CC Resolution No. 1412 ~ RESOZ.UTION N0. ~1~a2 . A ftES~LUTxON OF CTT~' COUNCIL dF 'I''c~ CXTY , OF CUPERTTNp A~PROrY~Nt~ F~NAL MAP ~JF ~RACT NO. 4274, BAYWOOD ~CE, UN~T NU. 6, ACrFPfiYHO CER~~'AI~1 DRIV~3~ P~~1CES~ AVE.~S l~t~i~a R~~hDa^; AUTHORYZ7Na GZTY '3I+~t~IIaEER AND 'I'HE. i;LTX CLERK Ta SICiN '1'~' ~'INAL MAPr and AUTH~RI?.INCi ~ ~ AaF~F~M£N"Z' ~Y~ ~CCi~V~FEC'!'Y0;1 T'riERE'dTTH ~AB, th~:re has been p~esentec~ to the City Council far anproval and i'or authariz~t2os~ to racord a final map of CfTract No. 427~, H~ywond Terra~e, TJni~ ?t~. 6", showing cert~in avenuea, drives, places ~nd roada; and WHE.`REA~, thei~e har~ been ;~~~:.;~~ted to `.~h~ City Councl.l ~ propased , a~reement for the cons~ructior~ of streets, curba and guttera, and for vther ir~x~ovements, and goo~i ~nd sufi'icient bund~ having bee~ prener:Led for tihe faitt~ful Ferfoi~m~nce ~r asid wurk ~nd ~t:e cnrry±.ng out of ~~id agre~mer~~; nn~l sAid ~nap, ~gr~e:.~~nti, r~nd bunda h~vi!ig ceer~ ~pproved by ~~:e Cit~ Attiorney; noti~r, ~here°~re, HE ~T RESOLVED tht~t t~aid =:n~l riap c~2' "Tr~ct P1G. 4274, Haywood Terraae, Unit N~. 6", be and e uame i:~, hereUy, =~gpr~veci; and the avenues, drivea, place~, ~nd r•~ .dt~ ~hcwn tnrroori be an~ the same ~rc hereby ~ccepted; arid t-h~ City ~n~ineer an:i Lh~y City Cisrk are hereby autihorized to execute the a~ree..~ent here,~~ _~~=~'ar~~ed t: in behalf of the Cit;~ of Cu~ertino. PA~SED AND ADOPTED th.is ~h day o1' ~~bruary by the following vote: AYES : Cnune ilmen - ~effipeter, Fitzgeral.d, Johnaon, Noel, ~3takeQ ttOES: Councilm~~n - None AIISE2iT: Cauncllmen - Nane A'i'I'EST: APPROVED: r~~~ C_ ~ ~ ty , erk ayor r- ~ G ,