CC Resolution No. 1486 Y ~ ~ . ;e R~3r:~7 ~IGH xo. 1486 A ItESULUTIOH AF' TH~ CITY CQUNCIL OF TJi~ CITY OF CUPF.EtTII~O SET7.'IN(3 TAX RA'1"ES F'OR THI: FIEiCAL YEAR 1967 - i968. ~S, tfie City Council oP the City of Cupertf.no hae adopted a bud,get ~'or th~e fiacal year endirig June 30, 1960; e,rad WHE~S, it ie ~iecPR~e.ry that R tax rate be eetabliahed to ra+.ee the reve~nu~~ required tor the operatiut~ of said hufiget; N4K, :HFAr.`'~.'Oft~, AE IT RESOLVID: Sectica 1. That the rai:e uf ~0.26 yer $100.00 asseseed valuation be the tax :ate of the City of Cup~rtino for the fiscal year 1967-1968 and to be d¢tlie~ to Geperal F~nd purpoaes. 3ectf.w 2. Thnt the rate of $().Oq per $100.00 aeseeged val.uation be the tax ra:e of the City oP Cugertino for the fiscal y~ar 1g67-3.968 snd Lo be apFl:s~' to the redt~uption snd interest e~cpense of thc Cfty Hall Bonds. Sec:~~:. 3. Tttat the rate of ~U.2~ pex $100.00 assessed valuation ~e the tnx r~.te or the City of CupNrtino for the fiscal yea?r 1967-19b8 and ta be ~rrliec~ to the rede~ption and interest expenes of the Prsrk ~tands . Sectica That the City C.~r:s ie inr;tructed ta f~le n r.ei•tified copy of this ~~s=~utlon with the proper County ~luthoritfea. YASST'° ~.`t~ ADAPT~ LhSe 7Lh d~, prr~Augtist , 1967, by the fall~xir.g ~ ~ :e: ' AYES: .:'.::.ciltcen: Johnson, Iloel, Stakea, Fitzgerald ~IOES: : ~•.~..:f 1mEn: ?ione liB.9~J'P: C:•.:..~cilmen: De~a~ster A~'PRbVID : L ~ ~CaGGY~......._._. Mqyor~ City f Cup t no ATT~ST : ._..._.Y.~~ • ir-~~.,._.~... City Cle .p ' , , ,