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CC Resolution No. 1456
' . ; ~ ~ a'~•13Y,ii.^I~2~ t:0. l~:~i; , Jl ~t?~J"1'IJN aF 1~iE ciTY CaS12i~'17. '~f?L: r,x~'Y a? ~:1?l~'~'~.FT~t;o 1h 'R',ASZA1'fCiS TO FtIGF?~ RA"~I'?,~Z~l 'it) RtiilUC'i3 H3E!~C YAIt~7 St;~c 4CK I~Odrtt C U~E~J'~1 . 1~G 11T1SACI~~JT 1~0 R~IDE7~4'i'~AX. ?.~C~~. lO~Jl ,8. ~AR;i'4.Ir1~8Utif.'~YG'AL1C RMD. , ~ ~J18~ the applicaat t~az x~l; the burdEn o!' ~rooP r~quir~d to au~art l'si~ ar~id application; and ~ thE Plenning C~cai~s~an, ~Y`ter duly noticEd pub~ic h~nringa~ h~ua r~cx~ended in ~'e?vor cP sald YARIA1iCE. 1t0'W~ Tf~'ORE, A~ IT' RSSOLVE!) : That after c~i`u]. consider~,t~on ot' .:_a_ i'aete, exhi.bit~ ~rx'1 otber ~~ri.dcnce suUia3.~t~d in thia t~?ttcr, th~ s~~gl!c*.ti.~n for the YARTARCE ~'-V-~ be, and t:he e~ i~s h~~reby A roved sub ect to candi~iona ~'!'~Sann3ii~ Commissioii Reszolutinn o. tac~c~~ BE zT ~v:~z~r x~oLV~n: That the report of findin~s attache~ hQrcto io ~i~rc~ved a,.~.c~ Adopted , nnd ~hat thr. ~t ~lrrl; Le, ar,d is hcr~by dir~ected to r~':iS'y the purtiea a~'i'~cted hy th+ deciuion. PASSID A2tD ADOYI'ED by the ~it;~• Co~u;;:il o, ttie Ci~y of Cupertino~ ~3tata a° Californi.e~, thia 15th doy ai' ~t~S~y , 1g67, by the fo~.la~r~ng roll caa.I, vote : ATrr~: C~uncil~en - Derr,pstE~r, ,Iohn~on, Noel, S~Lokea, F`itz~erald F~: C~unciL~en - ?lorie , ~ ~ : CounciLne:~ - ?JcnE: ~1T~PIZOY~ : , ` r ~ : t'W_''~ . tSc~f~ c ,~~Cib,~~ • ino A:"~`.YS'~' : ~ rr~,. ~ , Gi. • C1c~rk . , . . . . r . . y ~ • ~ ~ . , ' 0+~0 . 6 ~ ~.wv_E7 1~~'rOI~UTION I~C~. 4~1 PLA.'YKI1tiG ~Ol~'St~3103`i t'z~' 'I.iiE CI`IiY UF C,UPERT~NO ~I~NDIHG 3HE G~ANT7iNG GF A. VARIA.I~i~E to reduce the rea~ y~rci se~.back for a cocr.mercial bL.iicl~n~ ad,~acent to a Resic~entii;~' Zc,ne. i.~":~.SCAN`i': aUg~ne Rav3.xE~ .~~'~s 10641 S. 3~.rsto,~~-~~ennyvale Road, Cup~rtino . ~~D: ~pril 14, 19~67 ~ ~',A?20H: idf~l S. ~nra~~~a:-~3unnyve~ e Road, Cup~rtino Cu AREA: 1~ acres +CD2P)7I~'IONS : ~ Z1ne stre~t ~mpr~vements on Saratioga-Sunnyvale Ro~d are to b~ compl~ted ta the setisfaction of the Ci~y EnginQer. s. ~11 t+uil~irYg i~provem~nt~ a~,~~ site layout must carry the ~pproval oi' the Architectural and Site Gontrol Committee. ~~i33ED AND ALVPfiED this 8tr. c.' 1iay, 1967, at i~ regular ~eet3ng of tr~e Planning Co~:i~s~.on Uf ttlc C~ty of' Cupertino, 5tnt~ of Calii~,rnia, b,y the :r~i2cwiraR r~).l call vute: ~?~F.g: Corrunis~'_oners Brysor:, : r~: ~~:i, N3.rshon, Horgan, Huth~nuth ?GA?"S : None APPROVE,A: ~ J~hn W. Bu~henutt-i ~ C a~.rman ~ Plrxnning Commission ~,.i TE.ST: ~t?~,t~Q, ~~t.h~ ~ t ur3h ~?SreCt,or of Plaiuiitig -2- . . . . . . . . , I ~ ~ „q i, . R 1' ~ ~ • + ' . ~ 'i U w R `I' i : ~ - ~ }ial.l, 1G~,~~~1 'I~rre ~ k ~eiiu~ ...rertino, ~rnia_9~0~1; _ = lephune ; ~4~;~;~'~ 252 1~h0~ ~ RF.~i43.~'~C?~ (,1F ~i~ =~,~iJIN(3 COMHI:Sar :~'N `JF THE C'~ OF CUPERTTN(3 REG"~~'..T~Ii~~ 'I3?E ~=.:~.'~~'~'NG fiF A ~IA..~x~??'CE ii~[EF~~ P1ar.r._ ~~,ommissiQn cf' :.n~ City ~af ;}a~artina received an a~pL~~::.~r.t~.on for a ~1 R~IANCE, A,~ ~a~ on Page G; and 3~'H~~ t?:~ apF1_~~;:~ has met r~ ~~•~.:r~+er. of prc;:.' required to support his .~a~.~ ~.g~l ic a: : and iiiKEA~~ t~~ appl_;~~_~~n shows: ' ~~t there a~= ~~~cYal .~or.~:~. _~~,rs or exce: cnal charact~ri stlcs ~ s~ ~~:e nat~r_ "r,he Fro~„~r:;~ -c bE af fecr ~3, oi• that it3 loca- ~~e~r. or it s__°_ :~t~ndings ~r~= _~ci-i as w:~li r?rmit the C~m~{ ssi~~n r..~ke a u_=-_:~±nation t~sa~ ~:.xt~ral er._'crcenietit of th~ Orc~iiianee ~~t.:i~ resui c t•act.ical :~_°''w ~•alties cr •.::inecessary har~ships; and 2. ~ the ~r~..- of thG . f ~~1; is r~~ _ ~ary £or th~ r~rG~erva- ~.nd ~r . _ of S~..t.. pro~:er~, : _~r,ts; and zne shorr t,~-: arwr.~.-~n~ ~--~iL applicatf ~J;? nill : .r Elt~l'1c--. I't~ct IidV _ : _ _ „ ' 1'. _ 1'.~~1 , _ SB~ft'ty OF p~.*'S0l1;3 _ ~ing c. : = <:_r.g in ;:'r.: _ ~ ~ r C 1'.':O~~l~ c: property ~~~~j ch is ~~:b~jec. Kpp11.~^ ar.~s t~:a~ ?ise of sa.id ~!-c~~rty L :e mA?:.... ,,hich i . - } j t~ : _ _:sed wil~l nc ~ c~_ w ttte- ; ~.r_:y det _ ~1 to th~ c _ = - _ = ri=: ! t'ar:~ _ ! n~j~~rious to -Y:~ -ralue : : rcpert; . ° _~:provemer~- : : = _ _ . . . i r~ _ : ~LI2•roun.9ings; :iGii f r ~ C~RE~ _ _ RE~iOLV~:~: ~ha: car~ _ ~ _::sldera~_ i'='_ , ~'d.: , _ . : ~h± t~3ts and cth~r ~vid =.~~Y _ ~ ubmi.t : . *liis ma! . - r . ~ _ j. F: 1.1~ ~ t _ ~ t; fol~ t;he VA:cl.kli bP , and =~.r.e i~ _ . : i~e~e~~=•- - _ - = . r ~r~ ro~• : _ i.tle ~~:it;~ Lcuncil Gf t~..._ .M~J O.f . =..~I10 t~OT' ~L:.!-':'=.. _ d;_`1.~.~... ~'.1~~~~~Cl, t,G tf:~ CGfi- ~ _ ~Si.r?d ~ . _ ~ j 8Y1~ I~ _ :==:-iFR R~- 'i"F:~~ ~forer.._:.- _ :::ad Findlr.~ = _ " - a~,~. r~~ve,~ a~c~~ tecy , ar.: *_ha _ *.Yra ~-~~rjtary is here~;; _ _ u~ tr ~ _=ti• rt~~.~ F~artt:= ~if- .:'r~c.: ~`.htS ~:r_:__~.`l1. , ; . t ~Cl1~ ~t1UF`C3 GTl l~B,gE 2~ , , ~ Y ~ ~ ~ F11e No ~~y-~7 REP~~fI' QF FIN1~xNQ~ Th~ a.p~1.~.catl.on For ~ Variance on beha 1~ of .~~nQ Rav17~a, ' ~ showe: . _ . . ~ 2'hat there are ~p~ " _ t;ions or exoep~~.on~l aharacter3.atics in ~l~c s~.tur~ of the prope: at`feeted or t~~t iCs Xocation, or ite t~rara~ndinga are such a:: Fex~.l.t th~ Counail ~o make a determi.na-~ tion t~at a liter~?1 enforceme~.,: of the Ordinance would resul~ :Ln pract•i- ca.l di~'i'ieul~~.es ar unneeessax~ hard$hips; and ' Ti~a'~ the gr~ntin~ of the appl~:catiior~ 1s necessaY~y for ~he pre~ serv~.~.an and en~oyr.:ent of substEtn~±al prv~er~y r~.gh~s; anr~. ~'ha.t the granting o.f ~he application will not ma~erially afFee`,; adver~ly the heal~h or aa£ety of p~ersons reaiding o.r working ~.n the neigh~~rh~~d of the prnp~rty which i$ ~he sub~ec~ of ~he appl~.ca~3.on, and ~C.~rt; the use of said property in the mktnner which it 1$ propased ~o ~ be u~~n Kill not be 4.~.terially detrimental ~o the publ~.c we1~'are ar in- ~urios,:.~ ~o tihe valu~ property or improvements located in saici aur~ , rvundS.a~ ~ . , , 'r