CC Resolution No. 1429 W ; ftE~C1T~I0N No, 1~+29 A~OLU'Y'TON OP T.'~E CIT'Y ~OL3~(CIL OF mI~ CITY OF CUFBRTINO • A~~'TINa ]~U~~iBT FOR 1~KP~'i~ 0~ FUNDS AI,UOCATED FR03~4 TF~"r: 3 ~'~i'£ 'rII~~H~IA: Y ~D R'0 CI~ „ W~iEREAS a m~e~~r sgx^ae~ent hae been ex~cuted bg ~ha ~Cityr v~` ~Cupertina, ~ere~nagter yr,ef~rred ~o as the Ci'ty, at~ ~he :3~~,~ D~p~rtm~nt d~ ~tblic I~iorke, Division o~' Hi~hw~ya, here- i~ter r~~err+~d ~o sa the Departm~r~~, on Apri~. 11, 1957., Por e~pend3~ure ar State-~7.locited i'unds ~ and WHLRE115 a prc3~Gt sta~em~nt has been prep~~~d s~nd ~oae au~- ~L~ted to the Desparttment vn February 28, 1g67 ~hc?~ring the ee~i~ c,~~ed exp~nditures ot sueh ~ur~d~ reco~r.mend~d t~ be n~de during 7966-~7 fiscal yea~; and ~H~REAS a budget apprc~rcd by the ~epartmen~ on Y~arch 7, i~:7 ha~ bepr-. paresented to ~h~ C1~y C~unetl in ~eCO:cfance w~.th t~~ pro~ect stat~m~nt subGit~~ec! by the City; and 'WHEREAa tha City Cour.cil has considered g~ld bud~et, as a~~r~v~d by tr.~ D~partmenM, ~r~d famili.ar w1.th ~he cor,.t~nt~ t'r~: eof; . THEAEFQRE, b~ 1~ ar~ffia~ved by the Clty Council tha~ aaid t~-~~t be ar,d ig he~eby a~3opted ae the budget oP expendituxea r~w Mmm~ncled. t~ be mu~~e i'ro:~ aueh fund~ during ~he 2y65--frT fi8- c~:. y~ar, PASSEA A:~'J ADOPTF.v ~~-.1a ~,~20 ~day of , 1967, t~ :.he follok~ng va~e: A'~:..:~: Couii4.~i~lmen - D°c~~~ -er, Fitz~:~t~ald, ;fo~znsor:, I:oel, ~tokea N:~: Cour.c~Imen - 1~ar.~ A"~:'~J~": Cauncilmen - 1Jo::~ A PPROVED: ~ ~ ~ ~ R ~;:';:r..~;T : . ~ rv y r, y o per no i~ 1er