CC Resolution No. 1399 ~
~ ~
R&SG~'..,UT;~ON N0. 1399
' E?~.''~G A~ES(3.T.,LIi'~~H OF `~i'E CITY 0~' CU't'ERTI.`JO
. RAA~1°i~IAY PURpp~ES
~AS, ~'f~#E~ R. 5~L a~.3 JwAN~T~F I. SAnOL have exeuuted a
c~~c~tt~on whiar i s in. gvc~d ~ suffic:Lent form, gra~ntin~,r, to tti~ City ct
C~er+.:~a, Gounty of Santa Cla~s, S'~~~e uf Celi.orni~, th~a f~~ tit~e ~o
~ez~tis~ real grcpQrty Por rv~r~y purposes, si~uate in ~h~ Ci~y of Cuper-
` #~~s:~, de~ ;r~ir.~3 as fol].o~?s :
~ginning at the puint nP ).nterseQtilon of
the West l~.ns of
tih~3 parQe:~
c~~ 3.~ci ehoxn Qa that Q.ap ent2tled "Reaord of Survey of Land of ~ax~l an
E~cker" as ~aid msp is r~~orded in Bnok i5 c~ Map~ at pa~e 16 in ti-~~
O~~'f~.c~ aP thE~ :i~L~rder oP the Count,y ~f Santa Clara, :~t~~e o~ Ca11f'c~~•ra1.a,
r~t'z a. ~ine p:~rai~.e1 wiC11 ar~ 2~ £est SoutherXy meseured at right ar.~l~~
fy c~u ~he :3au~h :ine oP Haae:~~~~d ~ Rvad 40 feet wido; thence f'rom said p~3n.t
Q~' :.~g~.nnln~3 '~zs~erl;/ a].ong s~?2d paral~el ~.ine ~o the T~es~erly line of
~ ~C'r3.~w ~ertair. p8:`~el ~af ~ar~t cflnv~yed by Ear1 M. 3oren~en, e~ ux, to Jetne~
' ft_ ~~~~1, et ux, by ~3~ed recard~d JRnuary 21, 19b4 in Book 6353 of
Rew~,r~s at page c33 in the Of~ice or tk.e Recorder oP the CountJ of Santfi
C'~ State ~f ~~2ii'ornia; tr,.~nae No.1therly r~long said Westet~ay of
c~rtain Fa. : eI oi' 1.a~nd c~nveyed to Jaries R. Sabol et ux 25 re~t ~o
t~~ 5~~.~th line c~ Ht~mastead R^~~; th~ncs Easte~ly along said 5outh line
-~a~stead "rtc~~ La sai~ 'Ke:;t 11ne ~f that certain parcel oi' land ghawn
o.: ~ap ent~:~~3 "R~ca~d c° 5~srvey of Land o~' Carl P, an3 Emma Becker";
*_c~~ Svu~her:;: along esi.~i ~ ine 25 feet to the poin~ o~ beg~nning,
cr~ apF: •:x' -ately O.C:~;=~ acres af land and b~in~ a part of the
~'a-.~~.~ ?3ncho.
_'~Oi+', TY•E:.~ C?.:, EIF. T^ rZ.""~..~C3~.,VED, ~hat the ~~.~y of Cupert3no accept
3nt so :ere~; 8n3
iS FU.~~:_.=. RESOL'VEI3, :`~a~ the City Clerk be ar~d ?i~ 1s hereby
: zed t:- : ~~:.ra said de~~~cation and this Resolution.
PASSED +i~flFTEU thi~ 1,5th d~y c~f Ja~~uar~ J.967, b,,
= ~`c~~ l~wln~ : _ . _ .
~'4* : Cour.~ `_~~?r. - Denpst~r, F~.txKera.ld, John~on, tioel, S~~kea
;iu Counc'__-~n - None
Goun;,~._-en - None
c : APPR4V" :
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