CC Resolution No. 1400 ~ ~
~i.ESO~,t~TTON ?~3~.~. 1~iA0
HLI:N4 A~S~l::U2~IG~J 0~ 'I`~fE CI'?'~C aw CUF'EflT~N4
ACC~P~['7NC~ D'EAI4A7~'xON OI~' P.k:AX. P}~OPER~1'Y k~Qft
fl~AI7WAX F1JF2P03~S
WIiEFtEAS, NATIUNAL YftESE1~VF C~i~€F'/1NY, aor~or~~~.on, r~~+a
ea:ecu~ed A ded~.C~~'~on whiah irs ir. E~a~d ~nd ~ui'fiaient f~r.mD tv
the City of, f;aunty oi' Sti.nL-t~ C1ara, S~a~e of Callfoi~nia~, ~he
fee tit~e to cer~ct3ln rs~7~ J~ro~er~,y i'or roadt~ay ~~tipa~ea, eitu~te 3:i the
Gity oi', de~~wr:lbec3 F~s f'c~1.lowe~:
" Beginning at the ~nteraec;~ian of thc center lines of ~omestead RoRd
' and Blan~y Avenu.e; t~r.pnce al.on~ t;h~ center :line sAid Dlanay Avenue
S~uth 00~ 04' 9U" Ba~,t ~~15.12 f~eL to a p~int; thena~ along ~ 3ine ~h~t
is pnrallel to the a+~nt~r o~ Homestead Road North 890 ~+S? r 00" Eant
25.00 f
eet ta thEt T~UE I'OINT OF BLaINNINC~; ttlpnae alon~ eaid 11ne
; pt~ralle~ ~o the c•en~er llne af Hom~atsad Rc~ad Nart-h 09 42' 00" Eaet
5.00 feet to pciin.ic; thence a.l.or. a that ia paral].~l to th.~ center
tine o~ Blaney Ave»ue South 00° 0~' 00" East145~00 feet to a poin~;o
thence A~Otl$ a~ir..e paralle~ to ttie center 1.ine o£ Home$te$d Road ~9
~}2' 00" Weat S.IJt7 teet to a pc~in~; ~hence alang a lirie that ia para7.1~1
to the cent~;r line of F3laney Avenue Narth 00° 04' OO« Weat 145.00 f~:et
to the tru~ goin'c of
11QW, THI3Ii~'c~ORE, BE IT tt~~OLVED, that the C3.~y of aceept
said grar.t so tendered; and
IT ~:S FURTHER RESOLVED, that tt:e City C1erk be and he is hereby
authorlr.ed to reco~^d sald dedication and thia Resolu~iun.
F'ASSF.ll AND ADOPTEV tl~~ir3 ~6~h day of J~nuary , 1967, bY
the ~` vote :
A'LES: Councilr~iert - p~mpster, FYtzgerald, Johns~n, Noe)., Stokea
NOE~: Councilmen ~ None
A~33EtdT: Councilmen - None
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