CC Resolution No. 1482 . .t ~ RESULl~TION ~10. 1l18~~ A FtE~SOLU?'IOrJ OF THE CITY COU1~iCiL OF THE CTTY 0~' CUPEA'1'SNO ALL04~`IP1G CERTAIN , CLAIMS A~~D LEMIINDS FOR PERSONAL SERVICES FAYAI~T~ ZN T~s AMOUNTS, Fnh THE FyUKPUSES AND FROM TfiE FUNDS AS HERE~N~FTER .DESC~tIBF..D. WHEREAS, t3ie Cit;y Clerk of his designated repre~:en~a~ivP has certi;'i~d to t,he accuracy a:C the fui~.owing claims and demands and ta the av~~.labi~.ity Uf fund~ far payment thereUf', and WHEREAS, tYie ~aid claims and :ie~~~snds have been audit;ed as requirzd by lzw ~.nc~ appxoved by the Ciry M:~na~er; NOW, Tfi~REF'OFt~, BE IT R.ESOLV~D thaL tlle Ci~y Council lieret~y alxows the S'ol].owing claims and demands f.n the amaunti~, and for the purpdses and f'rom the funds as hereinafter ~et forth. FUND EbiPLOYEE WARRAI3T GROSS AMOUNT ~ ~ NO AMOUNT PAID Salaries ~nd W2ges for payroll Period Ending July ,~1, 19r7 GlENERAL FUND Philip Storm ~~267 $ 770.83 $ 623.62 Florence Reid l1268 265.00 213.11~ W111iam Ryaer 42G9 525.00 411.7U c~iaays rtc~~u~h 1~270 2~5. o0 2~3. ~.4 ~ llalores liarbst 4271 240,50 193.12 Dor~othy Schtnid 272 20',( . 50 168 . 37 Fx~arik Finney 112'j3 60$ . 00 j01. 30 }3anda1l 2~.ttizgerald ~4271~ 373 . 50 318 . $7 17av.id Haii~en 112'rr 3;38 . ~0 ~65 . ~6 SumilCO b1Axtln u276 ~52.54 202.8~ Robert Si~ook 1?277 476.OC 372.51 MarLiy~ P.Lne U27f3 2g2.50 244.23 tiarald Johnson 1427~ 278.58 224.1~2 ."tos~ph KSnz leY ~9~ . 5~ 25~ . ~3 William Benevlch 4~81 u76.0o 366.7~. Jotln ~usto ~2~2 ~a3~.Od 35~•59 F.dwa rcl Mu rphy 2~33 j~ 1 Z. 50 348 2 Void 42814 Iieidi t~lur~kami ~t2B5 2~~ . 50 202 .89 Adde I~urin ~~28Ei ~~'t6.Ot7 37~.66 ~ame~ Nuz am ~?t37 ?,5~ . 50 30C . 06 Vn1:i 2f3~ ~ llen i~l.rrunc~n~ 112A~ 25~. ,~0 197 . 89 P~tirn.i. Slater 1~2~0 278.~0 219,g~ Jean Rodehorat ~1~?91 179.00 159.72 M~.r~h~11 Reeven t~2g? 2314 . o0 193. 50 gc.~ llocking ~a2g3 ~~~i.5o :3~+i.3~ F~HU~ ~~age ~~29h 29'~.50 234.33 J~c k:mr.~e t; ~ ~12g5 2~, . o0 213 .111 Jerr~ D~Pi'ilo ~+~96 394.U0 j2$.1~ Tiioma~ ~L~pher~~, tlr ~7 292. ~0 2~0. 9~3 Ambrnne ;8risrc~ ~~~98 252.5~ 207.79 T~'erdinanii 5~.~+.ani l?249 'l.ll . 24 99. E5 nil]. 0' ~ir3.~:r1 4300 2~2. ~iu 23t4 .~fy henne~h MeKee 11301 223.OU 1~5.E?9 hByl I}f'. Sok;o ~13fl2 223. t~0 206. Sy auy Rt~oo ~3~3 2i2.5o 1~x.35 , ~ i M ~ N, . - ~ . ~ wJ~3L: gt 3/1.~~ 67 ~5c 1. ~ F.ESCLjI'~ION NG. 13$1- 15 ~ A~.ESG ~ UTSOI~I 4VER~?~JLIN ~~'ROTE~TS Ti~SOF~UTION ~F IN'LE~IOH N0. 1381~ ~ DeAN2A ET ~.L. ?I~IPR~VEME:tTT PRO: ECT ~10. 6E-1 RESai,~i'~D, ~y the City Cour_~il of the City of Cupprtino, GaliS'ornia, that W~AS, this Council did on Januar~r 3, 1967, adapt ~tc Resolution af Ir.tention Na. 1381-3 to acquire and ~ons~ruct public improvement~ in ~nd for said Cifiy;- . - WHER~AS, o~12~s~reh 8, 1957, this Gouncil adopted a resolution agpoint~:~g t~me an~ place vf hea.~ing grotests in relation to the pro- posed acquis~.tions and impraverae~ts and directing noti~e; WHER~AS, nat~.ce was given of the time and place zMpre~n statEd ir, th~ aanner gr~vi~ed by 1aw, as appe~rs from rhe af~idavi.~s on f~le ifl the o~fice oP the City Clerk; WHEFEAS, said rnatter c~ne on regu~arly fo~ hes.x•~ n~t- at the time therein fixe~; and 1~'HEREAS, all ~rritten protests and other written eomm4n~.cations were ~ublicly read a~ said mee~ting an~ al~ perscn~ c~esi~~n~ to be Y:eard ~ ~ere fully heard; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERID, as follaws: 1. ~'hat pro~ests aga~ns~ said acquisi~ie ~s ar~~ impro~remeots were not signed by the owners of a m~~ority or more af th2 are~ of ~he lands within the ass2ssment c~istrict, ar of the area ~f the lan3s wi~h~n the assessment distr,iei assessed fer t?~e eosts and expeas~s of said wark. 2. That said protests be, and.each of ~hen are hereby, overr~.~led. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 . : ~ ~ . + I - PASSE!? ADQPTID.by the ~ity Counc~~ oi` the Ci~y of Cupertino, S~ate o~ Ca~ifarr3ia, tY~.is ~oth day of ~rr~l , 1967, by ~he follaw-~ng votP: AYES: COUnC~lmen: D~pster, F~ttigeraid, 3ohnson, Stokes NOES: C~una~? ~er,: F.er,e AbSFNT: Councilme .r.: ~oel er ATTFST : ~ ~ o~s.t~ ty ~rx