CC Resolution No. 1382-02 • _ , ~ ~ .
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° . ~IJML:?~.7H: gbb i/3,l67 .ijc
~ar~so~ ~o. y38~-2-
x ~so~.~rzo~ ~~~x~xG To tn~~~ _ ~ac~~rrc.s
' TO SPECS~I~ ~ASS~aS3~:T-A~ ~SSES~~T -BQ~+II}=AC'!`S ~'4R ~
- - ~~szarr ~ a~ ~ s~rs . ~ ~~~YS eo~~--
lI~FROV~iT PR(~.?&CT
a,~e~tvID. by the City ~okuncil of the Ci~y vf Cag~rtino, Santa
C~3r~ County, -~a~ifarnia, that
WBEREAS, al3 of the owne~ s%~' ~are ti~an 6~$ in arE~ af tt~e p~ap-
erty sub~ect to as~essment therercT have signed and ~31ed ~ith ~he
C{ ~y Cler~c of s€~id ~ City a xritten petition for undestakirag praeee~-
ir:~s gursuant to special assessaeat and as~essment bond acts, and to
assess the casts t2:ereof unon th~ properties benefited '~g sa~.c~ im-
provements, s~r_d ~raiving pro~eedings -~:nder Divi sion 4 af' the Stre~ts
~ and Highway~ Cod~, for t:~e aequisitior~s and ~.~aprave~ents nesc~ibe3 in
Exnibit A at:ta~hed here uo artd a part hereof;
T~'HEREA~; the ~osts and expenses of sa~.d ~~ntemplate~ acquisitio~s
and i~proveme~ts a~°~ ta ba chargeab~e upun an assessment ~istrict, the
ext~r~.or boundaries of ~~~yz are th~ cc•+erminous ex+erior boun~sries
of the composi~i;~ snd consalidated area shaxn an ~sp ~hereof an ~~.le
in the office of the CiLy Clerk to xhich reference is hereby ~.d~ ~'or
fr~rther parzicu'tars; ~hich ~aap in~dicates by a o~undary 3.ine the ex~eri~
of t~.e territary included ~i+hin the as~ess~ent district and ~h~eh
shall gavern for aIZ cietai~s as to the e~cten~ of sa~d ~ro~os~:d dis-
tr~ct; p~ ovic~ed, h~rever, zhat all of the cas ~ of the~ aequisitions and
improve~ents ~~serfb~d in subgaragraphs (dl, ~e} a~d (f~ of s~id de-
scrip~ion af work, taget~er ~ith a31 inc~denta~t e~€penses thereo~?
- shal3 be assessed sole~y aga3nst t~e graper~i es oP t~e i~'Qath~.3.1 Ju~~ar
, ti~lZ~g~ D~S IrT.LC~ y
~ Wt'iEREt~.S, the g~:~lic inte~est an~ ~ conveni~nc~ rri? 3 be served b~
~ 1 • ~ ~ . , ~
. . . •
. . . '
the ~rsking of said praceed~ngs; .
Hai4I, T~ORE, I`I' IS fiEREBY F'E3L)ND~ DET .r.M~ st~u GRDERED t~at
all of the rnrrners of more thsn 60~ in area of the ~raper~y sub~ect to
assessment fvr said pro~osed acquisitions ax~d i.mpra~eiaerata ~ile~ . _
~rith tY~e City Cl~rk af City a~ritten p~tition ~ar t31e c4ns~~uc-
tion of improvemencs Furs~zant to agpropriate specia:t asses$~en~ auc~~
assessment band acts, tri~hou~ f~zrther co~pl~~.nce ~~th the praaiaions
of Division l~ of the Stre~~s and 'fiighrtay~ ~a~e.
~ ~T IS ~~'HER ~'OUi~I, ~7ET~I3 and aRD~'-~FD t~~at said proceedings
:~r the construet~.~n af said ~m~roves~ents shal3 be had pv.:sua~t to the
M~xnicipal ~rvve~ent ~sct of 1913 and the bo'..3s ~i~an the unpaid assess-
ments thereof sha31 be ~ssu~a ~ursuani.; to the Im~pr~vem¢~~ Borsci Act af
IT tS ~'iiRZ'~i ~'(}'t1Ni~, DET~,.R~II~ED s~nd 4RllER~ 't.~tat the ~ravisians
of I~ivisi an o~ the Streets and ~ig~t~ys Coda bes and they are ~lE~_"eZ3~~
dispensed titi ~k~. ~
~ ~ ~c~ ~ ~
PASSED and AD4PTII? by-the ~ity Couneil of_the City o~
Cugert~no, Sta.4e of Califo~ia, ~his . 3~ d4y of J~~ar.~ ,
ls~, by ~he Fo3.lcn+r~rsg vo~te :
AYES: Co-~nc~.lmers: Dempster, ~~tzr~erald, ~ohnsan, Stokes _
NOES; Counci~en: ~Fone
: ABS~: Counci2~ttn: T1oe1 :
. ~Ot3r~ GF SANTA CL•4RA _
STATE OF ~A~,ZFOF_N'.tk ~ -
I, Ka;~ V. Haddon , City ilerk af ~~e CiLy of
Cutiertino and ex efflcio clerk o~ the legis~at~!ve body of
said L'•i ~z* do herey certify tr.a.~ the wi zr~ci anr.~xec~ ~n-
stru~nent is a~ vrue and corrPet copy of t`~e oY~.~ir~l of ~he
Resolution ~r_ fi~e ~.n :r~ office.
~ IN 'viS~`NESS WI~1~OF ~ natTe herEUnto~ set my h~.nd~ a~3 C~ ~3~ Sezl
thj.s 2othd~.y of J~iu7.z~y ~ ~~°7• , _~j ~y ~J~`~'?
. ~
• _ -
. . - ~ ~ .
r •
. _
STEV~i~ CRE~I~ Bi1UZ~YA~tJ -~TEISSI'~G._ H~AD - 2~cC~~.,i~LI~T R~AD
n~av~~ ~t~c~
a~ The a~ou.i.sitian oP eaBeme:~t~ necessarg to xiden Stzver~s Cr+~ek
Bo~~z3.ev~~d ~,o a uni:c,rm xidth af ~.20 ~eet from '~7est Da~.ey Free~+sy
to npar Highxa~ 9_$ac3 the ~apraving theseof br c3easing and g: ub-
binB, grading, subgrade p~•epar~tian,~ base g$.vement a~d xear3ng sur-
face, asphalt ~e~th~r{ag; and_-ber~s, cancrete.curbs, g~t~srs,
si~exalks and islandss ~ra~fic bars,_$~ripi~g, s~orm.drain pipe,
catcn b~.s~:ss ~anhoi~s and appurtenances, ~ster_mains, valt•es, hrv-
drants, ~.~se bitbs,~~ceter cvnnections and appuricenanc~s,"e3ectro-
Ii~: s, trafP~.c ~signa~s and signs . ~
b} ~`Yie acqi:isi ~ion of easemen*s nee~ss$ry to ~.iden fo
a un~~arm x~dth af 60 feet f~o~a a paiat aboiu.t 550 feet e~csterly af
Steliing Roati~~ ta the ~Fest ~alieL ~'reexa~, ~xcepti~g therefro~ that
portian o~ IK~Clel~an Road auts3cle the Citg lim~ ~s a±' the City of
C~.:gert~na ~~ich is xesterly o~ a poin-~ ~bout _~50 ~ eet wssteri;~ af
Stelling- Hoa~, ~nd the _im~r~v~~~ -~herpa~ . cl~~ing and gru'~s3int3,
Sz'~~8g subgrac3~ ~~~ca~~:r:r~~ ~b~se_ pa~e.~ent a~ci ~~ari~~ sur~ace,
_ ~ph~li~iL3~..~tez~r.~~' -c~rt~~e~'~cu~bs; ~ g~atters _and sir~exali~s, tr~:~ic
- ~~s;` ~~~;pi.~..~, s~a~ dra.i~ pige, catc~- basins, manh~les ana appur-
- ~sna~ces;_fire hyarants, el~er_troliers an~ str~et s~gns.
c) ~`he acqu~aitian a~ ease~eats necessary ;v ~ide~ Stelling~~~sd to a
un~~arm~ xi dth of 90 f~et , fro~ _ near A~.ves Dr3we t~ near Lilac- :?ay, `therefro~ that po~;ion aY Ste~'~~ Road o•stside the Ci~~ .
lirnits of,the C~t~- of is ao~ther?y of a paint ahout
175 f'~et seutherly of ?~icClellsn Raad; and the ii~prov~ug thereof ~bg
_ cl~sriug .anc3 grubbit~g, ~rading, subg=sde~ pr~pPrration, topsoil,
~aveaaent ~nd ~esring., surface, asphalt ~ea~herizig, concrete curbs,
gutters aad s~de~aiks, str~F~nS, stearm ~cain pipe, cateh basins,
manhcles.- sn3 appurtenannes, ~eater p~p~, hydrar:ts, h€~se ~ibbs, meter
ca~~rtiang ar~d appurtena.~ces; e~ec ~ro3{ ers, t~affic sign~ls atzd
d} ~'he public Easemer~ts to b~ dedi~atQd for fire pra~ec- gurpases on t~ae grvperty.of the DeAnza Csmpus o~' the Foothill
Ju~ior College; bg grad:~ng snd the cons+.ructfcri therein
of base~ ga~eaeri~= end keg~~i,n~ s-u.rface; curbs, gutters, ~triaing,
traffic bars, signs, S~4T:11 drain. gipe} cat~h basins, mant~oles and
appurtenances, xater mai.*~s, valv~s, hydraats, meter~g s~atioL'~nd
app~zrtans~c~~, and elec~:~ oliers, ar~d s~zch other ~ac~lities ~s are
re.asonsbly related to the ~mproc*ing ~f sai d ri~h~s of way ~or fire
grotec~~€~n pu.~-~poses.
e} ~`he acc;uisition o~ the garcel of ~rc~erty at the sQUZhirester~.y c~~ -
-~er of Steveus Creek Bots~.eva~3 and Ste~ing-Raaa snd ~hE improvi~g
thareo~ as a pubiic aff-street autoaa~ile p~~kin~.lot b3~ grading,
removing trees, bushes a.~d existing structures and ~he constructian
therein of_base ~ave~ent, x~aring surfac~, curbs, gu~ters, drai.r~age
fa~ilit~es; lighting facilities, striping, ~an3scaping, and 8~.1
auziliary xork aeceasaty to comgle~e the s€~e as ofP-street auta~o-
~I~.e p~rking fac~l.iti~s.
T~,e acquisition of the ri~ht of use of the sexage dispc~sal ~acili-
ties of the ~v.pertino Sat~i~~^g ~is vrict by paym~t af cer~ec~ion
cha.rge~ requir~d by said ~~st~ic~ far cQnnectian ta their fac3l~.ties.
g~ ~'Y~e acquis~.tian of all lands afc: easements_ and the cvnstruLt3on cf
• all xork auxi~.iax-~t to ang af the above atid necessa?ry ~o complete ~
the sa~me.
E ~