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CC Resolution No. 1396
,f r ~ ~ I ' ~q y' r RE,.~OLUTI:ON N0. 1396 ~ BETN(3 A' F~I`~l~LUTtON OF ~.CHE CI'TY UF~' CUP~RTINO Af~C'~:I'TINQ A (IR~iN'T QF EA~E1~~1T . I~F'".R.EAS, ~f00n Sl~AR.ITI~N ~HURCH, F.VANI#ELICAI~ UNIITED ARL!~FiREN, A . Ct~tPORATSON, grac~tas, has execut•ed ta (lrant of ~:~~em~en~ which ~.s a.n gaad a.~d ~ufP~cient form, conweyirig tio the CI2'Y OF CUPERT'I~JO, grAn~ee, an . ~~s~ment tor draa..~age purposee over ~h4 property aituratc in the C1t~' ot Cup~rtlno, County of 3ant~ Clara, State of Cal3farnl$ f deeariioed fo11~ ~ {De~cr~.ption at~ached) ` arantor hereby fur~her grantis ~0 4ran~ee the rtght and prlvilage to ; enter upon hi.s ~.ands cantiguous tio ~nd alang the line ot geid hereinabove deacribed strlp f'oar th~ purpoae of loaating, conetrueting, re}~airl.ng, r~ain~~~.ning, ~r replacing said public uti].3ties~ ~r appurtenanaes ther~~o, ' a.nd for ~he Furpaee of doing any nece~eary or law~'ul nat in conneatior~ . ~ritt~ the const;ruction or mainten~nee oF sald publia utili~i~s; there is , also granted the ri~ht oF the ~zas of su~fic~.ent Iand contiguous to ~aid ' strip nn e,t~ler ar both :~ides thereoi' ~or the purposes of sxeavatiolY of k and depos~.t of eartiti and nec~ssary bull.d~rig material during the time o~' constructing said p~zblic util.iti~a, and any repair thereof. ' The foregoing is sub~ect to the fo1loY~ing expre~s conditions: The Grantee agrees to reetore ~:he Rround surface and any improve- raents thereon ta its or.iginal grade or cond~tion 3nsof~r s~s it ig practicable and reat~or.able ~o do so. tdOW, TI~R~I~'ORE, I~ TS HEREBY RES~LVED, th~t the City o~ Cupertino ; accept eai3 Grant of Eas~:r~ien~ so tendered; ~na TT IS FURfiHER RESt7LVED, ~hat the C~.ty Clerk be ~nd he ia her~by autrori~~d to record ~aid arat?t of Easementi. PASSE~ AND ADCIPTEB tt;is lf~t-ti day Janu:iry ~ 1q67, ~ 3~y the fo].low~.ng vote : ~ AYLS: Councilmen - Dempster, Pitzgera'Ld, .7ohn3on, Noel, Stoke~ 1r'OES; Councilmen - None ~ENT: Coun~ilmen - 2tone A,~fiEST : AFPRnV~ ~ ~ , 1 Ct'c _...1 ty er syor ` i , . ~ . ~ . ~ ~ , ~ . P~.~tC~lt,, ~ . l~e~,tnnln ; nt n Kra~~ite mor?ur~on~ at ttip inicersec ~ion ~i' the c~nt~+x~llne :,i' :~'vlt'c~ Rr.r,~9 witt: f.he c~citerl;ne ~C H.~rc~:.~~ad R~+ed, e~id tiraa~utesci R:~~+cl f~,~rir.+ae•1;~ existed 4~~Ou ftet wl~ie, or~ ec~id int~r- ~ectlan ia~ uh~en an thr+~t eerGain map of Tr~ct N~~. 19~b, i/erc~e Qacden~, Unl~ fi,. map csi° wh:ch i~ t'ilecl Sn Huc~k ~fi uf Mr~p~ nt Pt~~;e ~G, in xt~~ Oi't'i.e ~a,f ttiA Rtr. ~rcter ~~f S~~r~ta Cl~rn C~unt~v; thenca from r~~id ~?oinL of' be~;innin~ w~at~•r1y elonp, ~nici c~ntr,rltn~ .^.f N~~at~~t~ad Ro~d ~ b~° 24~ 0~ i~" 632.?. ~~~eet; thencQ ler~vinz; eaid c~nt~rlir?~ ~~i' N~r~~- ~tead i~~~fl~l S 0^ 1?' ~2" ~ 2U.00 ~'eet; to a p~int on ti~e unuth~r~.y. ' s1d~ tif H~mectead Road i3:~ n~~+ Qr.iGta, afiid point nls.~ kriown na the N~rtti+~eat c.~rner of' th~'t certt~in {•Prcel c1' l~~nri r~nve~ ed by~ C~l~t'ot~r~la C~nfer~~ue~ Sv.~n~;elics~l [Jnite~i Drcthi•eti Chu~•ch, o r,.;rp~,r~~tlon~ t~ tht t3~od S~r~riti~c~ Chus~ch, Ev~r~ellc~~1 Uri.trc' I3ccti:ren, fl c-~r~~ornt~ara, by cieed dUte:: ?l~.venber 1~~9, c~nc rer~.~r~!e~ in ~i:.ak ~~61r ~i' DPecin ~t Pnge 7~9 ~antri Clt~r~~ ~aui~ty fiec~rcl~; Ctten~~e c~r~tin~~i~~~, 5 U' 1't' 2?r~ E r~] ~n~: ~~.~e '~et~t 11ne -~f' :~nici lr~ncte ~i' (3~~od :;an~c~ri'~nn CNurch, 8C.1~•- fcet. t~ t'~e TRUE ~'U~tJT 02~ hrflltJt~INI3; tt~er~r,e c:~~tinairt~; 'J° X'l' E al~n~, ~.he :~~sL liitie ;,i' ::~1~~ lF.~u.s ::t.ich i~s u1:.~~ tne Eesterly b:~~:n~.:ary ~~f Linnet Lr~ne ~~~~C.~.~~ i'ce~ t.~~ Ll~e .;~i.ttn~est cor~~cr of uaid la~>>i:?; the~~c~~~ tl ?4' E'~l ~nf; the Snut.t: l.irie ~f ~nid l~+nds • 1'~. i'eet; tl~er~c:e 1Gt~vit4,° Lulc! S:utl; iit~e ti ~U 1"j' ~r' . ~Qrall~l tc~ tt~e ~t+~;t ei•l;~ b~~un,ir,i•;; ~.;t' Lin:~,et L~nc.~ ?E~1 .~lt feet , the~.ce S~i9° 4~ ~ 3~ " h a0 t'cet; th~nr~e 0~' ~'l' 22" ~ 3~. ~ i'eet; tnenr.e nI ~nR ti'~e arc ~i' ~ curve t~ tt~e t•i~;ht. t~~ vinF ~ r•~~:~~~:: ~i' i'eet tnru ~n ~ik-1e '~3~ ~~c~ r?rc• lcri~:tr~ ~1' ~i.~i? t~~ ,}oinG •~i' rev~rse r.ur:~:~t .re; Lt~er~ce r~lor~,; Lf~e ~r~. .~C r~, c~,rve t: tl~e lei't t~c~vir:~. ~ r~diuc~ ~f' r(:ht tt~,: . rs,1 =,nt~l~ ~~t' ~t'~'' ;J~' cy'' r~n f:~~~ lenZ;Lt~ ~~l' G.r~ feet t• t~~e Ti~~~e Yoir:*, ot' 13ef;inr~lc:, . F~,RCEI., "I3" E3op,in~iic:t: r~L r~ ~;c~i[R1 ~c ,r~~%n~.,-:e~r:t t.•~e tr~t rr: e~~ t7. tt3Q centerline :~C 1tiO11'E~ :/'~Acl t~~t!+ L:1Q ~'(!;11~+1'~lt~[' ~1' }~~I.,~±:;ttlRS+1 R~6'1. P~tt 8~~d N'•~me:~teaci K'18~~ ~'~r~iCT'l~J 6;(i:lta~1 ~l'~.a~} (~CCC i+1~:C, G:, :i~;1~9 ifltBi'- oect ~~c: is sh~r+n tsp~~n tht~t cE~rt-~in rr~t~p ~f Tr~et t1~ . l;~~yt5, Ve,~rcle aac~ll~ne Unit N~~. ~ t~a~s ~f +~tiLc:t~ i;t :'~1~~~ ir: D~,ak ,f M~~;~ at ~'age 3~i in tt.~ Of'i'i~e ~~f the ~e•:or~lci~ :~f Sf+nt,e Cla~re C:.~.:r?L;; thence r+e8terly nl~n~ the ~Aicf center111~Q meate~~,~.1 it .A~.i, S%.~1-' C~2'' 412.3~ Ceet; Lhal~ce lcevi?~g s~id cerit~rli.c~~ -.,f H~r~ate~cl R~ad nt right ~n~les the~~eto S 00° 3~;' E~i?.00 fe~t t~ t!~e :s~.3i.thei•1;~ right-~i'-Wa;~ ~f nt~id H,mestencl R:~a~i anu the ~'ru~ 'r<;int .~i' E3~~innin,:; thence al:~t~ tt~e PP~ter].;/ t:~un~.ar, c,f Lt~e a~~.~ci :;an.+i-it~~n Cttiurch, 3 OL?° 17' 22" L 1Q.~~0 feet; then~~e wE~::tei•1;; t~larr~ ~i lino ~~r~t~Pllel t~~ ~ the oouthQrl; t•SF~hG f-a~~? ~f ;~ri.'1~2 Ei mecite~~.i R:~+c! S t~:9`' 0^" '~1 202.66 revt t~ u}~oint on a 2~J,40 t'oot rnalua curve ~n the r~outhtrly right-~f-?+ay of naid f{.mente~d it ~ac:j ttienr.e in r~ nr~r~henatt~rl~• ciir~cti~ n a~ong the ~~~utherl;~ r~f~tit -~f -ws~~? :~i' H"neat~~ct it ~s~d ~~lt,c~; o curve hAVln~. a rediut~ ~C 24.00 faat concnvo nouthQac~tcrl;; whuae rent er t~e~t~e S 53~ 43' r~l" B thrc~ugh e~+~ntral ~r~1Q ~t' `i3'~ d'l' :.3~~ ~n ~rc lE~n~,th ~f 1~.5~~ feet; thtnce ?d ~i7 21~' Cl;'" E 1~?.7~J feet; Lti~nr•c,* I1 ~0~' 17' 22" W 2.00 t'oatj thanae N fi9a 24~ t)2" B~~.00 I'aet to tne ~'cu~ ~oin~ O~' D~~1.M~f16. . , , . , w