._•t 51 i:ect to t..` : oint
o~ berinn_:.•; ..:.c co~.;; G.G::4 :.cre~ o~ land, :.:ore or less.
' . ~ ~
D~ A\:',~. f•:T ~i~. I'idPROVEMIiNT DISTRICT NO. 66-1
. All that c~rt~in real property situate in the City of Cnpertino,
santa Clara CoLnty, Calitornia, bounded and described as follows:
i II~ING a strip of land fifteen (15) fect in width, measured at
rignt angles, a purtior. of tnat certain parcel of land described
~ in tha d~~d to Niels~n, recorded in Boo;c ~'.570 of
~ Rccords of ~anta Clara County at page 317, et seq., more
particularly described as follows:
BEGINNInG ~t the Southca:;tern corner cf the above-z'eferenced
parcel; and running thencc alo.^.J t2:e itorthcrly line of Stevens
C~eek Boulevard at 60 feet in ~~~idth due West 132.51 fect to
the Soutli~aestcrn corner the:co:; t'r.~ ~ce alon~; the P7e~terly
linc of sai3 parccl North G°OU'15° ~a:>t 15.U0 fect to the
intersection with a line ura•:~r.-~aruilcl tc and c~stant Northcrly
at rignt anglcs 45.00 feet ~rom th~ c~nte~line o£ Stevens Creek
Boulevard as aioresaid; thanca alonr caid narallel line due
East 132.51 teet to ti.e ~'asreriy line o~ s;.ici parcel; thencQ
along last-mentioned li:~.: South 0°00'15 4;est 15.00 feet to the
point of beginning anci containing G.04G acres o£ land, more
i or less.
• ~ ~
' D~ At~;?~1, AT,. Ii'~-20V: ^1L;i7T DISTRICT N0. 66-1
' rlll that certain real progc:rty situate in thu City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara County, Cali:'ornia, boundecl and described a:, fcllows:
BEI\v a strip of land E1Etecn (15j Pact iiz width, mr~aaurod at
right angles, a gortioii o~ that certain parcel of land distri-
buted to :•,3nnie .lay Niclsen in that certain decree of r^inal
Distribution, a certificd copy of which decree was filed for
record in ~oo;c 1204 of Ofsicial Rccords of Santa Clara County
at p.xge 522, et seq., :,iore particularly described as follows:
gEGI.L:QIiw at the intcrsect~on o~ the ~asterly line of the
~ above-referenced narcel with the Northerly line of Stevens
' Creek Ro~d <.t 60 feet in widtii; and running thence along said
i line o~ Stevens Creek :.oad d~:: Z1e~t 265.02 feet to the Westerly
~ line of said parcei; thence c::_~ :g -_~~~-rr,e:.::ioned line due .~orth
~ 15.00 fcet to the intersccc:~;.. •::i~i: ~'_.~_:z.: crawn paral?el to
and di~tant 27ortnerly a~ _ ..n~_ . u0 iee ~ from the
' centerline of Stevens ~=c.._._J.., :i ; th~.nce along
said oarallcl linc ::•ae _._~.0~ -~ae;. asorementioned
~•7esterly line o~ _ _ ~::enc~ . _ _~st-r,.entioned
line South 0°00' ~e~. ~c o£ beginning
. and containing J,_ :.anc, .::c~e o::
~ ~
AcQUiSI:`.~0~: ::.RCL•'L ~o. 49-I
Dr A'~l,\, F:T : L,. . Zi'PROV: ?^?NT D7S'r'I.TCT NO 66-'
All that c~rtain real progcrty situatc in t'.zca City of Cupertino,
Santa Cla:.a County, C~liiornia, bound~d and described as follows:
3EII~3 a strip of 2and Ei£teen (15) feet in width, measured at
right ar.gles, a oortion oz that certain parcel of land described
in the deed to Chaffctz and Lavine, recorded in Book 6705
of Official Records of Santa C1.4ra County at page 274, et seq.,
more particularly described as follows:
IIrGIDRvING at the ini:crseciion o£ the L•'asterly line o£ the
abov~:-referer.ced parcel witn the existing line o£ Stevens
Creck IIoulevard at 30.00 =e~t irom the oririnal centerline
thcreo£; and running thenc.: ~lor.c;r s~id linc of Stevens Creek
Boulevarc3 Soutn II9°53'30" t:~~:~c 47~.os =ect; tnence due North
15.00 Pezt to th~ intersec;:_o: wi~; a line drawn oara11Q1 to
and dist-ant P7orthcrly ut ~ : ar.c'~es i5.G0 ~eet i-rom said
original centerline o~ St~v:.:~ Crea:: 3oulevard; thence along
said parallel line .,ori-2: u~°:;3'30° ~as;. 475.0~~ ieet;thence
South 0°O1'SO~~ East i5.~~ : to ;':e :o~r.t oP beginning and
containing 0.164 acres o_ , m~~._
~ ~
3~I's A'_\~"'1 E'P 7w.. .T_i•;P?2CCri~I~tF:TdT DISTRICT Nd. 66-i
All ~chat certain real proner~y situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clura County, CaliYOrnia, bounded and described as follows:
13ETIv:~ a strip o£ land t~:er.ty-five (25) feet in width, measured
~t rig:i~ c'aIl~jlt.'.:T~ a portion or" that certain parcel o£ land
describad in ti2e deed to Cha~f~tz and Lavine, recorded in
IIool: G705 of O~ficial R~cords o£ Santa Clara County at page
274, et ~eq., more pariicularly described as follows:
. BEGI.?~?21:, at a point i: the Eusterly line of Stelling Road
at 40 ieet in ~•~idth, distan~ thercon due North 185.00 feet
ar.d due ~ast 12.00 icet from thc Scu~hwestern corner of the
Northwest 1/4 0~ Sec'~ic:i l, To~m:,i7in 7 South, Range 2 West,
;•Sow^.t Dizi~lo Easa and td~:ri~:~.-:.; ai:d running ~hence along
said lin~ o~ Stelling ;oa:c: ,`i,.~ tiorth 59.32 feet; thence due
East 25.00 feet to tnc i.r.::~~ ~~ct'-o : oritn a line drawn paral-
lel to and. distant La~~~=-'~ i~-~'•~t ar.c~les ~7.00 £eet from
the ~ti'~sterly line of _.~~~.~amer.::-o:~~3 ~;o:.~thwest 1/4 of
Section 13; ti:e::ce paru-~':.~= lina due South 59.32
feet; thence du~ <<:~• ~ E- . -~et ~ : cint of beginning
and containing _ la.^.::, :1ore o~ _ass.
~ ~
DE I~N7..11 ET A7.. I:~iPROVi'~idENT DISTRICT NO. 66-1
All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara Count,.~, California, bounded and described as follows:
IIEING a strip of land twenty-five (25) feet in width, measured'
at right angles, a portion of that certain parcel of land
described in the dced to Chaffetz and Lavine, recorded in
IIook 6705 of O£ficial Records of Santa Clara County at page
274, et seq., more particularly described as follows:
nEGItJNING at a point in the Easterly line of Stelling Road
at 40 feet in width, distant thereon due North 334.32 feet
and due East 12.00 fe4t from the SoUthwestern corner of the
Northwest 1/4 0£ Section 13, Township 7 South, Range 2 West,
Mount Diablo IIas~: ar.d iderid•~an; and running thence along
said line of Stelli:.g Road ~ue North114.48 £eet; thence due
East 25.00 fcet ~o t;:~ i:.t~~scct~on witn a line drawn paral-
lel to and distant L'~~~~- right angles 37.00 feet from
the Westerly li: ~ o'` ~.i~y~~.:_~:aen;:_oi:ed Northwest 1/4 of
Section 13 ; t;:~:.c~ ~ parallel line due South 114.48
- feet; thencc dL~ ~ - `~at :.o ~c::a point of beqinning
and containi;:, ~.Co~ lar.~, .r.~ra or less.
. ' ~ ~
DF•. Ati^A £T i•.L., I~iPROVF•.DiENT DISTRIC^i NO. 66-1
111 that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino,
Santa Clara County, Cali~ornia, bounded and described as follows:
B~I:~G a strip of land twenty-five (25} feet in width, measured
a~ right angles, a portion oi that ccrtain parcel oP land
d~scribed in ti:e daed to Lansford, recorded in Book 6834 of
Official R.:cords of Santa Clar~ ~ounty at page 22, et seq.,
more parCicularly described as rollows:
3~GIh~IIvG at a point in tlzc ~astcrly linc of Stelling Road
at 40 feet in width, distant thcreon ciue North 244.32 feet
and duc East 12.00 icct fro;n the Southwestern corner of the
Nortliwcst 1/~} of Section 13, mownsi~ip 7 South, Rangc 2 West,
DSount Dizblo IIas~ and ~Se~idiz::; anc runnir.c~ thencc along
said line o~ Stcllir.~ Roc;i c;.:e North 90.00 feet; thence due
East 25.00 feet to tne ~~.::.~r;;~ction with a line drawn paral-
lcl to and ci~tar.t Ea~~~r=y ~i.0u ~eet from the Westerly
line of th~. a~oren~nt=o, ~u .Co~thwest 1/~. o£ Section 13;
thence alon, :ar:::~~_ ~in~ aue South 90.00 feet; thenc e
due West 35.vGy~~::c~ r~-.~ _oint af beginning and containing
0.052 acrc~ ~ . '_ess.
, ~ ~ .
n~sc::zP ~ io~
ACQUISIlI02: P~.:.CEL :~0. 51-I
I1F I~TMIA ET AL. I>'PROV'.~'•i:'.:,IT ')TSTP.ICT NO. 66-1
0'111 that certain re~~ proPerty situate in th~ City of
Cupertino, Santa Clara County, California, bounded and
dascribed as follows:
IIEII~G a portion of the Southeast 1/4 of the t3ortheast 1/4
of Section 14, To~~nship 7 Souch, Range 2 We:.t, Mount Diablo
Base and Meridian, more oarL-icularl,~ described as Eollows:
BEGI~InG at the intcr~ection of the Northerly line of
Stevens Creek Boulevard at 60 fcet in width with the West-
erlv linc of Stclli:ic :;;,.,d et 40 s~~:t in width, said point
being located No,.:i ii°~.. ,..=-'.t .30.00 feet :~nd South 89°45'
~•:est 28.02 fu~:: ~~~:C1~~ern corncr of thc South-
cast lJ-. o~ vcrr.-•: ---~y'-%'• o~ Section 1~} as aforesaic3;
anci runnin; ~~i~ence ~~i~ li::c of Stevens Creek Soule-
var3 South 5~°Y7' S•~~,~t.~~l.~~~ i~~L to thc North-South
centerlir.~ o~ said SEl/~~ ci Lhe :;::1/-~ of Section 14; thence
along sa:.d cent~r~ii:•~ :iorth J°06' :,'as~ 15.00 £eet to the
intersec~ion with u iir.~ ar<:wn pa=u11.:1 to and distant
Northerl~~ right ar.g~:-:. =:~.00 icec iro ; the centerline
o£ Stevens Creek Eou~~v~.:.: .:s a~cr~sa~6; thence along said
parallel line North S9°=:~' 54..u= ieu;:; thence East-
erly, Northeaster'~~~ an:i =•o--~:~~rl_' ~yo:.c; the arc of a curve
to the lc~t, havir., u ruc=u~~ of 5G.u0 sact, ti.rough an
ar.rle of 89°5i' , ~r. ::rc ci=at:inc~ o~ 72.41 feet to a point
oP tangency ::i~ ii::e ar~;~;.. ~ara~.~~'_ ~o ar.d di~t:,nt West-
criy at r~- 5, • OG fcet :.~a:, thc c~ntcr'_ine o£
Stclling . • :.-orn~~iu; thc::~:~ ..-rh~ anglc~ North
f39°5;' ~c ~%.uv _~c ;=o lti~::~~==y iinc of Scalling
Road asuc.ior~~4.-w; r.::~:.c~ -~s:-mantioned lir.e South
0°O6' ~u_z o4.77 to po~r•~ c~ beginning and con-
Lairin; ~.27i ac~as o~ more or less.
• ~ ~
J_:::.:::~ i G:d
:~CS,J~S~_~G_, _....:_:L ::0. .`ii-IT
D^ .-1_~;: , 1~,- - ti0. 6C~-1 c.:_::.._.. _ _ _ t:~ City Of
C~:: ~rti~:o, ~~i:t.. C:.._~ ~C~~... C::1_.~c,.-._ , i;ounded and
d~scrib~c a~ ~o~_~..~.
3~I_C~ a - . L/-i o~ _.or~nea~t i/~1
o~ Sectio:. _ . _ _ : , .:cunt Diablo
F3dSC 121.1 :.~_..C.~,. . ~.:J'~.:. -=-i:ll1.~.~_1 4..::C:._~..~... :.011.4WS:
~3EGi\N~.,.. _ ca . .._~t:..:iy c~ _ ..~~ing Road
~t :G ~:_c,;. , c:~ c:ie:...::z ::cr~:. G`G~; 64.77
. 1'v't7~ 1'TJ... _..t~'~.~CC~1G:~. ,~._~.l ...:C: a0Y .._~~f .l=
$ ~`..CV~':1ti C~ . . _ ...:iCV::YC. _ ~ _C..._ _ _ ...:..:.II~J ~ ;1.::, :9°~ . t; ~ty ?.GO ~ ~ .:.o thc
intarsc~:._. ~ . r~_..__ _ to ..::c;' _ , ~..i7~'i...~, .,l.v.i i~u`. _.:G:l -.i:± C~..:Ci:Y.i~_... O:.
St~liing i.o..~. ..ior:.~.._ , ~_.anc` _...~L't. ~_~i .~io :c; tr:~ urC
os curv~ :.c -igh~ tc; _ _~_~.:.,n; ~c. = and
having a_::c,_,:s oza2~b.J0 ie~t, ~..~c,.~ ,.nq_e o~ 14°04'
14" an arc d~stanca of cJ.~c =e•~-.:- ::he:_.,:.~ o:. t~.:~~ent ~;orth
13°58'1-~" East 12i.53 s~c.: ..o th~ ~c~,:-.__~-:or. .~:ze
Stiesterly line o= Steilin~~; :~o~c a~ i~... ti.~_~cn; thence
alo: g last-r:ar.t;oae3 lir.~ Sou'~h G°~u" ~c 17c..2~ icc:;. to
the point os ~e~inning anc cor.tai:~ing 0.03o ac~es o:: land,
more or less.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
::CQuIoI~;G:v Ai1:CCEL \O. 5~
P~: E' DIS",RICT ho. 66-1
All tnzt c~r~.~i:~ r~::~ ~~r~~ in the City o£- Cup~.rtino,
S::nta Cla~~a CoLr.c, ,--~'-L`:~~=~ und described as follows:
~~'_\v a ::tr~: -,..a : ir. ~+icth, :neasur2d at
right ar.,~:~-. • -~~e ~st i/4 0~ che tiortheast
1/~ o£ 5~~. _ . ? ~ ..c `R::.:~~ 2 Y1est, N•ount
. Di::i~lo _ ..:~re _ ~~~-c~'_~__,~ sascribed as
' tollo~•:...
~ Ex.:GIti:~.~.., at ~:~e ~::ier::u.:..~•;n c:' L:: N~::tr-s.,__~.. centerline ~
~ oz th~ ~s~ ~;outr~<;~ o ~crt. ~~:-/4 of Section
I 1=, ~ - iu :;cL..t.u: y__ :c ~f S~~v..n:. Crcc~. ::~L_~v~rd aC 60
~ ~c~t ~;. ~h`nc~ ::1cn; :s-. ~d i_.._ Stev~i:s
Cr~e: „L~~v~ ~08.34 .o in~cr-
~ .i:: - , _ ~ ~ ~
sucL_~,.-, ~~~~:1 ~ . ~ _~:.c o~ th.:;t c~s~~i~: of land
d~sc~' b.;c _ . :;aiCiz, ~c:coraeb in =~c: ::~7 0~ Der_ds
~ r ~ = ~ ` c ; ~a C=a Cour.ty ; ~n~;~ . ~ ~ong last-
men~ ~ne~ ~.:z ~`~o ~l~st 5.~0 se~~ to ~n:ersection
i with a__.. w-..,:~ to ~..c 31st~r.t tiort:e_lY at right
i::7cjl~.c: ~G.~:i.''. «ii: t:C3 COriLG'~11:~C G2 S~CVvi1S 1::b2iC H0111E'-
v~rc u~ .--~~~5u=~; tY.~:.ce ~.-1ong ~~id parallel lir... t:orth 89°
45' -u8.34 fcc~ to t~:~ Narth-South centerli:.c a~ aiore-
; ;;,;i~; ~_.~..:;.e 41on3 las:-;:antioned linc South 0°06' ~as~ 15.C0
i::et c:.~ point os ~~,ir.ning anc cor,taining 0.053 acres of
lanc, :..or~ o~ _ess.
~ ~ : .
i C~'.Il'a~._ _ ~w. _.Ci. 7s
, , . , . r,. ,O. 6~i- 1
11i c~__.._.. - . _ tl:e CiL~i o~ Cup: ~ino,
Saz:t:. Clura ::~ur. , J;;~u.;.:_., ~.^.c ccscri~cd as follow~:
3~~T:,'v su:~.~ _ _ ;15;, .;id::'r:, nea3ureci at
rigl:~- ~.:~1~ , . _ , _ c,.~ . of ~and cescribed
in t:~ ~ ~r~_.:c, :_c~:~.._ Eook 7057
o~ O~f~c_~_ ~lu~~ .:t 660, et :eq.,
morc p~~~___._~..iy~:....,__.~:.~~: foiicw~:
~EG :.:i~T:: ti.._ int~r: ac ~io.: ~f ~hc :•,~~tcr1. i~..,_ o~ ~i:at
ccrt,.~n o~ ia::a de~cri~uw the ::~~c ~c ;;~~c~, rc
cordnd ~ok I oi :3ecci~ ~t pagc 40, ~L ~~q. ,_.~~ords of
Santc C~.-_.. Co~~:i. , ~._'~l; cii~ :;ortl:ori~~ iine c:: 8,t~v~ Cre~k
IIoul~var~ .,U . - _ : ~:i.,~_„ ~u:i~:ia~; ~ :..r.c~ _or.q la~t-
;ac:~tione~ . .:c.s . ~.So f~.:~:. tc i::tcr-
se~tion c:~i ~ _ ~c _ o~ .;ouznc~~t- i/~. oE the
~ort:iea - ~o~•~r..... _ 7 Scutl: R~.;,~ 2 t~:est,
D:ount D~~ t::~::nc~ alony tas~-:~~c:r.tioned
~ Zli1@ !~01'~:: i:~.J:~ ~~.:t LO tl'1~: .Lri~~:~Sc:C~10:: W1tP
a iine c'_~::~ _~o a;:n aist::r.t Ivartizerl~~ at r~;•rt
a:,g~as -_c:, th~ c.: :~erl; o~ Steven~.: Cr~~.t 3oule-
vard as ___:;id; yin~ :ce alor.~7 ~uid .~~,ra11e1 li.^.e ~vcr~n
89°~r5' :~l.uu feet; tna: ~ South 0°O6' .,ast iS.G~ ~eet
to the po:..::. oi Ju'cJlllriiri~ anu~containing O.lu9 ~cres cf
land, mcr.. or less.
~ ~ ~
I~CQL'IEl'i~~`v:s 1.'.::CEL \O. 55
- 'T `r.. - '^:2''CT NO. 66-1
~i ~;~3~ r~a1 ~~rc_..:r.:_~ in ~he City of Cupertino,
Sant<: C1.:~~ .:oLr.~y, Ca_~~o_:•~~., Ji~~~a.:w~d and describc-d ,s follows:
~~Itiv ~tr:.~~ o~ i~.~d (1 in width, mcassred at
i,nt ~s, aor~ c~_,._~n pa;:`el of land de~cribed
~n ti:cu::c~cs Vc:_ . _ _ ,~oal., _ : Clara Co,.nt`lr
YCCJTG~.2G _ _ V.i - . _ V--:.Ciu';u_..'Ciii~.C: U~` °iczLtu L'1u~1 L'OLUlty
at 5~.. Of:~_`_.._ .;~cords Santa Clara
Coua~y,~ _ _ __c~.=~.~ _ ~.~-.c_._.:~c fcilo~as:
:~.~''.ioZi~:._... .J:..,.. v.l ..ti-~ _aJit.:C~_~ ~-~:c G_ :..:cVC C~CQ~C
IIoul~v..__. .:0 , a~v___:it .:au~~~.. ,orth 29`1~' .
-~0" T•!c_.. _ _a'.-.~_. ~r_.... ~;c: Ti7~sterly
lin~ O_ .~J'.._..~.,.,... ~:1C \u=~a.~~1:~~ ~ect~on 1:
To~•:ys:i~ _ _,~ab~.o ~_~a ancl ~•Ieridian;
ar.d =u:..~ ...._.:c.. _ _ 1~..~ ~tev.:::... ~oulevard
~ortii _5'-~i1~ ?G2.:.~ ~`ct, ....~ncc ICor~,::. . ~0~ East
15.u0 ::c__.. w~;... a i~ne d_u~r.: -~4i~e1
to ~nd c. _..;...:.L :i~rtn~riy a:: rignt :.,-,~;1~~ ~~5. GG ~~.:t ~ron the
centerl.~..~ SL~vens Crea:: i;~ul~.vutd as aioresaid; ~'
along _=~llc1 liY:e ~~o;.~:: E~°_5'~'=J" ~as~ 217.G5 ieet
to tneJt~:~~~~rly l~r..: .-.v~r.u~; thence aiong last-
i1c:Il~:.O.^.~..:i IlI:C SJ:;i.:1 :~S°~:u ~ l~" ~':i:S~. G1...~.3 ~E:Lt. i.0 ~f1~: pO~Zit
o~ beg~nning 4r.~ cc.:~a~::-::; 0.072 ,:c~~s o~ land, more or 1ess.
~ ~ .
Di;.`'~Ct.i~ ~'1Gi7
~CQtiISITi02~ P:112CEi ::0. 5G
_ .iT. I ~t~ ~ : j, :iC°: `:O. `6-1
Du r.S" . . . . .
t>il CCil:.ixl:i ::d:31 U U . _ •t O~ CUriC1".i.lAO~
Santa Cla~~ CoL.: C:._~_u_..~ , Jb~u.....:.. _ u:.....~i~ed as follow~:
SEih~ a r.~rC~o:z or t;.-.. ..,.:.~c---.. »._~c.~'. o: ~~~cribvd in
the decd ~o V-~~`_c~ ~.o~ c~ ..:..:t., C~-..-~~ ~ount~r, re-
cor3ea lIl :3JJri ri.:.:rl(:_ ~=-1J_.:?1 RCoCil~.::: Gi ~:~3Y3 L'OU7:i_:7
at psgo 585. ?"-~ict.~...:~y ce....__~,__ _ollows:
3`,EGIi'..1.'T:'.i . :~7~L'Y...-__ .J ~ree;t
y~u1~:Va~L4 « - i.1 1.: ~l`.~. ~ , . 1J1.5~
4~" ~1~u'3i. ...v ~V 1...~L fLG,.1 ~.::t:. 1T1tCL..d:CL1~.. ..~~~.-.:I7 l~_:ii.Ori'~
line O -0U~i7~..:Sti 1~~ O:: L'i:3 ~~J L"1::3.;L i~.: G_ ;i:' " LO:i 1'+.
Townshi_~ ,,.~;uL: , R~ng~ 2~:~ i~'.o~...t Di~'alc Lu:._ .~rici~n;
and rui:r.'~.:, along ~~in~ c.i ~L-evens Cr~et: ~c~;~~~va~d
hort.z 39'l:i'-.u" V7~:st 4OG.~. _~et ~nu _:orth &2°5~'lu° ti~,~:st 135.84
fC~:t t.0 i_~:'.t. '_2:i:t:~uCCt1G''. ...,.~~ii C:~3~Jri ":3i311C.L t0 a:1C1
C3151'3Ilt 'r~~o'-'~:.:.--ly at Yl~.:~ ~..:,~''j~t3=% ~.~G i~%~=~- iTuRl t21~: CEritCr~
line o~ S~cvens Creek 3oul~varc as «ora:saic; tnence along
said par~.~~ei line Soutn a5°15'40" ~~as~ 535.15 feet; th~nce
South 0°-'::'2G" 47est 15.00 i~ec to the point o~ beginning and
Con~aining O.lnl acres o= iand, mo~e or less.
~ i • ~
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All that c~r..~i.: ui c...__.,, o~ Cupcrtino,
Sant~ Clsra Jo::.. _ ,~ou....~.. w.:e u~~c~~~esu as £ollows:
BEIrv a ~ _-:`ive ` measured
at rir:-,; w_ __~_c.. ~n.... ca~..~i:. _~rc~_ land
descri::,"_ ~~o ~.nbly c: ~o:: ~,~yCu :~r~~::o, re-
cordcd , _ _ _~_sl _~~co~c.: ~~r.~u C:-::-a County
at pagc . _ _ . _ .:t~c:._~~ _ ~~_,.__..~w ~ollows:
B~GT_~\~SG ~ _ _.-.t ~:s~~__y _.~:.uo~ :.~c:.__.. Road
at i0 ~ect in .~h, u:.~~._.... :.hcr~cn au~ .:~~tn ::o.c0 fect
and du~ ~ ~ i_.:.% ~~a~ ::hu =.:.Lt:-a,c~~ur.. cc~..~_ o~ tne
Nor~h~.~~ ~i/~: S.:ctio:. _ :cv:....:. : 7 South :ta:.,~ 2 V7cst,
2-iou:.t ~4s.: ar.c ..___~_;:n; ~:G+ .:ai~ing thcr.ce ::lor.g
^u31~1 O:: J ~C111P. j.~:~~.•=: u-,.13 i\J: i~l"ly ZUi. ~l7 ivC i ~.:'iC7CC QUG'
I;~ug~; ,~Sj,1iv ~_iJi:;: ::O ~11L =Si:C~10ri h/~tll ~.1 IlriC drao~r. ~u2".dl.~
lel to ::istar.t ~as~cr'-,~ a~ '-i; a: ,les 37.00 r:eet irom
t~1C' j`iCEL.::iV .LiricN Oi t:~d ~:-.iJ::i.Iili:3iL'_C:.~:u :;O~LI'i4J0St l~l: Oi
Sectic.. 'i~ ; t:ar.ce a~ony- puruil~= '_i :e ::~e South 264.00
- rCOt; i.:;uI1Ci3 C1L'~: ~~,.t;1: ?~.v~ 'ii.?E1. ~O L~,iriL Oi baginning
and cor,taininr ;,.:~1 acras oi lar.~, nore or la~s.
. ~ ~ ,
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3~. ' 0= - - 2LitPGSES
L'+1vDfi 'TJ clCl.:iiR~:L _'0:. _
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~ S~aCa C~~r3 Co:... _ ~ _ , ..04_....:~
~ ~,r`~ y,~~cicr. . ~J:. .__...P~'~~_ ~~..u y._.._, -~cordc•5ain
de~~_ ~be.. _ ~ _ pages
LookYu:~77 c_ ...~c~~..~ `'c.:= tr.~L c~_~.._., m~p
325 to 32:.. .__i: _~U-~ Jc~ui ::u Cc: y and
entitl~a, ' _ ~u_v~
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uture L~~.. - icial
~oas fileu -.:ca,-d in ~oo:: 115 c:: :ps at _.c.~1~-
Recorc~ a~ ...-..~a Cla~a Cctr.i~~, mo~n ..~rzicularly ciescribed as
I follc~v~ _
- cor: t,: ~::cv~ :.crc. c~:~
BEGISidT::::, ~ou~h~.:u~~~::... - _ - ~.;d
parcel y. :~::r,r ca~ ~ 7~.. ~~-..c o~ s-
~ , ~ ..`sec~ion ~Litn
parcel ~z 0 :9' i7" ~l 75 `o
~c3ht an,les
a line c.~w^ ~o c ~~s~an ~c,. 1^s:. , 4
i 75.00 fec~ =:cu the ce:.~~r~__.:~ o~ ::::~v~as Cra~.~ ~o,:levard
60 seet in -r; thcnco alc:., sa~_~ _~a.a11e1 lin~ ~.::~n 89`15'
I •.,ri;:,. , . _ -
t.:a~~.: s~er:.~i, ~nd Southerly
i 43" East 9i:.9~ ieet; "-,,~:;~::t, huvin a rau~u~a os
- along t'r.e ~::rc o~ curve to ..::c g
~j~.QQ i~:~:'~, i:i:~Gtic~t <;A u.^.Cj}~= J•` ~Uy:iS~ 3R r7TC G~15taI;CG OT
7E3.61 i~~:: to po~nt of ~~r,~~.icv on a 1'~n~ drawn parallnl to
~ q? ~ 45.00 iect ~rom tn~ c~:
' and distc._i~c ~'~~~e~ly at ~cht -n
' d ~t -.~L i. ~~ldih; i:.ence ale::g s~
iine of ~~~~ling ~.oa _ ~ outhetiy
parall::_ ~_n~ ~outh G°4~' .:est 4.02 _~38 iaat i:o thc S
' line os ~;:rcc~i i.o. i~, ; ~..~n~~ ; 1~1~' -mentioned 1_ne
b;orth 8S' _~'='s3" t;est 975•~~ :-~~t ~cint of beginaing and
contair.~_ ~ 1~.4u1 acres c~ -4: 1, r,.o_~ ~~~s.