CC Resolution No. 1485 w
R?S~7Z.FITI~2~ I~1C`. ].!~8;i
~.qEi5, '1n"S•,C~RM TITLR (~1ARAN~1'Y C~MPANY, Sa~ita Clara County
Div~sion, Ca? ifo;^nia oorporatiun, ti~g executed i; dediar~tion whiah i~
in ~~c~d and suffir,iclnt Form, grant3ng t~ the Ci ty ~~f Cupertino, County
of 3snt+~ C1~,~a, Statc~ o~' Calitorn~.a, the x'ee ti.t].~ to cei~~ain r~~l par~~p-
~rty f+ar raad~~ay purp~~seg, situate in the City of Cu~per~ino, d~~crlbed
t~~ follows :
B~ginning at a grantte m~nua~enti a~ the int~rsection o~' the
c~nterline of ~vlfe Road with the ~enterline oT Homest;eacl Ro~d, ae
~aid Homeeteaa Roac~ farm~r~l~ ~xis~ed 40.00 feet wi.~ie, a8 ~aid inte~-
section ie shcx: on that cE~tain Map of Trac~ Na, 1906, Ver~e aardens,
Unit No_ 2, a~ap of whiah ~s Piled in Hook 98 of Ma?ps at Pege 36 in
the d~'fice of ~~e Ftecor~ier oP ~anta Clara Cnunty; thence f'ram neid
Point v~' Be~ir~:in southerly along asid centerline ot' Wolfe Roe~~i,
3 a° 35 ~ 45 ti? 2~~.60" fe~t; t:._!~ce l~;aving said cQnterline af ~,'olfe
Road at right a.-~gles thereto I1 89L' ~~F' 15" W 54.00 ~eet ~o the Ti~~e
Point oF B~gir•.::±ng; thenee at ~•i~tht; and parallel to said aen~er-
lins of Wolfe :~3d, S 00° ~a' ~5 W 75•5fl ~~et; thence northwe~ter~y
an a tang~nt c~.:r~. e to ~'r.e l.eP hav~ng a radius of 37„'S0 reet through
s c~ntral ang~e of 90° 00' GO" an ara length of ~8.9C~ £ee~; thenao
northerly on ~~ine gar~11e1 v~ 8~id center?.ine of Wa1fe Road, N 00~
35' ~t5" E 76.C~~ ~'eet; thence northgne~erly along a curv~ to the ~.~ft
havir.g a radi~.:~ of 37. ~0 feet whoee ~enter benra N 00° 35 ~ 4~" B
concav~ nortr~~~s ~erly through a centra~. angle af 90° 00' 00" an t~ra
len$th of 5d.9~ f~ets thence southerly on tangen~; to the l~at
mentioned ,uz•~-~ and parall~l to sald centerllne of 'r~o'.te Ro~d,
S 0° 3',"j~ ~5" 'n ; 7.54 feet tc ~he TI'UE Poir.t of Hegin:,ing.
C~ntainir_` 0.0'~9 acrea, r~re or 1ess.
2~OW, THE~.;ORE, B~ IT AL.SOLVEA, that the City of Cup~ri;ino
accept ~aid gr= :t so tenderedr ancl
I7' ZS FUn::
:R RESOLVEU, that the City C1erk be and he ia heraby
au~i::~rS.zed Lo ~~cord said dedlcatiion and thi~ ReBai~ation.
FA~SSED .~h"~ AD~JPTED i;his 7th day of AtlgUati ? 967,
by the £ollc>H3:b vot~~:
AX~: Counc'.imen - Johnsor~, ltoel, Stoke3, Fltzgerald
NaE3: Counc~l~en - Nonn
AB~+1'~: C~una! lcaen - Dempst~r
AT"~'.~4T: APPROVEn:
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