CC Resolution No. 1397 , , _ ~.~oi,vTl~z~ ~t~~. ~39'r ~ Firl?~it3 A RF.SOL~7TZ02J ~F T~~ CITY OF CUF.'ERT_YNO ~C ~EI'T.LN(~ f.X~DZCA',I`ION OF RENL PROPERTY F(?R. " ROA]3WAY Pt1T~PUSES .y p , `f ~I~P.~r~~S, CAF~I, p. BFCI~PR ~rr.d ~+IA P~CKFR, have exerutefl a dedication ~~.ch is in goo~ and s~,~ffiLienL• rorm, granting to the City ot~ Cupertino, 9 ~'~•.:.nty a!; 3~r..a Clara, State c~f C~z~.i~ornia, the fee title to ~~rtain rer~1 ~ prc~r~y for ro~dway purposes, sl.tuate in the C~.ty of Cuper~ino, de~crlb~:~i " a~ ra~lc~NS: : ~eginnir,g at ~he point oF intereec~ion af ~he ?,+e~t line of that ~.~rtain, 0.55~ acre parcel o~ land aonveyed by Ear1 M. Sorenson, et ux, to . 3ara~es Fe. Sa~c:~, ~t ux, by dee~ recorded ,7anu$ry 21, 196~, in ~ook 6353 0~ ~~t'1.~i~3. Recor~s at page 693 ~.n tihe Offic~ af the Recorder of tihe County San~ta C~.era, Stat~ vf California, with a line perallel with and 25 ~eet w~::tt~erly ~^~ea~suz•~d at right angles i'z~~m the S~uth line of HomAstead Road, ~~r fee:t wide; ~`t~ence Prom .said point of begl.nning Westerly along said ~.~...~^a1;.el li::~ :o a~a1.nt di~tant 34.f38 ~'eet Eaa~erly along said pars~.le1 `:.r.~ Pram tt:e ~ast 1~.ne af ~3aney Ave thence on a aurve t~ ~h~ left with _ a~diua of : ee~ through ~n angle of 89° 46' for a dlst~nce of 47.00 ~ to a pc.~'_::: ' n a 1~ rie pa.rai.lel with and 30 feet Eanter? y mer~sured ~t ~:,3~,t. angl~s Lhe exist~ng centerline of Blaney Aven~ie; ;'.?ence at ~=~-.t ~ngles .i?5L@T'ly to ~'r.e Ea~t 11ne of }3laney Avenue; thenGe along said =.~W :~dne N~r= :trly 54.88 f~et to the said South line o£ Homeste~.d Road; ~.~r~~e Ea~t?~?; ~lang sa3.d Sauth li.ne ~o Lh~ said Wes~: line of s~id 0.551 , ~ parael ~a;nci; tihencA Snutherly along ~;aid West 11ne 25 feet to the r~~ ~.r.t o1' be~,~ c~ntair.~ri~ approxim~tely 0, ].26 acres of lrand, and :~~r~3 xith~ r. auito Rar.~Y:~ ~ 2~OW, T:~.:.: ~+RE, BE I•~ ..~50LVcD, that the City of Cupertino accept : n~ :3 grant : ; : e :.~ered; ar.; I?' :'::.:~R RE3~LL~, that the Ci~;~ rlerk be and he is her~by ~~..:~~o:cS.zed tc :e~~rd 3aid :~3±catioci and ttiis ~esolution. PASS~D h'.~~ 1DOPT'ED *n'_s ~6~h day af Januarx , 1967, by the : ~:.io~ring ti~, rx.:.;: Couc::~;-:~:: - De~nFs~Ar, F,~,t~zgsral.d, Joh~~son, h'oel, Stokem ~r~~sS: C~ur..:.; :-e:: None ,aE21T: Ca!,r.,: ~~::~an - None ~?~ST: APYROVL : ~ r..---~--- ;~c. ~ ,~--,~~,~~-r-~~. ~ ~ ~ y .~r ayar . . . , i y